/rug/ - Gatlandball edition

Semana 3

França 27-10 Escócia
País de Gales 3-10 Inglaterra, Cardiff (35')
14:00 Itália x Irlanda, Roma

Semana 2

Furacões 36-31 Vermelhos
Lobos do Sol 30-31 Telopeas de NGS
Cruzados 38-22 Furacões
Brumbys 54-17 Chefes
Tubarões 26-7 Azuis, Durban
Tempestuosos 19-17 Leões
18:40 Onças x Touros, Buenos Aires

FOLGA: Rebeldes

Semana 3

Canadá 56-0 Chile
Argentina XV 35-10 Uruguai, Buenos Aires
22:00 EUA x Brasil, Round Rock

**horários em GMT -3**

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Other urls found in this thread:


>ireland away
>wales away
>still win 6N

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Why does Anscombe have to kick at every opportunity?

Bonnie Tyler

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England's defence is immense 2bh. We're not scoring a try here

Terry Jones

>It's up to Italy to stop England

Who is daring to hope?

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Bridgend is calling me.

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Wow, stop oppressing us.


How can one team be so intimidating?

A shit ton of offside tho

Tis a game of two halfs lad


Stop lying.

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he says ever more nervously

peyper at one stage told them "back foot" and they had two lads literally standing offside and he did nothing

Until they start getting penalised for offsides, then they're fucked

The absolute state of England

Englel will lose, prove me wrong, also scotland were robbed by shit ref and injuries

>shit ref
A shit ref would've allowed those 3 French tries that the tmo overturned

Should have gone for the drop goal FFS

England's meme kicks are ruining this sport.


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t. Angus McCannock

>5th place

why he no drop goal?

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Yes, absolute state of us

>The Celts are getting antsy

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Because he's a twat

Anyone try to get tickets to any home games this year?

It'd honestly be cheaper to fly to fucking Rome. Fucking bandwagon normies reee

wasn't watching the clock I'm assuming

yeah thats where england finished last year lol

You'd think they'd be more respectful to the people who pay their bennies.

>Get torn apart
>B-b-but they used """""meme"""" tactics so it doesn't count
Embarrassing desu

Because he's a tier 2 player and would be teaching key stage 3 PE if his dad hadn't been in with Martin Johnson

thanks for the (you)s >:^)

And where you'll finish this year :^)

>hammer of the Scots
>conquered the Welsh

Based and redpilled king

And kicking to fucking Daley every time

You're welcome, I know it's been a hard day to be Scottish. Hard couple of centuries really. Chin up

Honestly though is there any better banter than /rug/

6N is unironically the best time of the year on Yea Forums. World cup is going to go down in shitposting history

We beat england last year haha

AND a crusader too, don't forget.

oof, you jelly user?

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Its frustrating that every opportunity we've had to threaten in the final third has been kicked away.

You're only a try ahead, don't get ahead of yourself

>Dies of dissentry
>Army gets BTFOd at Banockburn


>tfw you'll never be a 6'5 international rugby player who slays more puss on the weekend than most do in a lifetime

What's the point lads?

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Reminds me of last year when patchoul kicked the ball to mike brown everytime

no, because we're winning this

This is the worst 5 nations for years.

wales attack, when it goes wide, is pretty decent at getting round the quick linespeed
I'm pretty nervous ngl
great game

>voted against independence

the world cup will be boring and cringey /int/ "banter"

Regardless of the outcome he will want to watch himself when out in Cardiff tonight. The valley boys will be out in force.

Are we winning lads?

No I didn't

>splitarse rugger
No one cares, Beeb

It was a lot of fun last time. People said the same thing about the football world cup and that turned out to be great.


he was already dead before bannockburn



I want the French women's rugby player to squash my head with her thighs

for you

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Will the six nations be the three nations after brexit?

Everyone knows rugby players are closet homosexuals, they don't enjoy it

Your non-country did, though :^)

Hence why I said he died before banockburn

what did she mean by this lads?


Just like how England is irrelevant outside of Londistan, embarrassing

This. It just makes the 10/10 Stacies think they're not pretty enough when in reality it's Owen Farrell they all fancy

Yeah, lets score another try before we start celebrating.


the football world cup was just different shades of race bait threads and spics getting mad at each other

and the english lads self congratulatory patting themselves on the back going "teeh hee silly foreners dont get our self deprecating humour when we post its coming home tee hee we're so superior"

That's fine, considering how Scotland is wholly irrelevant.

Now, back in your cage, slave.

Tarquin just sent this in group chat. Proper banter

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Based Faz. True WPOTY in my o

And yet it is those irrevelant parts of England that are dragging you out of the EU kicking and screaming despite voting massively against it

And? It was great.

England will run riot second have check em


>Yea Forums filename
Sure he did.


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>Gay-Rekt And-Scum
Put on Biggar you retards

What the fuck is Farrell doing with these retarded kicks

Well, yes. They didn't get the self deprecating humour.

>not knowing about Yea Forums x filename settings

Leave England to me

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these welsh cunts kicking off because they're losing. sad!

England are going to lose this shit. Farrell is fucking up with his kicking.

Can England not go one match without a handbag fight?

>Whoever starts it the next time, will be penalised
>Starts what?
Based commentary

*grabs your throat*
back the fuck off?

english superiority breeds anger

Knock that wog out

Why are the black guys on the England side kicking off?

>Shakes him warmly by the throat

Success breeds contempt


wales just lack the creativity to score i feel

>that lad laffin at the brown manlet grabbing his throat


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Must be weird for you English boys seeing so many white people.

>England aren't gonna score any more
This is our game lads.

If wales found England in a dark alley with no ref to stop it they’d fucking batter them

England are cucks

this ref is wank

Mate I live in Cardiff. It's worse than London. Hearing a Paki speak with a Welsh accent mixed in is fucking annoying.


tuilagi would decimate liam williams

The only reason Wales would be in a dark alley is because they’re busy sucking each other off

Yeah I wont argue that Cardiff is shit.

It's not great but let's not pretend it's worse than London. ......

>ants cum

>he doesn't live in an all-white village

>got a Welsh last name
Kill me

tbf williams looks like a cunt

t. Llewellyn Davies

Here we go lads. Comeback is on. England gonna be btfo.

Wales' kicker is sexy as fuck no homo

is it williams? that's an english name

England on sewercide watch


>Thinking wales can score a try.

I mean unless they penalty kick their way to a win I guess?

When will England get Wigglesworth on and clinch the victory?



Then why do so many Welsh have it?

got an anonymous tip that owen farrell is soon to be exposed as a nonce

Blatant yellow for fucks sake

>le indisciplined black

Angloed lad

That is a truly harrowing image, thank you

fuck all wrong with that, held his line

wow now i'm a remainer

because wales used to be england. it has similar popularity in england as wales



Englishman here. Sinckler or whatever Ngubu's real name is should have been sent off.

I wish I came from a white country like Scotland.


Sinckler needs to be fucking taken off. Liam Neeson needs to fucking have a word with him.

These fine rugby lads are like modern day GODS amongst mortals.

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This is actually going to be how they will win.


bit gay desu

fuck off farrell

We've got a game on our hands now boys

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>I wish I came from a white country like Scotland.
t. Scot

Grabbing peeps throats. Stay classy anglos.

Autism time lads

England has lost. Dan niggar is on

I'm saving all the smug britposts in this thread for the eventual Wales victory.

genuinely can't stand "jiffy's" voice

>prepare for the Ireland game like it's a world cup final
>have nothing left for the rest of the tournament

Eddie Jones, everybody

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England will never lose again

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rolly polly time

here we go


30 phases, christ.


tbf i think england have played better for most of this match





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Beautiful Wales, just beautiful

What a kick.

>autismo kicking

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>Smug brits suddenly very quiet

Like pottery

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No! This can't be happening

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>hue thread
You can tell all the English cazzies are here

what a kick

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King Arthur slaying the saxon dogs



Got a laugh from that, damn you.

seething drunk little englander

Honestly Dan biggar is winning Wales this match


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bet this ends in a draw

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wouldn't surprise me to be fair.

England will get a penalty in the dying minutes and opt for 3 like the cowards they are.

england cant use their meme kicking to chase a game now

Im Australian you cunt

serious lack of Yamato Damashii


this is just like the stuart lancaster days of pointless kicking

t. little englander

Biggar unironically MVP


Ha ha ha ha ha England have fucking lost! A haha haha. Going out in Cardiff tonight to find myself an English slag to console!

based wayols

>The slow realization that we have to play this Welsh team

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Absolute state of England. Scotland played much better today. What a joke of a team.




>England crumble when their meme kicks don’t work

box office

What are welsh bf like?


>w-why can't we play France every week-end?

based sheepfuckers

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Why are Welsh so master race fellow englishmen?

>tfw the words England and Collapse are synonymous with each other

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Well, I guess we’ll see you Engel faggots for the World Cup. Don’t linger now.




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>absolutley based cymru


That was a great try

>England have to score twice, they have 30 seconds to do it


mi negro

>smug rosbif statut : gone

does the average english person even register theres a rugby game today
l know its big in wales but does anything matter in england other than the footy

Rugby is turning into refball. They might as well have just asked the referee who I liked it more and skip the whole 80 minutes. Completely unearned victory by Wales.

>wales' world cup final

>English pakis are dead

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t.la luz extinguido


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t. rosbif traveling in hungary


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no no no no the fucking WELSH bulls did it to us again

Say that line Englel.

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ahh Wales wanted it more
well played

>Rugby is turning into refball.

I don't remember a time when it was not.

Ref was fine. We were deservedly beaten. Poor 2nd half by us and Farrell needs to know when to kick and what to kick.


Wales have some good slags tbf

I hope someone has some webms of the Welsh qts and that last try

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>All these Irish and French posters

None of you have the right to revel in that. Leave this fucking thread you losers.

Seething engcuck

>yfw english Grand Slam

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>they actually thought they’d get a grand slam

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Biggar is so clutch

Wales is English so England still won desu.


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ref was wank, particularly around the scrum but you play to the ref so eh

kek what the fuck with the interviewer

Post smug wales and aussie pepe

Hahahahaha fuck off england



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And which one of yous said Wales was going to lose

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ITS COMING HOME ahaha, can England win anything?

How many times did the referee interrupt an English attack to give a penalty or advantage to wales? He ignored at least 3 infraction during that 35 phase try. It was extremely selective refereeing there and it wouldn't surprise if he was paid off.

Stop making excuses.


>Leave this fucking thread you losers.
I know that this is some sniveling scot but still lmao

Feels good lads.

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Wales did lose though.

>muh ref
Sure, because >you didn't get away with a dozen offside infractions at the ruck or anything

>meme kick doesn't work
>Keep memekicking

quite enjoyed watching that in the background
see you in two years lads

We only adopted fixed surnames in the 1500s. Before that we used "mab" or "ap" (son of). Many surnames like Powell (ap Hywel) and Parry (ap Harri) come from that.
Rather than choosing occupational surnames or places names like the English, most Cymry chose their fathers' names as surnames.

I'm Scottish you mong

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Wales did lose, though

Ireland now have a slightly increased chance of winning the whole thing, especially with no BPs for anyone. The French just turned in a slightly decent game for the first time in months. Just because you're miserable you don't have to spoil it for everyone else

Stellar performance

Nah, it was fine. You're looking for excuses for our shit 2nd half performance and blaming the ref rather than shite like Farrell and his dog cock kicking.

>game has been over 5 minutes
>english crying refball
It begins. At this rate they'll be claimimg they usually follow football within an hour

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biggar kicker one reminds me abit of jimmy anderson

And Scotland took England by royal marriage, so Scotland officially are winning the six nations

Of course you are.

>Farrells face
Top kek

Daily reminder that English fans talk the most shit before the game and then cry when people dab on them when they lose. Suck it up boys.

Rugby is gay

Thank you bro, very excited game all round.

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The perfidious Scot is truly unstoppable.

Point and laugh lads, point and laugh

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Based ABEposter

Wales did exactly this and it started working after 60 minutes

welsh twitter right now

Americans must state their ethnicity before posting so we know where we stand.

That's our thing, really. Being arrogant and a poor loser is the great English pastime.

Watch Wales slip against the porridge wogs now.

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answer me you useless goons

England won though.

The state of english self confidence saying goodbye

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I don't think the Welsh can be legally classified as men.

>implying rugby isn't fixed to make the Wales-Ireland game the de facto final

Great day for /rug lads, even if you're English/North English. Scotland-France was silly fun with good tries and England-Wales gave the drama and moments of brilliance ans well as shitting it to keep it tense. Plus, there's now still tension in the championship for the last two weeks. Wales look likely but England are still in it and Ireland have an outside chance. Happy day


Then you just got beat by a bunch of women?

>The virgin Sweet Chariot
>The chad Hymns and Arias

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England didn't lose though.

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Farrell needs to be stripped of captaincy.

Keep denying faggot

Shut the fuck up.

>English cope ITT

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I think all that heroin is messing with your brain, Angus. England won.


Is he ded?

>rainbow shoelaces

We’re a snooker nation anyways, this sport is for closet homosexuals.

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>you know remember the Kyle Sinckler smugness


Sure thing Tarquin, best get nanny to run the bath it's nearly 7

>Ireland now have a slightly increased chance of winning the whole thing
Yeah slightly. No winning and losing bonus point in our last two games makes that very unlikely. Max we can get is 19 and I'd back England to end up with that seeing as they still have to play Italy and are on 10 at the moment.


no chance, scotland looked utter shit today

>conceded nine penalties

>Ireland neutralise the New Zealand game plan and take the win
>England neutralise the Ireland game plan and take the win
>Wales neutralise the England game plan and take the win
Are Wales the biggest swingin' dicks in town now?

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And it's nearly feeding time for you, mutt.

it was more wales only conceding 3
outstanding discipline
helped by the ref a lot mind but still, you play to him

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bit quiet in hear boyos, what happened?

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Lads actually imagine being pakistani

No, it was definitely that we conceded nine.

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9 isn't many, England were pretty well disciplined. More that Wales gave them absolutely nothing

This is the start of Welsh dominance, first the six nations, then the world Cup, then we take over England

Was glad, the pick n go game is exactly what Argentina are going to do to us in the group stages.

True but Scotland like fucking with the English if they can, they'll put all possible effort into stopping the bonus point there. I agree it's not likely, >we're 3rd favourites, but things look marginally better


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English boyos why do you select so many midgets in your team. it was literally men against boys out there

Simply taking back what is ours from the Saxon.

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You can have Mercia, no one wants Mercia

>wanting strathclyde

please take it, its a fucking dead end shithole full of inbreds and neds

Diolch yn fawr

nice troll, 3/10 for capitalising the E in England and ending with a full stop, nice.

Someone already made the trophy for the path of best teams that you're trying to imply, it's called the Raeburn shield and yes obviously Wales now have it

Thought England would be a cut above Wales desu. desu I think if the game was played in Twickenham, I'd favour England. On neutral ground, I'd still favour England slightly but >we're still not good enough to beat Wales in Cardiff.

Wales did the basics very well, that's all they needed today. I don't think they can be considered World beaters. Winning streaks are meaningless if you're not playing New Zealand, Ireland, England etc. Even if Wales do beat Ireland, doing so at home is a lesser feat. Beating England gives them credibility though, puts them in the Ireland-England NH-elite bracket.

England look like flat track bullies. When things are working its fine but they shell up very quickly. Our conservatism cost us. I wouldn't change a single player in that first XV for next week, it's a mentality issue. Hope they learn for it otherwise they'll guaranteed shit themselves the first time they go behind by a try in the World Cup.

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The welsh boys are going out.

Good. England needed to lose because they're a shit team with nothing in the bag. They won two games by memeing it up and Wales aren't daft. They've won the Grand Slam and the 6N and well deserved. Utter shambles and England players need a good talking to, especially Farrell, you can't just keep kicking the ball and hoping it works. England also need to find better offensive players. Bar May I saw nobody else go forward. Well deserved loss. Serves England right. Good job Wales, enjoy the Grand Slam.

wales just wanted it more. not only were they stronger physically but you could tell they cared more. this game is their life. all they have is rugby and this is like their world cup final. to a country that is dominant in all sports and conquered the world this game just isnt important enough for our players to be up for.

no mate, englel are just boring af to play against, jonny wilko would still be playing for 'em with their current tactics if he wasn't such a poofter

>"didn't care about it anyway"
t. seething

>Thought England would be a cut above Wales desu.
We were in the first half, I suspect some of that is down the Wales' sloppy play though. 2nd we were absolute shit, Wales weren't that much better I thought, but we kept with the meme kick game even when it was clear it wasn't working. Why do that FFS?


we're more of a hurling nation t b h

Where are the engpakis

>we're still not good enough to beat Wales in Cardiff.

They’re a different beast in Cardiff with roof closed and 74,500 people screaming at the ref

Playing hurling I reckon

Bradford and London

>say that Wales will win
>get told 'no'
>explain Wales will want it more
>told 'no'
>Wales win
>everybody stays silent
Told you. Wales had two weeks to practice against the meme game and Farrell's tactic is 'kick the ball and hope May gets it' which Wales knew would happen. England are slow, poor passers, poor kickers and have no strength. They're never going to amount to anything. England needs a complete deconstruction and rebuild because this is just fucking pathetic. Wales march on to our Grand Slam victory. Thanks for the record breaking match England, very nice of you.

Check archive of this image, you'll find my posts saying we'll win.

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England would have won if they had just put Wigglesworth on the fucking field.

I'd take boring and winning every day of the week. But boring and winning aren't joined at the hip, England lost by being 'boring'.

And Wilkinson is the best European fly-half of all time, wind your neck in.

Kicking is fine but the execution in this case was poor. Had we presented an alternative it would have at least given Wales something to think about.

I honestly think >we were just too scared to play wider and spread the ball for fear of losing it or being turned over.

Watching snooker

Roof was open and ref was shit enough that he couldn't actually enforce any bias.

Proof positive that Wales are better than England if any more were needed.

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wilko can kick and he's shit at everything else
enjoy your cope

We lost when Ashton get injured tbqh. Hartley never loses neither

Welsh discipline > English arrogance


That was the only kick he missed in the whole tournament if I remember. Autistic routine though.

Thank you for this, very interesting

If Ireland beat Wales then it'll be interesting but Wales will now have the desire for the Grand Slam so I don't see it happening. Also England will lose to Italy and Scotland.

>World Cup winner, Grand Slam winner, Heineken Cup winner, Premiership winner, Top 14 winner, 2 x Lions tourist, 2003 World Player of the Year, England's leading points scorer, 2nd most international points in Test matches

Have a day off you fool

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Miss him lads

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Bit of a homosexual pic desu lad

>This year’s 6N is just a warm up for the World Cup

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Knew you'd like it.

Moral of the story from today lads is that England aren't all that great against a team playing their full back in his right position

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*saves England's World cup campaign*

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He's a water baby inbred

Just skip to the Wales-Ireland match tbqh

Every team this tournament is likely to get EXPOSED desu

>Ireland exposed by English kicking
>France exposed by French incompetence
>Scotland exposed by Irish counter play
>Italy exposed by everyone
>England exposed by Welsh pick and go

Don't be surprised if Ireland exposes Wales pick and go meme.

All is forgiven

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Rugby has some of the most mentally cooked athletes on the planet.
No consistency anywhere.

Why aren’t the fans fighting in the stands? Aren’t England and Wales hated enemies?

and all he did was kick

>pick and go

What France & Argentina will use, thanks Wales for helping our bois’ World Cup campaign.

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Nationalist teenagers on Yea Forums aren't real life.

At least on the English side, no one has any animosity against the Welsh.

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Lol, you're the one who had it saved on your computer

hate that the WRU use the "Prince of Wales" feathers on their badge
he's not the Prince of Wales

>Why aren’t the fans fighting in the stands?

because rugby supporters aren't utter mongs

>wake up to hue /rug/
for fucks sake lads


Oh nonononono

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>"England are playing the best rugby in the Six Nations at the moment. It would take a hell of a team to beat them," Shane Williams told BBC Radio 5 live.

>"If the All Blacks came to Twickenham on Saturday, I think that England would win - that is how good I think they are."

Jesus, even NH legends are complete casuals lol

Anyway, well done Wales.
Get fucked England.

England cannot win against a side with actual fullback and wingers. Scotland will beat them at Twickenham. Eddie Jones will be gone before the wc final.

Sam Warburton said the same.

Sam Cazburton

Neck yourself. Will not have some Maori nignog disgracing Sam.

Now let's watch our war dykes crush the Scots again

There's something decidedly tiresome about Brits constantly claiming victories in imaginary games. NZ beat Englel at Twickenham just in Nov. The only lads up to the task were Ireland.

What has that got to do with what Sam Warburton said, you thick nigger?

Sam Warburton is a shitty washed-up player who clearly has CTE from using his thick head as a battering war for decades.

Looks like the nigger can't handle banter.

Attached: eg675.jpg (485x363, 93K)

>a battering war

Because Cazburton said Englel would beat us at Twickenham you thick cunt.

This, you stupid wog. GTFO of this thread
>>"England are playing the best rugby in the Six Nations at the moment. It would take a hell of a team to beat them," Shane Williams told BBC Radio 5 live.

>lose/win 6N game
>get angry at NZ
Jesus, every fucking time.
Sort it out lads.


Fuck you on about mate. Are you drunk?

Your banter is shit. GTFO, stupid coon.

You seem pretty drunk and angry m8. Head off to bed maybe.

You've just been fucking told what he said, you moronic shitskin. Why do you need telling again?

the absolute state of NH posting

>u-u mad
Just admit you're thick and misunderstood, then leave.


A mod literally closed one of his threads earlier but there was nothing to be done with the cazzie hordes

Why would I leave the general I run? seems counter-intuitive.

>Moral of the story from today lads is that England aren't all that great against a team playing their full back in his right position

Moral is two whole nations could not find one player in their entire population to track the ball.

It's all good. This angry racist cunt will get us to 500.

Because you stick of shit and are dumb as shit, you fat Polynesian trollop.

Sorry your team lost matey, but there's no point trying to bully me over it. You won't feel any better.

Wales won.

why is england so irrationally mad after a defeat
NZ did nothing wrong

Really sad to see angry /pol/ cazzies infecting /rug/ lads.

So you celebrate like a child having a tantrum? Sort yourself out mate.

>acts like a nigger
>gets called out as a nigger
>"hurr durr why iz the /pol/ bogeyman here"

I don't like fat wogs. Particularly ones as fucking stupid as you.

Jokes aside, Italy Women (F for feminines) are now a title contender for womens’ six nations lel

Attached: 4553ACFF-BA06-4CE7-B006-C48E43F687CD.jpg (640x388, 114K)


A peewee is trying to mix it up and image related is happening

Attached: 3B248652-F9C3-46F0-96CA-A8845E15B8FC.gif (400x239, 2.13M)

>splitarse rugby
Go away, Pekka.


women rugby is okay though

>tfw Welsh gf

It really isn't.
It's like watching Downs' kids on a bouncy castle trying to climb off.
And they can't keep hold of a ball if their lives depended on it.

your insults ardnt making sense mate. I'm intelligent and very white. I think you've had one too many and ended up angry on the internet. should go down tmr pub, find a brown person dnd call them a coon. post results.

>tfw no Welsh girlfriend

Pretending you’re welsh is even more embarrassing than your /pol/ spasms

he's right though

no what you're talking about is women soccer
women rugby is the entertaining one

No one is angry here, or drunk. You're just a boring shit and a thick nigger who doesn't understand words. Is that clear enough, fella?

Ron Perlman?


I’m with you here bro.

Trying to come here to talk rugby and these whining poltards/uneducated/whatever mongs crying for (you)s just ruin it all. For gods sake it’s annoying.

Yeah pretty sure this sad cunt isn't Welsh. Pommy coward hiding behind the union jack.

I just came here to laugh at England.

Wele goelcerth wen yn fflamio
A thafodau tân yn bloeddio
Ar i'r dewrion ddod i daro
Unwaith eto'n un
Gan fanllefau tywysogion
Llais gelynion, trwst arfogion
A charlamiad y marchogion
Craig ar graig ag ryn.

Arfon byth ni orfydd
Cenir yn dragywydd
Cymru fydd fel Cymru fu
Yn glodfawr ym mysg gwledydd.
Yng ngwyn oleuni'r goelcerth acw
Tros wefusau Cymro'n marw
Annibyniaeth sydd yn galw
Am ei dewraf ddyn.

Ni chaiff gelyn ladd ac ymlid
Harlech! Harlech! cwyd i'w herlid
Y mae Rhoddwr mawr ein Rhyddid
Yn rhoi nerth i ni.
Wele Gymru a'i byddinoedd
Yn ymdywallt o'r mynyddoedd!
Rhuthrant fel rhaeadrau dyfroedd
Llamant fel y lli!

Llwyddiant i'n marchogion
Rwystro gledd yr estron!
Gwybod yn ei galon gaiff
Fel bratha cleddyf Brython
Y cledd yn erbyn cledd a chwery
Dur yn erbyn dur a dery
Wele faner Gwalia'i fyny
Rhyddid aiff â hi!

Men of Harlech, march to glory,
Victory is hov'ring o'er ye,
Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye,
Hear ye not her call?
At your sloth she seems to wonder;
Rend the sluggish bonds asunder,
Let the war-cry's deaf'ning thunder
Every foe appall.

Echoes loudly waking,
Hill and valley shaking;
'Till the sound spreads wide around,
The Saxon's courage breaking;
Your foes on every side assailing,
Forward press with heart unfailing,
'Till invaders learn with quailing,
Cambria ne'er can yield!

Thou, who noble Cambria wrongest,
Know that freedom's cause is strongest,
Freedom's courage lasts the longest,
Ending but with death!
Freedom countless hosts can scatter,
Freedom stoutest mail can shatter,
Freedom thickest walls can batter,
Fate is in her breath.

See, they now are flying!
Dead are heap'd with dying!
Over might hath triumph'd right,
Our land to foes denying;
Upon their soil we never sought them,
Love of conquest hither brought them,
But this lesson we have taught them,
"Cambria ne'er can yield!"

Attached: llewelyn.jpg (700x466, 133K)


I've never watched splitty football so I can't comment.
Splitty rugby is diabolical. I suppose watching your garbage African team wobble about there's no wonder you think it's "entertaining".

Seriously then, wander down your local, find a " shitskin" and call them a coon. Post results.

Was it not clear here, you thick wog?
Fuck me, do you need constant spoon feeding, you tedious twat?

Wrong user, i only come here to talk about Owen Farrell, I don’t even like rugby more of a bowls fan

Attached: 3DFDCD98-8209-486D-B865-C998D14C3822.jpg (1698x922, 91K)

this pom is seething kek

>in wales
Isn't there a bridge you can throw yourself off?

Lmao. Another dumb Engpaki

t. seething pom
Take the L like a man ffs. It's just a game.

>u-u mad
This is literally the only response this wog has

>so how was your weekend Nigel?
> yeah triffic franks I got right drunk and btfoed darkies by falseflagging on an anime forum

I'm doing a poll:
How many Brits in /rug/ work in an industry that are threatened by lay-offs due to Brexit?
Pls reply with a (You)

>garbage African team
Our war dykes are mostly white
Your frustration makes you say obvious lies, user. As an Arsenal supporter, I understand how you feel. Take a walk through the city and have a beer, this will calm you down

Here's one

>u-u mad
>u-u drunk
Why does this thick nigger not realise I just don't like him?


Imagine spending your Saturday night getting angry at foreigners on the internet because your awful rugby team lost.

the lad who constantly screams racial epithets is from /brit/. he's affectionately called dave, it's well known he cuts himself. even for Yea Forums standards he's an odd one. best course of action is too ignore

>Your frustration makes you say obvious lies, user
It's called hyperbole.
Women's rugby is awful. You can try and defend that shite all you want, you only make yourself look daft, Froganon.

Rugby won

>absolutely furious

Attached: 20181123_170707.jpg (487x338, 70K)

>Imagine spending your Saturday night getting angry at foreigners on the internet

This is why I don't leave /s p/

Truly the Welsh are the superior people of the British Isles.

Imagine being a thick nigger, acting like a thick nigger, getting called out as thick nigger and getting so upset you can't contemplate how despised you are so you assume they must be drunk and angry, as if they think differently about you when they're sober and calm. lmao

Yes we are, and don't forget it.

go cut yourself Dave
aim for the wrists

Ty for the report

fuck up Dave.
you're mentally I'll, seek help.

How'd France get on m8?

Oh look, the casuals are still here.

I wouldn't forget it since I am Welsh.

>Women's rugby is awful
it's not
source : the game i'm currently watching

The fuck are you talking about now, you stupid shitskin?

Great grandad from Pontypridd, or some shit?

>it's not
I feel sad that your standards are so shit.

Mother's family came over during the brain drain.

fuck up Dave

Go kill yourself you weird nigger freak.

he also pretends to be scottish or welsh as you can see, but he's from northern england. I've seen him reply nigger for 4 hours straight once. he has some serious problems

Dave probably got BTFO on /brit/ and is chucking his toys in here where he feels safe

settle down mate, we won. why are you throwing a wobbly?

Attached: 1511627677305.png (245x215, 10K)

Dave on suicide watch

>nigger can't understand why he's hated
>believes any shit the casuals tell him
>wonders why people think he's a naive dumb turd

Don't like this Kiwi wog who came here to troll and is now getting slapped about.


Considering what english women look like, I hope your standards aren't too high neither

Attached: 1527341635064.png (870x820, 137K)

He's not Welsh ffs



this is the london paki. dave lives in his head rent free.

Actually I am. Already told you, fucking thick nigger.

ready for a new dignified defeat for jaguares?

When they're so low I start thinking splitty rugby is good, I'll be concerned.

Attached: Nicholas Van Orton.jpg (480x300, 21K)

be concerned

"British Isles" is a LARP invented by England to claim Ireland
But yes, the Cymry and the Kernowyon are the rightful inheritors of Great Britain.

>yank-tier response
And you did so well before. Shame.

You're not Welsh. Also your posts are very low quality, you need to widen your vocabulary somewhat. And try to keep it on topic, you seem retarded, and don't cut yourself it's not good to into self mutilation. If you need to lose some blood go get tested for AIDS and shit and if you're clear the Red Cross are always looking for donations, you could save a life. Otherwise, you could try cupping, it's safe if done properly and will lower your blood pressure.

you'll probably have the best game in 4 years to knock NZ out of the WC lol

Fuck me. Is that the best you could come up with?


Dave on the ropes lads

josie. you're such a brown noser. grow a spine.

That was true this morning though. They walked over ireland and put a big number on France. Meanwhile Wales had a cheeky win against France and a shit game against Italy. Not the pundits fault englel are scared of the Cardiff home crowd
