Do you have a beard? Why or why not?

Do you have a beard? Why or why not?

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Yes because im too lazy to shave

can't grow one

Yes because I got bored of fucking shaving 20 years ago.

Can't grow a full beard. The best I can manage is something that resembles an old tennis ball. I always have my face fully shaved so I don't embarrass myself

Yes. I look best with a short beard. Growing it out makes me feel insecure because I worry that I start to look homeless, but if I shave it I'm just not as good looking and I look a little geeky.

i do but i cbf to shave not because it makes you masculine if you need to rely on a beard for that you are not it.

Yeah, just about full beard. Tiny patch on side that isn't full, but not patchy either.

Wonder if the beard roller is genuine or cap
>pic related

Attached: 4b84b-beard-derma-roller.jpg (1408x1408, 125.81K)

yes, because I hate shaving

right now yea. been WFH this week so no need to shave