Is babel based?

is babel based?

Attached: babel.jpg (460x635, 121K)

Hope he gets a move to a good club in the summer

Attached: ryan babel.jpg (441x328, 50K)

Holy shit, BASED.


wtf i love Fullham now?

what a lad

didn't liverpool win that game? and unless he tells his One Weird Trick to a liverpool opponent, what difference does it make?




Attached: 1553111990116.gif (380x222, 2.07M)

>First player to get charged for social media posts
>Called out United's referee bias

Based Babel was ahead of his time

Attached: babel based.jpg (475x535, 99K)

What's with the gap between 2011 and 2017?

Attached: Ryan Babel - National team.png (677x2265, 140K)

can someone tell me how to add those 'terminator' eyes to pics?

simple, he went to besiktas

Getting some fat stacks

Who will be the hero to call out Liverpool's referee bias?

Based Rafael

Attached: CS69976946[1].jpg (615x409, 33K)

Babel managed to score in that game though after capitalizing on a mistake made by Van Dijk which he, most likely, knew was going to happen.

Absolutely based

Attached: schaub.png (165x214, 85K)

easiest is to search for red giant, supernova or something and put it on the eyes


Based and bluepilled, what an absolute lad!

>Dutch national team has a top 20 CB and the best CB in Europe in the starting lineup
>Also an attacker from Fulham
What teh fucg

It happens. England's keeper plays for Everton.

>Also Memepiss Depoo

That's the Liverpool Legend Ryan Babel for you

>the best CB in Europe

Bruh the mistake was Alisson's.

Babel is essentialy a lesser version of Giroud but on the wings. Hope he finds an ok club because he could be of help for a lot of clubs.

picotit ballers btfo

Is that real?

jesus christ almighty, based

Absolutely based

based af


>Ryan BBBabel
Itty Bitty ballers BTFO

based nigger

Based Ryan Babbel.
We should bring him back to Ajax.

Jesus fucking christ it's utterly piss easy. Being able to do basic shit in PS should be a requirement to post here