What should the MCU make now?

Ant-Man 4

Street level series of movies. Shang-Chi, Daredevil, Moon Knight, White Tiger. They went so big in Endgame, lets keep it grounded for a little bit to give people room to breathe.

The Eternals...

> Tone & style is epic, wondrous & less humorous then Guardians & especially Ragnarok.

> Very little of the film takes place on Earth.

> Sets & outfits are closer in quality & craftsmanship to the Krypton sequence of Man of Steel then to the cheapness of Thor Ragnarok (they used kirby art as wallpaper for f##k's sake), lots of color is fine but the textures & materials need to seem authentic & artful.

> Jolie's Sersi gets a faithful to comics outfit including her consistent sex appeal, this outfit & hairstyle would be ideal - i.imgur.com/7Mp7ryO.jpg without any mesh covering over her cleavage like Gamora's similar outfit had in the 1st Guardians.

>first box office bomb of the MCU

a clean getaway?

Moon knight. Warren ellis style.

She-Hulk solo movie

go back

Moon Knight would be far too complicated for the MCU but if they go with his origin story it could be pretty simple I guess. Just make a simple revenge flick after Konshu brings back Marc.

>this again
Every film until it happens, right?