>lizard alien tier conspiracy theorist
>only on immigration
>upper class moderate tory
Any musicians with possible future political careers?
Are we show Josh isn't David Lynch's son?
Kind of, she just has some un PC quotes regarding feminism and said she supported Theresa May.
>Do you consider yourself a feminist?
>I really react to that word, and I think probably the majority of women - but I don't know - would feel the same. Feminist is one of those words. When you hear ``feminist'' you go ``"ummgh!'' It's a ``concept'' You get all these terrible images - like women with hairy legs and big muscles. And I mean you just think of butch lesbians. I think the media's been playing around with it, but I also think there are an awful lot of groups that basically don't like men, and they tend to get quite a lot of publicity. And they are terribly aggressive and quite illogical: ``What have we got men for!'' I think a lot of women feel very confused by the whole thing - I know I do - where you've just got to get in there - that's the thing - and work!
>There are a lot of women who - obviously - want the same opportunities, who don't want doors shut in their faces. But you know we should help each other, for God's sake, we shouldn't be fighting against each other. We should be working to help each other. And men have to be educated as much as women do. We have both been really conditioned. Okay, we are different, we have to recognise that, but we should be able to work together and help each other, and I think we can. We are all sort of sitting here feeling confused, both the women and the men! Or alternatively, the men are out there being chauvinist pigs and the women are out there being feminists. But there's a lot in the middle, a hodge-podge of people, just trying to adjust.
she's not a tory and she's not really political but she has expressed a nebulous kind of appreciation for thatcher and theresa may as examples of women in power
Also Dave Mustaine and Aphex Twin
Well that's good to hear then. I could see why people think that though. If I had to guess she'd be a moderate.
Interesting thanks for sharing. Even another older supposedly left-wing musician like Patti Smith gave the all-lives matter response to feminism: "I have a son and a daughter, people always talk to me about feminism and women's rights, but I have a son too - I believe in human rights."
Kate always seemed to come off as apolitical or politically naive to me. The complete non-scandal over her voting for May kind of confirms that, as the whole outrage was really people reaching at straws. I get the feeling she's very pro-life, however, going off some of the very romanticized lyricism about maternity on The Kick Inside, etc.
Libertarian is certainly more right leaning than left
I would unironically vote for Billy if he ran for prez