Based melon puts yet another "centrist" faggot in his place

What do they think they're dong with all of these dumbass debates? It's not accomplishing anything and is just childish bickering when it comes down to it. It's not like they're changing peoples minds, I've watched shit like this before and thought that both sides were cringy faggots.

YER FUCKING A WHITE MALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

epic prehistoric meme mr boomer

The Joker doesn't need defending, he's not even in the deck.

Attached: 1553683976661.gif (1134x820, 2.31M)


I was posting this cheeky honker before he got mainstream memed. Just look at him GO!!!

Attached: 154as288367110.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)

I will S when he kicks the bucket

Oh yeah. Histrionic personality disorder is soooo based.

Tim is based and solid listen to at work kino