Will the six nations be the three nations after brexit?
Cooper Peterson
Everyone knows rugby players are closet homosexuals, they don't enjoy it
Dylan Mitchell
Your non-country did, though :^)
Aaron Murphy
Hence why I said he died before banockburn
Landon Lee
what did she mean by this lads?
Josiah Phillips
Austin Phillips
Just like how England is irrelevant outside of Londistan, embarrassing
Robert Allen
This. It just makes the 10/10 Stacies think they're not pretty enough when in reality it's Owen Farrell they all fancy
Ryder Morgan
Yeah, lets score another try before we start celebrating.
Sebastian Watson
Lucas Adams
the football world cup was just different shades of race bait threads and spics getting mad at each other
and the english lads self congratulatory patting themselves on the back going "teeh hee silly foreners dont get our self deprecating humour when we post its coming home tee hee we're so superior"
Isaiah Fisher
That's fine, considering how Scotland is wholly irrelevant.
Now, back in your cage, slave.
Cameron Price
Tarquin just sent this in group chat. Proper banter
>England have to score twice, they have 30 seconds to do it
Jackson Harris
mi negro
Adam White
>smug rosbif statut : gone
Andrew Stewart
does the average english person even register theres a rugby game today l know its big in wales but does anything matter in england other than the footy
Josiah Brooks
Rugby is turning into refball. They might as well have just asked the referee who I liked it more and skip the whole 80 minutes. Completely unearned victory by Wales.
How many times did the referee interrupt an English attack to give a penalty or advantage to wales? He ignored at least 3 infraction during that 35 phase try. It was extremely selective refereeing there and it wouldn't surprise if he was paid off.
Isaac Baker
Stop making excuses.
Brody Robinson
Josiah Diaz
>Leave this fucking thread you losers. I know that this is some sniveling scot but still lmao
>muh ref Sure, because >you didn't get away with a dozen offside infractions at the ruck or anything
Benjamin Rivera
>meme kick doesn't work >Keep memekicking
Joshua Barnes
quite enjoyed watching that in the background see you in two years lads
Joseph Gray
We only adopted fixed surnames in the 1500s. Before that we used "mab" or "ap" (son of). Many surnames like Powell (ap Hywel) and Parry (ap Harri) come from that. Rather than choosing occupational surnames or places names like the English, most Cymry chose their fathers' names as surnames. museum.wales/articles/2010-02-08/Welsh-Surnames-Why-are-there-so-many-Joneses-in-Wales/
Ireland now have a slightly increased chance of winning the whole thing, especially with no BPs for anyone. The French just turned in a slightly decent game for the first time in months. Just because you're miserable you don't have to spoil it for everyone else
Lincoln Clark
Stellar performance
Eli Brown
Nah, it was fine. You're looking for excuses for our shit 2nd half performance and blaming the ref rather than shite like Farrell and his dog cock kicking.
Liam Powell
>game has been over 5 minutes >english crying refball It begins. At this rate they'll be claimimg they usually follow football within an hour
I don't think the Welsh can be legally classified as men.
Parker Carter
>implying rugby isn't fixed to make the Wales-Ireland game the de facto final
Joseph Turner
Great day for /rug lads, even if you're English/North English. Scotland-France was silly fun with good tries and England-Wales gave the drama and moments of brilliance ans well as shitting it to keep it tense. Plus, there's now still tension in the championship for the last two weeks. Wales look likely but England are still in it and Ireland have an outside chance. Happy day
Julian Powell
Michael Bennett
Then you just got beat by a bunch of women?
Andrew Cooper
>The virgin Sweet Chariot >The chad Hymns and Arias
Sure thing Tarquin, best get nanny to run the bath it's nearly 7
Jaxson Thompson
>Ireland now have a slightly increased chance of winning the whole thing Yeah slightly. No winning and losing bonus point in our last two games makes that very unlikely. Max we can get is 19 and I'd back England to end up with that seeing as they still have to play Italy and are on 10 at the moment.
Cooper Gonzalez
Noah Collins
no chance, scotland looked utter shit today
Adrian Martin
>conceded nine penalties FFS
Easton Jackson
>Ireland neutralise the New Zealand game plan and take the win >England neutralise the Ireland game plan and take the win >Wales neutralise the England game plan and take the win Are Wales the biggest swingin' dicks in town now?
9 isn't many, England were pretty well disciplined. More that Wales gave them absolutely nothing
Carson Hall
This is the start of Welsh dominance, first the six nations, then the world Cup, then we take over England
Gavin Myers
Was glad, the pick n go game is exactly what Argentina are going to do to us in the group stages.
Lucas Cox
True but Scotland like fucking with the English if they can, they'll put all possible effort into stopping the bonus point there. I agree it's not likely, >we're 3rd favourites, but things look marginally better
please take it, its a fucking dead end shithole full of inbreds and neds
Christian Brooks
Diolch yn fawr
Colton Martin
nice troll, 3/10 for capitalising the E in England and ending with a full stop, nice.
Jaxson Hall
Someone already made the trophy for the path of best teams that you're trying to imply, it's called the Raeburn shield and yes obviously Wales now have it
Noah Davis
Thought England would be a cut above Wales desu. desu I think if the game was played in Twickenham, I'd favour England. On neutral ground, I'd still favour England slightly but >we're still not good enough to beat Wales in Cardiff.
Wales did the basics very well, that's all they needed today. I don't think they can be considered World beaters. Winning streaks are meaningless if you're not playing New Zealand, Ireland, England etc. Even if Wales do beat Ireland, doing so at home is a lesser feat. Beating England gives them credibility though, puts them in the Ireland-England NH-elite bracket.
England look like flat track bullies. When things are working its fine but they shell up very quickly. Our conservatism cost us. I wouldn't change a single player in that first XV for next week, it's a mentality issue. Hope they learn for it otherwise they'll guaranteed shit themselves the first time they go behind by a try in the World Cup.
Jaxon Jackson
The welsh boys are going out.
Luke Brown
Good. England needed to lose because they're a shit team with nothing in the bag. They won two games by memeing it up and Wales aren't daft. They've won the Grand Slam and the 6N and well deserved. Utter shambles and England players need a good talking to, especially Farrell, you can't just keep kicking the ball and hoping it works. England also need to find better offensive players. Bar May I saw nobody else go forward. Well deserved loss. Serves England right. Good job Wales, enjoy the Grand Slam.
Bentley Diaz
wales just wanted it more. not only were they stronger physically but you could tell they cared more. this game is their life. all they have is rugby and this is like their world cup final. to a country that is dominant in all sports and conquered the world this game just isnt important enough for our players to be up for.
Angel Moore
no mate, englel are just boring af to play against, jonny wilko would still be playing for 'em with their current tactics if he wasn't such a poofter
Christian Edwards
>"didn't care about it anyway" t. seething
Noah Bailey
>Thought England would be a cut above Wales desu. We were in the first half, I suspect some of that is down the Wales' sloppy play though. 2nd we were absolute shit, Wales weren't that much better I thought, but we kept with the meme kick game even when it was clear it wasn't working. Why do that FFS?
Ayden Nguyen
Connor Price
we're more of a hurling nation t b h
Ryan Morgan
Where are the engpakis
Xavier Ward
>we're still not good enough to beat Wales in Cardiff.
They’re a different beast in Cardiff with roof closed and 74,500 people screaming at the ref
Robert Parker
Playing hurling I reckon
Eli Wright
Bradford and London
Robert Jackson
>say that Wales will win >get told 'no' >explain Wales will want it more >told 'no' >Wales win >everybody stays silent Told you. Wales had two weeks to practice against the meme game and Farrell's tactic is 'kick the ball and hope May gets it' which Wales knew would happen. England are slow, poor passers, poor kickers and have no strength. They're never going to amount to anything. England needs a complete deconstruction and rebuild because this is just fucking pathetic. Wales march on to our Grand Slam victory. Thanks for the record breaking match England, very nice of you.
Check archive of this image, you'll find my posts saying we'll win.
wilko can kick and he's shit at everything else enjoy your cope
Joseph Anderson
We lost when Ashton get injured tbqh. Hartley never loses neither
Joseph King
Welsh discipline > English arrogance
Logan Lewis
Jose Nguyen
That was the only kick he missed in the whole tournament if I remember. Autistic routine though.
Joshua Morales
Thank you for this, very interesting
Kevin Cook
If Ireland beat Wales then it'll be interesting but Wales will now have the desire for the Grand Slam so I don't see it happening. Also England will lose to Italy and Scotland.
Ryan Ortiz
>World Cup winner, Grand Slam winner, Heineken Cup winner, Premiership winner, Top 14 winner, 2 x Lions tourist, 2003 World Player of the Year, England's leading points scorer, 2nd most international points in Test matches
Every team this tournament is likely to get EXPOSED desu
>Ireland exposed by English kicking >France exposed by French incompetence >Scotland exposed by Irish counter play >Italy exposed by everyone >England exposed by Welsh pick and go
Don't be surprised if Ireland exposes Wales pick and go meme.
>"England are playing the best rugby in the Six Nations at the moment. It would take a hell of a team to beat them," Shane Williams told BBC Radio 5 live.
>"If the All Blacks came to Twickenham on Saturday, I think that England would win - that is how good I think they are."
Jesus, even NH legends are complete casuals lol
Tyler Davis
Anyway, well done Wales. Get fucked England.
Cameron Mitchell
England cannot win against a side with actual fullback and wingers. Scotland will beat them at Twickenham. Eddie Jones will be gone before the wc final.
Jeremiah Butler
Sam Warburton said the same.
Jayden Hernandez
Sam Cazburton
Cameron Diaz
Neck yourself. Will not have some Maori nignog disgracing Sam.
Jeremiah Walker
Now let's watch our war dykes crush the Scots again
Xavier Robinson
There's something decidedly tiresome about Brits constantly claiming victories in imaginary games. NZ beat Englel at Twickenham just in Nov. The only lads up to the task were Ireland.
Robert Nguyen
What has that got to do with what Sam Warburton said, you thick nigger?
Zachary Sullivan
Sam Warburton is a shitty washed-up player who clearly has CTE from using his thick head as a battering war for decades.
Because Cazburton said Englel would beat us at Twickenham you thick cunt.
Ryan Nguyen
This, you stupid wog. GTFO of this thread >>"England are playing the best rugby in the Six Nations at the moment. It would take a hell of a team to beat them," Shane Williams told BBC Radio 5 live.
Xavier Roberts
>lose/win 6N game >get angry at NZ Jesus, every fucking time. Sort it out lads.
Adam Morgan
Landon Murphy
Fuck you on about mate. Are you drunk?
Bentley Thomas
Your banter is shit. GTFO, stupid coon.
Thomas Thomas
You seem pretty drunk and angry m8. Head off to bed maybe.
Tyler Ward
You've just been fucking told what he said, you moronic shitskin. Why do you need telling again?
Jose Morales
>wog >coon the absolute state of NH posting
Caleb Nguyen
>u-u mad Just admit you're thick and misunderstood, then leave.
Aaron Davis
Cooper Perez
A mod literally closed one of his threads earlier but there was nothing to be done with the cazzie hordes
Nathan Butler
Why would I leave the general I run? seems counter-intuitive.
William Morgan
>Moral of the story from today lads is that England aren't all that great against a team playing their full back in his right position
Moral is two whole nations could not find one player in their entire population to track the ball.
Elijah Rodriguez
It's all good. This angry racist cunt will get us to 500.
John Wood
Because you stick of shit and are dumb as shit, you fat Polynesian trollop.
Samuel Morris
Sorry your team lost matey, but there's no point trying to bully me over it. You won't feel any better.
Charles Jenkins
Wales won.
Anthony Scott
why is england so irrationally mad after a defeat NZ did nothing wrong
Cameron Collins
Really sad to see angry /pol/ cazzies infecting /rug/ lads.
Justin Bailey
So you celebrate like a child having a tantrum? Sort yourself out mate.
Landon Davis
>acts like a nigger >gets called out as a nigger >"hurr durr why iz the /pol/ bogeyman here"
Jose Green
I don't like fat wogs. Particularly ones as fucking stupid as you.
Colton Bell
Jokes aside, Italy Women (F for feminines) are now a title contender for womens’ six nations lel
It really isn't. It's like watching Downs' kids on a bouncy castle trying to climb off. And they can't keep hold of a ball if their lives depended on it.
Ian Flores
your insults ardnt making sense mate. I'm intelligent and very white. I think you've had one too many and ended up angry on the internet. should go down tmr pub, find a brown person dnd call them a coon. post results.
Luke Ross
>tfw no Welsh girlfriend
Bentley Reed
Pretending you’re welsh is even more embarrassing than your /pol/ spasms
Brayden Bailey
he's right though
Josiah Smith
no what you're talking about is women soccer women rugby is the entertaining one
Jackson Rodriguez
No one is angry here, or drunk. You're just a boring shit and a thick nigger who doesn't understand words. Is that clear enough, fella?
Brandon Ross
Ron Perlman?
Jaxson Anderson
Nathaniel Sanchez
I’m with you here bro.
Trying to come here to talk rugby and these whining poltards/uneducated/whatever mongs crying for (you)s just ruin it all. For gods sake it’s annoying.
Wyatt James
Yeah pretty sure this sad cunt isn't Welsh. Pommy coward hiding behind the union jack.
Evan Parker
I just came here to laugh at England.
Nolan Cook
Wele goelcerth wen yn fflamio A thafodau tân yn bloeddio Ar i'r dewrion ddod i daro Unwaith eto'n un Gan fanllefau tywysogion Llais gelynion, trwst arfogion A charlamiad y marchogion Craig ar graig ag ryn.
Arfon byth ni orfydd Cenir yn dragywydd Cymru fydd fel Cymru fu Yn glodfawr ym mysg gwledydd. Yng ngwyn oleuni'r goelcerth acw Tros wefusau Cymro'n marw Annibyniaeth sydd yn galw Am ei dewraf ddyn.
Ni chaiff gelyn ladd ac ymlid Harlech! Harlech! cwyd i'w herlid Y mae Rhoddwr mawr ein Rhyddid Yn rhoi nerth i ni. Wele Gymru a'i byddinoedd Yn ymdywallt o'r mynyddoedd! Rhuthrant fel rhaeadrau dyfroedd Llamant fel y lli!
Llwyddiant i'n marchogion Rwystro gledd yr estron! Gwybod yn ei galon gaiff Fel bratha cleddyf Brython Y cledd yn erbyn cledd a chwery Dur yn erbyn dur a dery Wele faner Gwalia'i fyny Rhyddid aiff â hi!
Men of Harlech, march to glory, Victory is hov'ring o'er ye, Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye, Hear ye not her call? At your sloth she seems to wonder; Rend the sluggish bonds asunder, Let the war-cry's deaf'ning thunder Every foe appall.
Echoes loudly waking, Hill and valley shaking; 'Till the sound spreads wide around, The Saxon's courage breaking; Your foes on every side assailing, Forward press with heart unfailing, 'Till invaders learn with quailing, Cambria ne'er can yield!
Thou, who noble Cambria wrongest, Know that freedom's cause is strongest, Freedom's courage lasts the longest, Ending but with death! Freedom countless hosts can scatter, Freedom stoutest mail can shatter, Freedom thickest walls can batter, Fate is in her breath.
See, they now are flying! Dead are heap'd with dying! Over might hath triumph'd right, Our land to foes denying; Upon their soil we never sought them, Love of conquest hither brought them, But this lesson we have taught them, "Cambria ne'er can yield!"
I've never watched splitty football so I can't comment. Splitty rugby is diabolical. I suppose watching your garbage African team wobble about there's no wonder you think it's "entertaining".
Isaiah Cook
Seriously then, wander down your local, find a " shitskin" and call them a coon. Post results.
Robert Richardson
Was it not clear here, you thick wog? Fuck me, do you need constant spoon feeding, you tedious twat?
Landon Jones
Wrong user, i only come here to talk about Owen Farrell, I don’t even like rugby more of a bowls fan
>shitskin >in wales Isn't there a bridge you can throw yourself off?
Lmao. Another dumb Engpaki
Parker Young
t. seething pom Take the L like a man ffs. It's just a game.
Jace Wright
>u-u mad This is literally the only response this wog has
Jace Taylor
>so how was your weekend Nigel? > yeah triffic franks I got right drunk and btfoed darkies by falseflagging on an anime forum
Tyler Bell
I'm doing a poll: How many Brits in /rug/ work in an industry that are threatened by lay-offs due to Brexit? Pls reply with a (You)
Asher Harris
>garbage African team Our war dykes are mostly white Your frustration makes you say obvious lies, user. As an Arsenal supporter, I understand how you feel. Take a walk through the city and have a beer, this will calm you down
Grayson Price
Here's one
Jose Perez
>u-u mad >u-u drunk Why does this thick nigger not realise I just don't like him?
Andrew Campbell
Imagine spending your Saturday night getting angry at foreigners on the internet because your awful rugby team lost.
Jackson Watson
the lad who constantly screams racial epithets is from /brit/. he's affectionately called dave, it's well known he cuts himself. even for Yea Forums standards he's an odd one. best course of action is too ignore
Brandon Brown
>Your frustration makes you say obvious lies, user It's called hyperbole. Women's rugby is awful. You can try and defend that shite all you want, you only make yourself look daft, Froganon.
>Imagine spending your Saturday night getting angry at foreigners on the internet
Sebastian Ramirez
This is why I don't leave /s p/
Andrew Martinez
Truly the Welsh are the superior people of the British Isles.
Ryan Kelly
Imagine being a thick nigger, acting like a thick nigger, getting called out as thick nigger and getting so upset you can't contemplate how despised you are so you assume they must be drunk and angry, as if they think differently about you when they're sober and calm. lmao
Yes we are, and don't forget it.
Christian Adams
go cut yourself Dave aim for the wrists
Landon Cruz
Ty for the report
Aiden Robinson
fuck up Dave. you're mentally I'll, seek help.
Brody Morris
How'd France get on m8?
Jeremiah Bell
>/brit/ Oh look, the casuals are still here.
Owen Rodriguez
I wouldn't forget it since I am Welsh.
Ryan Roberts
>Women's rugby is awful it's not source : the game i'm currently watching
Angel Wood
>dave The fuck are you talking about now, you stupid shitskin?
Great grandad from Pontypridd, or some shit?
Jack Miller
>it's not I feel sad that your standards are so shit.
Brandon Bell
Mother's family came over during the brain drain.
Oliver Powell
fuck up Dave
Jordan Taylor
Go kill yourself you weird nigger freak.
Jeremiah Williams
he also pretends to be scottish or welsh as you can see, but he's from northern england. I've seen him reply nigger for 4 hours straight once. he has some serious problems
Tyler Howard
Dave probably got BTFO on /brit/ and is chucking his toys in here where he feels safe
Henry Ross
settle down mate, we won. why are you throwing a wobbly?
"British Isles" is a LARP invented by England to claim Ireland But yes, the Cymry and the Kernowyon are the rightful inheritors of Great Britain.
William Mitchell
>yank-tier response And you did so well before. Shame.
Thomas Bailey
You're not Welsh. Also your posts are very low quality, you need to widen your vocabulary somewhat. And try to keep it on topic, you seem retarded, and don't cut yourself it's not good to into self mutilation. If you need to lose some blood go get tested for AIDS and shit and if you're clear the Red Cross are always looking for donations, you could save a life. Otherwise, you could try cupping, it's safe if done properly and will lower your blood pressure.
Zachary Miller
you'll probably have the best game in 4 years to knock NZ out of the WC lol
Jeremiah Baker
Fuck me. Is that the best you could come up with?
Angel Collins
Lincoln Flores
Dave on the ropes lads
Carter Richardson
josie. you're such a brown noser. grow a spine.
Ryder Foster
That was true this morning though. They walked over ireland and put a big number on France. Meanwhile Wales had a cheeky win against France and a shit game against Italy. Not the pundits fault englel are scared of the Cardiff home crowd