Who else is a hardcore antinatalist like me?
i already do a vasectomy and have a killswitch tied to me heart
Who else is a hardcore antinatalist like me?
Do republicans just shill all day whether no one believes them or not?
Instead of spending so much time and effort with propaganda, why don't you just not govern like villains?
I think most people are at least partially antinatalist these days. Birth rates are dropping across the planet.
irony. the creature in the second panel is male.
you guys can't even be shitty right.
>Muh republicans
You don't need to be republican to hate mentally ill troon schizos
>across the planet
Just white people and East Asia, actually
Castrate all shitskins and replace them with whites
Work on your spelling before you post bait.
And learn2subtext, it will result in better effects.
Based OP. This is my code to fix this bullshit.
kind of like how you don't have to be a republican to be a nazi, but being a nazi generally correlates with being a republican.
republicans have the tard vote across multiple segments.
Meanwhile in reality, lefty colleges are losing students while right wing colleges are gaining.
Keep believing in a billion genders chud.
No, pretty much every country
>republicans have the tard vote across multiple segments.
very true. As our lord and savior DJT said "I love the poorly educated"
>open 12,000 shit tier "religious" schools
>charge exactly what government is willing to loan out
>accept anyone
>pass them through with useless degrees
>laugh at lib-fags for wanting to teach instead of grift students
k. enjoy your Theologian Bob Billman Discount Rural School of Collegiate Learning Good degrees
Exactly what a propagandist would say. How about you just govern like adults instead of trying to make us hate the gays?
I bet you can't even conceive of a world with no need for shills.
>I made shit up in my head because I can't fight the facts
kek user.
Hood, humanity is a piece of shit
are we doing facts people won't face? the major colleges aren't left wing, they're just full of people from a bunch of backgrounds that allow cultural mixing in a way that can't happen in the racist hollers you yokels crawl out of.
your "right wing" colleges are just grifters out to fuck you guys over by singing about jesus.
some will double down, scholarshipping in some lunks ( grifting only 50% of the govbucks off them ) onto their foozball teams so they can cart them around selling second rate schools guaranteed wins kicking the shit out of them on their homecoming games.
Wait how does this fix it, I'm retarded but I felt like I wasn't this retarded
>Huuuurrrr lemme make moar shit up durrrrrrr
keep going. I'm laughing hard rn
value is what is stored in the database. the gray letters is what the user sees.
Yeah enrollment, even with covid, is generally up at larger unis rn, now the real question is what happens in 2026
In case any of you retards missed '08 theres a generally held belief, reinforced by some decent research that I'm too lazy to find, that the '08 financial crisis started a clock for academia, that the collection of birth rates + people in bad economic situations due to having a kid at the time and suffering the financial hits most of the middle class endured is going to result in significant enrollment decreases in '26, 18 years after the crisis. These decreases could theoretically start the real collapse of our post-secondary education system and have a huge economic impact with SLABS (Student Loan Asset-Backed Securities) since their will be a dramatic decrease in student loans and the students in school (Class of 2025 to 2029) will suffer the most immediate consequences if it is actually as dramatic as doomers think it is
personally I think it'll knock off a shit ton of tiny unis and privates but your R1s and your larger unis will suffer and survive and eat the remaining student population left unserved by the folding colleges and universities.
TL;DR : Small colleges and privates like Liberty and Jim Jones Bible College for Sinners are going to get BTFO'd but your University of California System and other large institutions are going to survive if not thrive
You speak like a retarded thirteen year old. Thankfully, the chances of you ever having the opportunity to procreate are around zero. Women rarely fuck special-needs children.
American University saw their full-time enrollment increase 5%, not tracking with D.C.'s population increase of about 10% within the same time period (2010-2020)
UC Santa Cruz saw a 10.7% increase in full time enrollment with California as a whole increasing their population over the same span by 5.8%
That's just two of the colleges and this isn't really my realm in academia but, just no
now the '26 enrollment cliff, oh boy that's gonna fuck up like a bunch of colleges but your big boys, your systems and flagships, are going to survive and thrive imo
Everyone in the liberal schools decreasing argument should absolutely see this comment btw
fucking mint
I'm not saying the college populations aren't liberal. I'm saying the liberalization happens because of them being large colleges.
if you put conservative men and women from various religions and backgrounds in one place away from the social restrictions of their conservative origins, they'll turn into liberals as they make compromises for each others needs and wants.
liberalism isn't a secret conspiracy, it's just what happens when you actually need to get along with folks you don't agree with.
this is why conservatives keep building remote colleges. they' trying to keep the kids from meeting folks that are too different from them. maintain an environment with no one questioning the status quo.
and even then it doesn't work, Liberty University basically has to have a secret police to try and catch their students going partying in the adjacent city
Honestly most of these conservatives are just mad because their petty fiefdoms they were promised are being imploded and the quality rural folk are leaving for suburbia or dissociating with rural communities since you can live in a rural area and drive thirty minutes to a urban city in many places, especially in the south. For a point, I hang with a few girls from my old rural school and honestly they're all like 8/10+ and they yeeted out of where we lived because all the guys that would have been partners, well not all but enough to make it an issue obviously, were not people you'd want to be with. In the past they would have been essentially forced into shitty marriages since free agency with women is like remarkably new in the US, but now they're not
And then they all became drugged out single mom whores and died alone in a ditch. Cool story, monkey boy. Let's talk again, when your IQ will reach triple digits.
okay cool
I'm a half-Jewish socialist, and I plan to breed with a latina, Middle Eastern, or Indian girl, then teach our kids about the values of the one true religion, Zen Buddhism.
Not even joking about any of that btw, it's all literally true.
No, not okay. No, not cool. It is very bad, not only sad, that people are buying into the retarded bullshit propaganda. It damage the civilization. Despite all the loud noise the so called liberals, who are actually, far left extremist terrorists, produce, there will be NO progress, if people are taught, that they can do whatever and face no consequences of their actions. Because they can't. And the reasons are rooted deep in the nature, evolution, biology, the universe, and everything.
TL;DR: People, who think that they're smart and progressive, are the bunch of the most retarded motherfuckers one would ever interact with. On top of that, they call themselves liberal while trying to destroy the free speech. This is NO way forward into the great future of humanity. This is the apocalypse of the civilization.
"This is the apocalypse of the civilization"
Perfect, humanity and clown civilization have always been pure shit
Says the non-contributing manlet cunt, who is reaping the benefits of the civilization, that allow him to make his retarded shitpost on Yea Forums in the first place.
>Because they can't. And the reasons are rooted deep in the nature, evolution, biology, the universe, and everything.
this is the same argument conservatives made for why whites and blacks shouldn't be allowed to marry.
what it really means is "because conservatives will try to kill you if you defy them". it's not an argument, just a threat.
"act like we don't want and we'll fucking kill you"
and you know? fuck that. and fuck them.
if the troons and fags and libs are all going to die of it, so be it. be conservative and give us a nice condescending "well bless their heart" as we circle the drain and exit life.
but being troony fags and women in power doesn't explode anything.
so those angry about the mere existence of these folks feel right in taking it into their own hands
they'll blame the victims as they do. "look how you tried to love another man and forced me into murdering you"
but no one is forcing the conservatives into being unholy dickheads.
they just feel justified because their preacher promised god is on their side, and even if he isn't we'll just kill them all and let him sort it out, right? nah. fuck that. and fuck them.
>On top of that, they call themselves liberal while trying to destroy the free speech
free speech is freedom from government control.
if you go around screaming that jews and trying to use trans faggot niggerdick feminists to summon hurricanes and overthrow freedom, well, the government won't stop you.
but no one has to help you spew that shit.
which you know. you're just being a dick and wanting to get away with it.
and mad because people are finally telling you to fuck off with your bullshit instead of just quietly taking it.
>This is the apocalypse of the civilization
probably feels that way when you don't know shit about the past
we're in the most peaceful era of human existence bar none
we're living in a literal utopia, and you're too busy trying to find shit to be mad at to see it.
Nah if I am alive is not by my own choice and I will mot bring more slave to this hell, enjoy being a social cuck retard
So because our society has become more interconnected and has allowed more avenues for people to live in their own communities, founded on their own principles, everything is going to fall in?
There are still consequences, don't work, you don't really do well. My friends, all employed and working hard, the only difference is we decided where we wanted to work. The only consequence has been the brain drain in rural communities which, hell I guess you might be right in a way, in my opinion has been the source of strife, people who are either unwilling or unable to cope with the advent of mass communication caused by Eternal September (AOL making internet available to literally everyone) are lashing out because they are pretty much being left behind
In regard to free speech, yeah no I kind of agree with you, there are a shit ton of people who simply do not understand that speech has to be uninhibited by the government, they piss me the fuck off too. That being said, a majority of the QQing i've seen is like people banned off of twitter in the US, now there is a WHOLE ASS ARGUMENT which we probably fall on the same side of that corporations should not hold the power to essentially deplatform anyone they disagree with off the most influential communication device ever invented, the internet, but that would take us all day to discuss the consequences of unfettered capitalism as opposed to a watchdogged capitalist system.
As for the reasons being rooted in nature, evolution, biology, the universe, and everything, I'm just going to assume you're talking about women having careers, races mixing, and essentially the "degradation of the white race" as the ruling demographic, correct me if I'm wrong. That shit wasn't founded by nature, it was founded by a bunch of greedy people devising ways to maintain power through authoritarian means and ultimately violence.
All that said, protect the constitution and I think it all pans out, they wrote a document that could feasibly support any type of government with pretty decent protections and modification abilities, I think whatever we do as a society if we at least try to stick to those enlightenment principles we can make it work and make our country prosperous. The only caveat is we gotta find a new frontier
those last three sentences are essentially what I could only do in 2000, teach me lol
That's hilarious.
Wait wait, I get it, ngl it made me laugh too because data science hard enough
you talk like a liberal kiddie who only ever drank the kool-aid of liberal professors without having a single clue what conservatism is all about
and your shit's all retarted, too
Then what's it about, you seem versed, argue your opinion
>we're in the most peaceful era of human existence bar none
>we're living in a literal utopia, and you're too busy trying to find shit to be mad at to see it.
no we're not
it only looks like it because the inevitable consequences are not yet visible for the narrow-minded NPC liberal crowd
the result of the pseudo-commie dictatorship in preparation under influence of the globo-jewish-liberal-woke propaganda will be a hellish neo-feudal totalitarism that will make the 20th century look serene and peaceful
It's literally just rich people reinstituting feudalism imo, eveyone seems to be blaming the liberals but this seems like a fucking class war that utilizes the two party American system as an engine essentially
So reject the evidence of your eyes?
Look we have wealth and luxury unseen in the past... ever... the real issue is the consolidation of power by few, the jewish conspiracy and transgender and gay shit is just a circus, if those fuckers with money get the power they want we will all regret it. I legitimately believe we have to start looking more into anarchism and scare the shit out of them so they'll get in line and leave the common folk alone yet again
Kind of a long winded way to say your mentally ill but ok ..
look at the diagram the dotted line ellipse contains the values of the liberals, the "left", even if this term has been dreadfully corrupted since the end 19th century values that legitimized the movement
the blue circle contains the conservative values
yes, that means that all the values of the liberals are included in what the conservatives defend
they just have realized that other things are important too
presented as a grid, it looks like this pic, libs are only ever concerned about care and fairness, without realising that purity, loyalty and authority are also necessary to have a functioning society
an authoritarian believes that abject loyalty to authority and following authoritarian rules is more important than ensuring that that authority is working from a philosophical position of ensuring freedoms and rights for all.
look man, we can't have civilization in an anarchy. but you're not going to convince me its better to live under a despot than to fight back to ensure the rule is just.
You make, generally, good points, and I agree with you. But, you're right, discussing everything properly, going into the details, will take more than one day, that we obv don't have here. So I'll try to be short and not all encompassing.
>correct me if I'm wrong
This is the spot where you are wrong. Because, you somehow assume, that I'm unironically alt-right skinhead rooting for 88 only or some bs. Wrong attitude on Yea Forums in general. Yeah, we've had bad apples over the years, but generally, the Yea Forums is a liberal board. True liberals used to be here, preaching the values. Now, ofc, there are more trolls, and kids posting nudes n bullshit.
>I'm just going to assume you're talking about women having careers, races mixing, and essentially the "degradation of the white race" as the ruling demographic
Not about it at all. Mostly genuine misinformation, (but not only ofc), that is being spread with actual malicious intent. Plus, it means, that the nature itself won't allow you to do whatever and survive, it is common sense, or used to be.
>the "degradation of the white race" as the ruling demographic
This, i.e. is the misinformation. First off, white people are not even the global majority in the world. Secondly, it would be nice to define white too. Because most white people will disagree, if you'll lump them with the modern day Greeks, for example. Third, it is a common myth, that white people have all the money and power. It simply isn't true, even on the scale of the U.S. My point is, people are not interested in facts. They actively spread lies to actively harm %insert_group% all the time. This is why modern far left and far right aren't even different. They're equally bad.
>I'm just going to assume you're talking about women having careers, races mixing
Women can do whatever they can accept the consequences of, and not blame other people for it. Which most of them aren't capable of, because, they've been brainwashed into blaming males. And 2k limit. Sad.
The Occupy~ movement was the only action this century that scared the elites, and their reaction was to finance think-tanks that created or amplified the SJWs/intersectionality/BLM/lgbtqiap+ movements that were used to destroy the native, grassroot resistance to globalist oppression that was Occupy Wall-Street.
Do you really believe that today's "liberals", with their complete support by Google/Twitter/facebook/AllSocialMedias, plus CNN and all the tv stations, plus hollywood, plus all the trendy websites of the web, plus all the (((expert))) opinions from every (((reliable))) culture and science provider, are not completely integrated to the elite's control system?
You're right that it's a class war, but you don't seem to realize that the Liberal caste is used to help the ultra-rich enslave the world
Fuck, someone finally said it. Occupy was the only real recent political action. The George Floyd protestors had it right when they attacked the CNN building the first night then fucked it all up.
Look at this moron.
This asshole believes all the republicunt LIES.
What an idiot.
Just kill yourself shithead.
it has been know on this taiwanese macrame fan club forum for quite some time
Okay so I'd agree on the idea that in order to have a society you need loyalty, purity, and authority (argument to be made by anarchist about authority but I am neither an anarchist nor am I interested in it wholly). With that said the virtues you listed themselves are not these concrete attributes
Purity for example, are we referring to the purity in virginity? a wholly human-created concept derived from structures that needed defined lines of lineage to uphold the generational transitions of wealth along with the structure of family, which is important obviously for the upbringing of children but as I've seen in my life family can come in more forms than male-female to raise a child who is well-balanced (although I do believe you need a masculine and feminine role model so it is more difficult for some same-sex couples, same way it is difficult for a child with a single parent).
Authority is also a very needed value, we need to have a trusted authority we can rely on to protect and ensure domestic tranquility. But when that government seeks to imprison and brutalize people based on their consensual sexual interaction they lose that inherent trust, that authority.
I have no words about loyalty, I think that value transcends politics, you are either loyal to your countrymen and your family/friends or you're not, I am and you are therefore we seek good imo
I don't disagree with anything you just mentioned, I'd argue that more liberals agree with you than you think, the problem I've parsed out is that society outpaced conservatism (incremental change). Nothing is falling apart, we are simply in the massive transition where communities are dying and being born at rapid pace. It's scary no doubt! but as long as people like us keep talking and rid ourselves of the truly evil people (Epstein and rich child molesters) this world will only improve. Yes there will be pain and shit will get bad, but society only perishes when it stops progressing wholesale
you will have to explain better
what are the "lies" ?
astrotirfing and with the progressive stack
>you don't seem to realize that the Liberal caste is used to help the ultra-rich enslave the world
as opposed to the conservative "class" who are used to suppress all progressive legislation by means of waving various trigger issues around? it's an enclave that decades of media have groomed into hating all forms of taxation and controls on the rich by implying it's all on them. their politicians will unabashedly claim a tax raise on billionaires would see a gas station attendant unable to make rent, because they have no shame about outright lying to their base. murdoch and his worldwide bullshit empire and allies have sown a horrifying crop of spiteful angry ideas around the english-speaking world.
the "liberals" are not the special tools of the elite with "conservatives" magically staying pure and righteous.
the two are spurned against each other over stupid shit while the conservative politicians push through cuts and deregulations to make it almost impossible to stop the rich from using their vast fortunes in corrupting and damaging ways.
>Women can do whatever they can accept the consequences of, and not blame other people for it. Which most of them aren't capable of, because, they've been brainwashed into blaming males. And 2k limit. Sad.
I'd argue that's not just women but most people, also 2k limit blows hard
search for the yt vids and/or articles by Jonathan Haidt, he's the one who made research in liberal/conservative dichotomy in various cultures and countries, his results are so instructive that he had to defend himself several times saying that he was a Jew himself so that he could avoid being cancelled/deleted by the globalist crowd
Saved. The left is fucking useless. Ex democrat here.
There seems to be this common belief that if we reject the current digital industrial revolution we are engaged in we can prevent these people from taking control and that by rejecting it we can regain control
Kaczynski was right in that technology would be the end and ruin of mankind, but at this point we can't go back. If we don't engage in the system and try to wrangle some control we will be left behind and we will become to lower caste
That's what I don't get is how people don't understand that if you fall out of step with the march of human progress, whether you agree or not, more often then than not you get ran over and if you do stop it, it falls in on itself
Wrong again asshole.
Typical republicunt, thinks (and I use the word loosely) everyone who disagrees with him is a bot.
Sad, stupid and just wrong shithead.
being a jew doesn't mean you're not a retarded conservative. fuck, those annoying "can't push a button on the sabbath" fucks all over new york are conservative cunts with wizard sleeves a mile long.
if his being a jew is some kind of proof of his liberalness, I suspect you're pushing a ding-dongs blather rather than anything worth reading.
Yeah the whole intersectional argument was used in such a stupid fucking way, like yes all issues are interrelated so lets strike at those with the power
wait no identity politics and infighting
I swear to god sometimes I want to be more conservative so at least I don't have to hear the infighting as much
do you mean like these?
moral roots of libs vs cons
or this old vid I don't know whether will work but the title is the perilous state of the university
three terrible ideas wrecking gen z
Another lying republicunt.
What a surprise.
same intelligence level as a bot described by a business school brodude, contracted out to a romanian tech company that then subcontracted it to an indian backwater.
>id pol fed into protest movements to destroy them
>nuh uh, republicunt lies and slander
What a fucking moron.
Sad try asshole.
Is this the best you can do?
his articles and studies results were interesting too, but I lost the bookmarks to an old computer crash
they shouldn't be hard to find
your haikus are shit
Your brain is shit