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Attached: Tyler-the-Creator-IGOR.jpg (320x320, 18K)

this meme dies now. i'm killing it. tyler your career is thru.

but he just dropped album of the decade so far...

crap belongs in the dumpster

he's a gay nigger tho

come on, it's not that bad

nah its better than base Yea Forumscore.

is Yea Forums going to pretend to like soul and rnb now?

who the fuck doesn't like soul?

I agree.

>dat Playboi Carti verse

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people over the age of 18

I still haven't listened. Is it really his best? I like Tyler I just haven't been in a rush to listen to it

This board moved from liking shitty indie to liking shitty hip hop, and I don't even know what's worse

It's alright, although on first listen I was turned off. It's Tyler going full Nostalgia Ultra, except it's Tyler. I've give it a 7/10 as of now

This sounds nothing like a Frank Ocean album

>dat playboi carti verse

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>i absolutely hate an artist
>i know what i'll do!
>i'll spam threads of his new album nonstop!
never ever will understand that urge. i think it might apply to the daughters spamming too but maybe that's a shill

>who the fuck doesn't like soul?
>people over the age of 18

Tyler isn't Soul. Motown is Soul. And Soul pretty much died when Motown uprooted itself from Detroit and moved its operations to L.A. Basically, it then morphed into Funk, which, in turn, morphed into Disco, which begat Modern R&B (aka "Dance" or "Club Music").

Soul, as it existed in the 60s and very early 70s was a wonderful thing, and not very different from mainstream rock of the times. Basically, it was rock performed and sang by blacks.

Attached: motown-legends-wishum-gregory-b2613_630x630.jpg (525x630, 75K)