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>dat Playboi Carti verse

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people over the age of 18

I still haven't listened. Is it really his best? I like Tyler I just haven't been in a rush to listen to it

This board moved from liking shitty indie to liking shitty hip hop, and I don't even know what's worse

It's alright, although on first listen I was turned off. It's Tyler going full Nostalgia Ultra, except it's Tyler. I've give it a 7/10 as of now

This sounds nothing like a Frank Ocean album

>dat playboi carti verse

Attached: finger-pressing-fast-forward-button.jpg (506x338, 63K)



>i absolutely hate an artist
>i know what i'll do!
>i'll spam threads of his new album nonstop!
never ever will understand that urge. i think it might apply to the daughters spamming too but maybe that's a shill