I'd say he won, I only scored a takedown without a good slam. The party broke it up and he got arrested for it, I didn't press charges but I believe he still has it on his record, we were around 20 at the time. But yeah I had 100+ stitches and staples so Id say he came out on top, kek
Any one on Yea Forums right now who has been stabbed?
I shit you not, In Canada i was attacked by a group of nigs and stabbed in the back, didnt go deep because I ran as it was happening. The dude at the bus stop got it worse than me.
Not a bad area either.
Dull punctures man, its the worst pain ever (im triple mcstabby ^) sharp ones can dice the nerves and you dont feel shit
Oh theres a fourth one I forgot about. When I was younger Id alwayys take a shower after using the pool, dunno why just did. Was in post pool ritual when fuck ass neighbor kid came in slapped the glass shower door to scare me. The shit fell off the runners and shattered, but not as it was supposed to in the tempered glass way to mitigate huge pieces cleving people. The whole top half stayed together and just dice my right like soft butter, 4 finger tendons and all top ligaments clean sliced in two. I didnt even notice it until my mom lost her shit. My sister cunt face was complaining that she had to hold my hand together on the ride to the hospital. And the doc told me to spread my fingers out straight, felt the tendons roll up, fuckin prick. I'm accident prone, I got a million stories at my body's expense.
Back in high school a guy stabbed my arm with a pencil. He was weird and I told him to fuck off with being a faggot. He hooked my arm with a pencil, hurt like fuck. Told him he's still a faggot and went home for the day. On the way home my friend asked wtf happened. Didn't notice I was bleeding pretty bad, it was actually deep to the muscle and hurt for some time till it healed. Got heated the day after but let it go.
I later encountered the same guy in university after my mother died, said he wanked off in my mother's ashes the first day I came back after her funeral; it was unprompted and obviously a "hurr durr check this out guys!" move. Waited till end of the lecture with boiling blood I've never matched to this day and threw, literally threw him down the stairs from the top of the lecture hall; then hooked into his friend there after. Didn't see him much after that and never got in trouble over it, I actually heard nothing from anyone there after about it really. He messaged me years later some bullshit, told him to fuck off or I'd throw him further next time. Never heard since.
Only other time was I was being dumb and the knife slipped into my leg. Cut muscle, lots of limping and "what the fuck is wrong with me". Still have a decent scar. No gut wounds though luckily, been in some shit spots but came out on top.
If anyone heard what he said I can't imagine they'd expect you to be civil. What body part hit first on the stairs and what was his posture when he came to a halt?
My cousin was stabbed like 5 or 6 times. They rushed him to the hospital immediately, even ran from cops as they raced to the hospital. Luckily the cops realized what was happening and ended up escorting them. He got punctured in the liver, lungs, and stomach among other organs. I never want to be stabbed or shot.
Haven't been stabbed myself but had a few friends that have been.
They said it felt like they'd been punched and they didn't realize until shortly afterwards that they'd been stabbed.
You are the definition of beta.
Ran a sawsall into my leg demoing an aluminum shed. Didn't hurt at the time. Lots of blood. Ached for a week after. Hurt to walk on it.