What should the MCU make now?

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Bob Iger retire

X-Men and Fantastic Four

3 hours slideshow of foot pics of all MCU actresses

The Galactus trilogy.

fat thor and friends spin off!!! lol isn't the mcu so funny?!

Moon Knight, obviously. All the other good Marvel properties have been done.

Kamala khan the movie.

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they need to fuck Sony just in case they remove Spider Man from the MCU basically, so no Norman basically.

This is a great idea.

Follow it with cleavage, thighs, and bums.

Ant-Man 4

Street level series of movies. Shang-Chi, Daredevil, Moon Knight, White Tiger. They went so big in Endgame, lets keep it grounded for a little bit to give people room to breathe.

The Eternals...

> Tone & style is epic, wondrous & less humorous then Guardians & especially Ragnarok.

> Very little of the film takes place on Earth.

> Sets & outfits are closer in quality & craftsmanship to the Krypton sequence of Man of Steel then to the cheapness of Thor Ragnarok (they used kirby art as wallpaper for f##k's sake), lots of color is fine but the textures & materials need to seem authentic & artful.

> Jolie's Sersi gets a faithful to comics outfit including her consistent sex appeal, this outfit & hairstyle would be ideal - i.imgur.com/7Mp7ryO.jpg without any mesh covering over her cleavage like Gamora's similar outfit had in the 1st Guardians.

>first box office bomb of the MCU

a clean getaway?

Moon knight. Warren ellis style.

She-Hulk solo movie

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Moon Knight would be far too complicated for the MCU but if they go with his origin story it could be pretty simple I guess. Just make a simple revenge flick after Konshu brings back Marc.

>this again
Every film until it happens, right?

they need to reboot Luke Cage and Iron Fist (especially the latter) into the movies

>he thinks that the generic sci-fi sets and outfits from MoS are better than the based Kirby-esque costumes and visuals from Ragnarok
user, I don't know how to break this to you, but it sounds like you're suffering from a terminal case of shit taste.

I'd much rather watch an adaptation of Lemire's run on Moon Knight.
>have different trailers, each focusing on one of Marc's personalities, since he's not a very well known character, could make audiences interested in seeing how these trailers all link together
>Each time Marc is in an alternate personality, the filming style changes
>His movie director personality being a meta joke about superhero movies
>Make it look like Moon Knight is fighting a massive, world-ending threat, only to subvert the audience's expectations and have it all taking place in Marc's head.
There's far more creative things to do with Moon Knight than just a straightforward superhero movie