I don't watch or pay attention to sports I just came here to laugh.
Why do Scots deny their Celticness
Scotland is actually unique in having a mixed heritage of Gaelic, Pictish and British Celtic ancestry
could laos beat scotland?
For me, It's Tunes of War
>Why do Scots deny their Celticness
Because they're Anglo
>your nation is an embarrassment to national football
says the guy whose team just lost 3-0 to kazakhstan
>you are (kek) league regularly BTFO by spanish farmers
since 2002 the only spanish teams to regularly knock out an english one in CL are real madrid and barcelona, has only happened on 3 other occasions (villareal v everton 2005, atletico v lesta 2017, sevilla v man u 2018)
this season scotland's top two in the europa league (a competition they unironically take seriously) were knocked out by villarreal (17th) and valencia (7th)
>incel-tier rage
literally im not mad u are
>cucked by the union
so politically independent that you get to choose whether you stay in the eu, right?
also no mention of language. despite the porridge wog's hatred of the english he has no language of his own and so has to speak their tongue, ironic