Is babel based?


Attached: 1553111990116.gif (380x222, 2.07M)

>First player to get charged for social media posts
>Called out United's referee bias

Based Babel was ahead of his time

Attached: babel based.jpg (475x535, 99K)

What's with the gap between 2011 and 2017?

Attached: Ryan Babel - National team.png (677x2265, 140K)

can someone tell me how to add those 'terminator' eyes to pics?

simple, he went to besiktas

Getting some fat stacks

Who will be the hero to call out Liverpool's referee bias?

Based Rafael

Attached: CS69976946[1].jpg (615x409, 33K)

Babel managed to score in that game though after capitalizing on a mistake made by Van Dijk which he, most likely, knew was going to happen.