wheein edition

Attached: 23.jpg (500x700, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Sports_and_Tourism

more like uggo edition

Still too early to say anything definitive about any group since they could do worse with their next songs while gidle does better

Twice Teasers RT Count:
>Tzuyu - 28k
>Chaeyoung - 20k
>Dahyun - 27k
>Mina - 32k
>Jihyo - 31k
>Sana - 35k
>Momo - 39k
>Nayeon - 35k
>Jeongyeon - 35k

>2 0 k

More like disbanded edition

Attached: D32K6U4UEAAAgqL.jpg (1200x675, 64K)

it was boneless thighs bro

it was still fucking disturbing for me

im gonna try to buy unfrozen like already sliced chicken tender strips that you cook raw i saw at publix

thats the only way i think i can do it

because theres nothing gross about it its already prepared nicely and is just purified already cut up meat for you

Attached: D3mWWF8WwAAOP_P (1).jpg (1200x1800, 266K)

>Momo - 39k
It's like popularity is inversely related to your IQ.

Attached: 1NOjAM_Cokaa9ms5WUxpYOtNN3vE6vJjvgJDXAe4vQw.jpg (911x767, 122K)

>DA 26
>CH 26
>TZ 28
update your list

GIDLE sabotaged loona. they DESERVES to flop

Creamcatcher is being sexy again

Attached: 190407 드림캐쳐 콘서트 in 서울 - 7rings 유현 직캠-Ep5DTwkkNLg-2.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>tfw your girl is in the the 30k club

>less than 40k
>even ultra nugu ateez has 40k+ on every post


Attached: 1554937882202.jpg (1000x1500, 171K)

why is this indian streetshitter so repetitive?

>wonder girls nostalgia time
>into itzy
fucking based

Attached: D3ylP1BUEAECJWm.jpg (932x532, 60K)

yea just get the pre-breaded chicken tenders and bake them. easy and cheap. all you need is some bbq on there and you're golden

it is learning

someone is teaching this a.i with name cub new tricks

dubuniggers are actual subhumans

Club downy BTFO

Attached: 1550099668175.jpg (529x672, 21K)

you are fake news

Chae's pic is at 26k RTs

Attached: thanonce.jpg (644x499, 40K)

>mf dahyun
is she related to mf doom

omo. all i've seen so far from that concert are some lq low light shots, i'm gonna have to check the fancams

Attached: SHyeonhae-1114862553824235521-20190407_080840-img1.jpg (1125x1675, 165K)

basedeon and the whos

Attached: bfc726dd170ab3df915db018918c325c[1].jpg (900x1200, 146K)

Attached: 23463457345.webm (512x600, 1.72M)

just consider it a challenge. it's hard at first, but like anything in life it gets easier over time the longer you do it.

I hope GIDLE disband soon


i need to do no breading for maximum keto effects

i can live off of microwave dinosaur chicken nuggets if i wanted to dude

ive done it before

Attached: D3Kd5_CWAAEurG3.jpg (2000x1500, 449K)

I remember when Gfriend were big girls

best profile in the game

>blackpink dethroned twice out of nowhere
what the fuck happened?

my wife is so beautiful

Attached: 54512359_421913681952913_2688524850096419663_n.jpg (1080x1350, 204K)


>too nugu to be invited to weekly idol so they did it themselves
kinda sad

Top 10 Japan Singles (so far) Oricon 2019

1. AKB48 - ジワる DAYS (1,277,754 copies)
2. Keyakizaka46 - 黒い羊 (879,370 copies)
3. Hinatazaka46 - キュン (511,816 copies)
4. King & Prince - 君を待ってる (391,262 copies)
5. Kis-My-Ft2 - 君を大好きだ (314,766 copies)
6. STU48 - 風を待つ (306,716 copies)
7. NMB48 - 床の間正座娘 (259,269 copies)
8. IZ*ONE - 好きと言わせたい (236,171 copies)
9. Kanjani Eight - crystal (232,091 copies)
10. HKT48 - 意志 (170,438 copies)

why are indians so dull?

ah i missed that. you said you had diabetes right? is keto good for that?

Sales is always going to be sales.
100k sales this comeback will most likely be another 100k sales next comeback minimum. Unlike digitals which are more fickle.

GFRIEND got beaten by IZONE.
Let that sink in.

behond another super perfomance of blackpink

in what exactly

Attached: 56325347_2168120919940176_7496376484063467026_n.jpg (1080x1350, 193K)

did you let the chicken defrost? put it on your counter in the morning and by dinner time it is ready to go in the pan

Throwing everything at the wall now to see if it sticks. Gidle had a great couple releases and then a one not so great one. Wasn't enough to diminish them as big rookies. By your logic if they had only released Latata and nothing else they'd be bigger rookies than they are now...makes no sense.


Momo's been live for an hour. Anyone else watching?

what's with these ugly 90s looking teaser images? people were saying twice was collaborating with marvel


First week views
Everything, basically.

if this wasnt scripted it would have been fun desu


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Attached: 1550480316432.jpg (2048x1534, 507K)

>momo is still streaming
finally something to watch later with subs

feeding arin my homecooked chicken

what the hell
what's the occasion

fucking retards

its more ideal i would say yes

less injections

im not wasting money on it again

i make a lot of food mistakes and have to throw away so much shit

all the time

and i try not to do the same mistake twice i have to try somethign else that works

thats why i got stuck in the mcchicken habits, it just works and its cheap

Attached: [직캠] 180310 모모랜드 낸시 ( 안되나ᄋ� (450x800, 2.95M)

No one knows what izone is

survival show privilege

gfriend is 100 times better than izone

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 아메리칸 투어리스터 '파도' 뮤직비디� (1920x1080, 2.79M)

SEAyeon is the only gidle we HATE

why does not-hime have a hime cut?

i hear if you do a triple dose of insulin you don't need to inject for 3 days


momo w/ bang reminds me of daoko

All that means is that GIDLE is only as good as their song releases. Being big eventually means that even if you release utter shit, you will still chart and sell. That is the end game. That is what Blackpink, Twice and BTS can all do.

sinbaby so cute

Dreamcatcher concert. And they know what we like.

Attached: 190407 드림캐쳐 콘서트 in Seoul '우리집' 지유 직캠-iWRjFOdkNiY.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)

>galaxy a with blackpink

welp time to jump to xiaomi

little regional asian tour: some SEA locations, a few shows in seoul and then a couple in japan. they just finished the seoul shows so there are some actual fancams out for those

stuffing a whole rotisserie chicken in arin's butthole

Just started watching. Was actually gonna watch the earlier one to see if it was subbed and saw she was live.

So has she been dancing to songs?

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 'LOL' Jacket Shooting Behind-NTRv_yJsTHA-[06.02.729 (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>i make a lot of food mistakes and have to throw away so much shit
are you actually retarded?

Izone feat Beyoncé is endgame
Loona feat Adele
Clc feat Miley Cyrus

Loona sold more than GIDLE and the lost

you know the answer to this

blackpink will perform at sahara tent a place with a capacity of 3000 people

chaeng's been killing me lately

Attached: 145806735782.jpg (720x990, 66K)

gimme some gahyeon

>blackpink will perform at sahara tent a place with a capacity of 3000 people

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

Attached: arin's black hole.webm (546x720, 1.93M)

dude unless youre rich you cant really pick exactly what you want

you have to work around the edges and its hard to figure it out

i dont think im the only one

do you think people like eating ramen all the time? its nasty dude

but thats the quick easy thing for 25c

Attached: D2PQAsVUwAAhcEi.jpg (748x1150, 114K)

Attached: nbni36ra0oq21.jpg (512x768, 67K)

good thinking from yg to choose such a small place the he will need less security to keep people in


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who is this hoe

I want to grab SinB by the pits and fuck her senseless

Attached: 1548344215280.jpg (1365x2048, 253K)

imagine the smell

why is cringebuddy always so cringey?

Looking at the actual line up I probably would have considered going to this if I was like 5 years younger and had more cash than I did 5 years ago.

awww they were smart enough to cut the moment when the broadcaster said
"blackpink is the biggest girl group of the world"

Attached: 1554727643728.webm (542x962, 1.73M)

there's no way that the capacity is only 3000. it looks huge

It wouldn't be wrong though

>tfw your group is relevant because they have sjws and lgbt+ fans

wtf is sana doing?

Attached: 1544300519181.jpg (580x548, 34K)

>black pink will perform in the sahara desert to a tent of 30 negros

Attached: D3XZux3UEAAqBOw.jpg (1535x2048, 378K)

Where is 3000 from? The edm tent has always been bigger than that



Attached: f61713f02249d23696869bf4bf827546e.jpg (1008x1102, 339K)

this is the 2018 tent apparently they had to make it smaller
"cause of safety reasons"

It would be though

b r b

Attached: 140824 8월의 Someday 콘서트 아이유(IU) - 포토타임-rogy0u-zqwk-[00.32.933-00.38.338].webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>this is a tent with a 3000 person capacity

Attached: sahara tent.jpg (2000x1334, 513K)

Minjoo in a school uniform

i'm just struggling to see how someone who can't follow a basic recipe would be literate

that's easily 30 000 people

>people payed 2k for what normally goes for $15


I haven't gotten around to Gahyeon yet, but if her Seoul concert unit is like the SEA one, she isn't gonna be dancing.

Attached: 190407 드림캐쳐 콘서트 in Seoul '7 rings' 수아 직캠-CTspJmloel8.webm (1280x720, 604K)

Attached: 140824 8월의 Someday 콘서트 아이유(IU) - 포토타임-rogy0u-zqwk-[00.13.447-00.23.256].webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Kacey musgraves playing same time as blackpink?
I’m seeing kacey fuck Jennie and her “friends”

i've been to one of these. there are half naked dudes everywhere it's pretty gay

Bikini version when?

cooking can overwhelm some people. i remember having to show my roommate how to make brownies a few years ago.. some people literally never learned the basic skills so it seems foreign and impossible even though it's so easy

have you ever been on a stadium before?

Attached: methode_times_prod_web_bin_642e2020-0720-11e6-88d9-e8ff08e2a4bf.jpg (575x323, 129K)

black pink jennie in a bikini

can you imagine the beauty

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thats a bummer

this girl is so hot

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I want Minjoo, i don't want to see Kai's used goods

i can imagine the sticc

They're basically the only group worth a shit other than ITZY, Cherry Bullet is DOA

Twice vlive

when you cant argue just use the three magic letters

shake that booty booty~

All the replies under the Coachella schedule tweet are from Blinks who obviously aren’t going to the fest. Hahaha
They’re gonna scare off the normal festival goers and the tent is gonna be empty lol

Attached: SHAKE IT.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>when you get butthurt because someone points out your shitty english

Hyunmoo bored out of his mind lol

>implying the tent will be empty
can't wait for a photo of the tent being fucking full so you can eat your words
and don't even bother trying to use the excuse that the people in the crowd were there for Jaiden Smith that's bullshit

missing fromis_9

what is that?
what even is that?

Are the izone members from the same company gonna be added to everglow?

nah it's more like 5000. Trust me, I counted

>muh esl card

shut the fuck up seamonkey

>sea monkey is chimping out because someone pointed out his shitty english

These Everglow height differences are making me lose my shit

Attached: file.png (289x381, 118K)

You aren't a good rookie group of you didn't get your first win during your debut.

you seriously gonna try and argue the kind of people who attend coachella would be into kpop? That the kind of people who'd want to dance in the sahara tent would've even heard of BP?

>points out that he is totally wrong
>his argument is YES BUT YOUR ENGLISH
>points out that he is a lowlife that resorts into personal attacks cause he has nothing else to provide
>continues talking about english


doing psychs with jisoo at coachella

Of course it won’t be empty I was joking about the fucking dumb twitter blinks.
More people want to see blackpink than jaden Smith you can be sure of that. If anything people would be camping out for diplo

It is the Sahara tent

Kill This Love Pitchfork review - 6.2

sakura has boobs

Attached: [V LIVE] 아이즈원(IZ_ONE), 순백의 드레스 '그녀들이 곧 천사' ('제28� (767x1080, 2.79M)

what about melon

Attached: 1554663284338.jpg (1080x1080, 1.44M)

That’s generous

twiceboy spotted

momo with the hime hair cut is cute

is this their designated vlive truck?

dressed like my ww2 vet grandpa

who is this beautiful mongolian tourist?

>assumes that im the person against whom he was arguing

retard. you must be one of his fellow sea monkeys

180p to 720p makes absolutely no difference


your writing style is a big giveaway

Guys, I love Momo

the filter makes everything looks bad

twiceboy joins


Attached: 50022696_2252372528366969_4471263478018206829_n.jpg (720x900, 78K)

>everybody i don't like is one guy
your small monkey brain is a dead giveaway

>when you get butthurt because someone points out your cowardly tricks

>today on momo and friends

you are super late

Boy I wish I could understand Korean right about now

thats not hime chan

Attached: D3Q9NFfUwAAjeFt.jpg (1280x1920, 379K)

who this

>can't read hangul

she's saying that japan helped to lift the koreans out of peasantry by occupying the peninsula. quite a bold position to take.

Momo getting mogged by a Vietnamese beauty on the left



bottom right of the pic

>twice boy joins
>sana joins

i bet jihyo will come around and scare them

Attached: slavrin.jpg (1333x1646, 437K)

It’s now a bang bus

and there she is

>sea monkeys continue to chimp out over a person simply pointing out their shitty english

Attached: retarded sea monkey.png (544x152, 10K)

>ywn get drunk in broad daylight and beat up a hobo with slavrin

Now we just need Mina to join

that car can fit 9 members?

>quite a bold position to take
A wrong one too.
That's like saying ancient rome helped out greece by enslaving and killing them but since they're good now it was a complete positive

Attached: sihyeon moon 3.webm (608x1080, 2.99M)

Mina is busy

Attached: 1549903753559.jpg (659x982, 100K)

nice photoshop

>that sana hair
she knows my weakness


i cum

Attached: D3b8HquUwAAkm24.jpg (2730x4096, 1.78M)

t. Andrew Kim from LA

>Hyewon eats berries with other members
>"I want rice cakes."
>"I want rice cakes." x50
She is autistic.

omo Sana looking right at us

BVNDIT didn't chart in the top 1000
thanks a lot Chungha


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 12.06.23 AM.png (2414x800, 542K)

>sea monkeys continue to chimp out over a person simply pointing out their cowardly tricks

Attached: [ⓓxV] 느껴지니 보성의 향기 (은비 예나 히토미 유진 IZONE).webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

post kpops for breeding

is it bad?

nice shoop

Attached: 1554947390272.webm (700x384, 151K)

t. nobita from kyoto

what's the best izone variety to watch?

Attached: Up_(50).jpg (1600x2400, 1.54M)

6.2 is decent

Attached: 1539278025226.webm (400x942, 2.95M)

then IZ*ONE City

whats the top 10?
then no

blaze it

Attached: 420.jpg (901x655, 75K)

for comparison

Attached: bts review.png (1242x440, 83K)

eunha and yeonwoo intercruring me

get in quick, there's only a year or two left before she's as infertile as the gobi

Attached: 1548735575341.webm (416x600, 2.82M)

bts, blackpink and pitchfork are shit

I hate SEAonkeys because they wouldn't suck my white chad dick

who's your waifu

we are on a timeline that twice does a 2 hours live casually talking about shit and not giving a single fuck

Are they really go vlive for 5 hours?

sana's cute. i'd go out with her, i guess.

ur mom

yes, twice loves their fans

what are they talking about right now passing the water bottle 'mic' around?

Attached: 1550203091164.jpg (1400x1229, 195K)

top... 10?
do you not know how pitchfork works?

ohnonono how do we get this person fired

twice chilling and not giving a fuck is the best kind of vlives

i don't even think this is a top 10 longest vlive for them yet

I’ve read both of them. Seems a little high for Tear and way high for KTL. Of course they’re coming at it from a different perspective and context than people like us.

I’m curious how they’d rate any of the last few Mamamoo albums, if only bc they don’t really follow the mold that pitchfork is analyzing them from.

fine mate how many upvotes do they have?

all rook same

monji alji

holy moly

Our girls still on

Wtf is momo's haircut? Is she cosplaying nyotengu?

Attached: nyotengu.jpg (900x1600, 141K)

what did Chaeyeon mean by that

Attached: file.png (351x177, 10K)

blinks btfo

9, 9, 7, 8
5, 7, 7, 7
7, 8, 8, 8

P48 so you know the basis of each member and it is damn good variety.
Then IZ*ONE chu.
Then their vlives
Then variety
Then S2


word but our girls are twice and we're in here

Attached: 69osqjpjnir21.png (1024x678, 455K)

it's a curse to give her haters vertigo

time to die

das it mayne

Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

imagine that but arin

>To judge BLACKPINK solely as musicians would be like critiquing a United Nations ambassador for something as trivial as how well they can tie their shoe. They are specifically packaged to be representatives of South Korea and appeal to as many people as possible; they are edgy but not offensive, soft but not pushovers, and they were trained for years specifically so they could be flawless when they reach an American stage as big as Coachella. If their music isn’t changing the game, it’s on purpose.


im hungry but twice on vlive

fuck pitchfork to be honest

what's wrong with eating and watching at the same time?

>tune in
>started 2 hours ago

holy shit, sana looks drained

Though BLACKPINK’s music isn’t groundbreaking or innovative or even that great, they’re still fulfilling YG Entertainment and South Korea’s larger mission to build a cultural presence in the rest of the world. To judge BLACKPINK solely as musicians would be like critiquing a United Nations ambassador for something as trivial as how well they can tie their shoe. They are specifically packaged to be representatives of South Korea and appeal to as many people as possible; they are edgy but not offensive, soft but not pushovers, and they were trained for years specifically so they could be flawless when they reach an American stage as big as Coachella. If their music isn’t changing the game, it’s on purpose.


being bland is a genuine flaw in music

Hime cut (姫カット hime katto; literally "princess cut" in Japanese) is a hairstyle consisting of straight, usually cheek-length sidelocks and frontal fringe. The rest of the hair is usually worn long and straightened.

what's s2?

>tfw your favorite idols are weebs

Attached: btsv.png (844x640, 840K)


that's as backhanded as compliments get

she's really pushing the narrative that kpop is a government-engineered phenomenon

IZONE chu S2


i like blackpink semi ironically

i think theyre good and based but this is just cringe

were spreading kpop to the globe! were fags!

Attached: [4K] 190320 모모랜드 MOMOLAND 암 쏘 핫 I'M SO HOT 내� (436x800, 2.88M)

>i bet jihyo will come around and scare them
a literal god, Tasteless

>If their music isn’t changing the game, it’s because Teddy has still 30 songs he composed a decade ago; they all sound the same but people love them

2011 Walmartpop is the revolution

pit shot
luv it

>literally normiecore anime
>even non-Yea Forumstards are watching it
It's great but more obscure anime would make him a weeb

i miss 2003 kmartbluegrass


that's not an incorrect narrative

>Despite the large amounts of money the government provides for Hallyu, the K-Pop industry, the most internationally well-known part of Hallyu has criticized the Ministry's efforts. Many industries such as fashion and food have lobbied the government for inclusion in the Hallyu budget, and politicians and the bureaucracy also have varying interests in how the budget is distributed. Despite popular internet speculation on the Korean government's financial support for the promotion of K-Pop, there are no figures to substantiate the speculation. In 2013 of the $230 million allocated for Hallyu there are itemized contributions to the promotion of the Korean language, culture and food but no known figures for allocations directly to K-Pop. Independent of financial support in recent years the Ministry has been successful in reversing decades-long governmental policy of suppressing and jailing pop and gayo artists in favor of supporting K-Pop as a driver of Hallyu overseas,_Sports_and_Tourism

stuffing arin's ass with so much mass it creates a portal to another dimension

are music writers always that cringey or did they have an intern do it because its kpop?

weird fetish!

girls have armpit hair too you know
no theres a LOT of fags here

you dont have to be stupid to nkow that

Attached: D21SpOTWwAEo33d.jpg (1224x1244, 83K)

a true art lover

Attached: Dq4-AQwVYAE0qDY[1].jpg (900x1200, 116K)


you need to be cringy to be able to write for pitchfork

>write a bunch of gibberish unrelated to the music
>you're perfect for the job!

Implying it's not lol.
Arirangtv and kbs are just propaganda of culture.

sihyeon looks really busted half the time

Attached: wl.png (564x846, 1.1M)

not tinny but i'm cringing at this post right now, she's a supervisual

is that how all the turbo nugu groups can survive?

nah my dude some have silky smooth armpits

if they dont like the same shit that blackpink keeps providing it means they are cringey?

>watching a popular anime makes you a weeb

thats your opinion guy
i think shes beautiful

becuz they shave it....

Attached: D3le5GwWkAUxmKA.jpg (1333x2000, 454K)

Fate is popular and anyone who likes Fate is 100% a weeb

don't know about nugus, but i'm pretty sure it's how a channel like arirang with no viewers continues to exist. that and music shows.

i mean we are talking about a country that 35% of its annual income comes solely from samsung..
they need another industry to survive if samsung goes full boeing

Fate is not as popular with normies as bnha

>Fate is not as popular with normies as bnha

the album is really weak except for don't know what to do. I don't care about the rating, it's probably even higher than it should be but that text made me cringe several times. it's amazing that people get paid to write that kind of garbage

'samsung' is a bit misleading there, though. domestically, they control way more than just electronics. they also run insurance, hospitals, construction, etc.

i never realised that momo has such meaty lips before


you're probably thinking of that other everglow

her face is too wide for her jaw

Damn, if I had Twitter I’d be helping cub out, but unfortunately for her I’m not a roastie.

people have different brains

i dont want to convince you , shes mine

Attached: D3obFN5UIAEv7Ca.jpg (1000x1499, 158K)

fuck you I was posting her first

sihyeon is like an uglier suzy with a more punchable face

Attached: hiichan talent.webm (794x1064, 2.97M)

it's all right, she's at 26k



her eyelids are nasty

Good to hear

Attached: 531DC399-3CAB-483B-AE02-C2D5D7DD49C0.jpg (386x386, 40K)

so the spoiler queen said that twice will go to indonesia and india?

VERY ugly cheekbones ruin that face

the new weekly idol hosts are fucking garbage. only that fat guy is any good


Attached: Chaeyeon10.jpg (1333x2000, 345K)

>momo is my motivation to finishing my physics hw
twice is literally saving my future

Attached: 1510981100604.jpg (1500x1387, 374K)

well they will go to indonesia too so india seems like a better place anyway

She wishes


how much do i care?

she is MY waifu

u dont have to like her

Attached: D3oaGRjU8AEMCoz.jpg (1200x1800, 436K)

post her angry winku

momo in calcutta stepping on a street turd

wow tzuyu gets to return to her home country. I'm happy for her

nice tux

what about nancy and eunbi? this bitch isn't even fat

Attached: haseul10.jpg (1000x1500, 234K)

Which kpops would Momo blast it to?

she's so dumb she'd blast to a webm she didn't recognise as herself

kinda cute. maybe we should stop bullying hitomi


eunbi is permanently desisted shes not my thing

ill probly do nancy still we shall see where it goes

Attached: D3o9CdhV4AEaxCU.jpg (682x1024, 88K)




she looks like an uglier hitomi here. look at those eyebags lol

and the FAT face