>DA 26
>CH 26
>TZ 28
update your list

GIDLE sabotaged loona. they DESERVES to flop

Creamcatcher is being sexy again

Attached: 190407 드림캐쳐 콘서트 in 서울 - 7rings 유현 직캠-Ep5DTwkkNLg-2.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>tfw your girl is in the the 30k club

>less than 40k
>even ultra nugu ateez has 40k+ on every post


Attached: 1554937882202.jpg (1000x1500, 171K)

why is this indian streetshitter so repetitive?

>wonder girls nostalgia time
>into itzy
fucking based

Attached: D3ylP1BUEAECJWm.jpg (932x532, 60K)

yea just get the pre-breaded chicken tenders and bake them. easy and cheap. all you need is some bbq on there and you're golden