Who else is a hardcore antinatalist like me?

Meanwhile in reality, lefty colleges are losing students while right wing colleges are gaining.

Keep believing in a billion genders chud.

Attached: oh noOooo.jpg (1439x1156, 290.29K)

No, pretty much every country

>republicans have the tard vote across multiple segments.
very true. As our lord and savior DJT said "I love the poorly educated"

>open 12,000 shit tier "religious" schools
>charge exactly what government is willing to loan out
>accept anyone
>pass them through with useless degrees
>laugh at lib-fags for wanting to teach instead of grift students
k. enjoy your Theologian Bob Billman Discount Rural School of Collegiate Learning Good degrees

Exactly what a propagandist would say. How about you just govern like adults instead of trying to make us hate the gays?

I bet you can't even conceive of a world with no need for shills.

>I made shit up in my head because I can't fight the facts
kek user.

Hood, humanity is a piece of shit

are we doing facts people won't face? the major colleges aren't left wing, they're just full of people from a bunch of backgrounds that allow cultural mixing in a way that can't happen in the racist hollers you yokels crawl out of.
your "right wing" colleges are just grifters out to fuck you guys over by singing about jesus.
some will double down, scholarshipping in some lunks ( grifting only 50% of the govbucks off them ) onto their foozball teams so they can cart them around selling second rate schools guaranteed wins kicking the shit out of them on their homecoming games.

Wait how does this fix it, I'm retarded but I felt like I wasn't this retarded


>Huuuurrrr lemme make moar shit up durrrrrrr
keep going. I'm laughing hard rn