Greta is a piece of shit

That has to be one of the worst shop jobs I've seen in a long time.

WRONG! Greta has fought more uphill battles and accomplished more than you ever will, and all before adulthood.
She is out there singlehandedly saving the fucking planet while you bitch, moan, whine, and do NOTHING!
Meanwhile, she is not only raising awareness about the climate disruption crisis that will kill us all if left unchecked, increasing trans visibility by her very existence, and getting the attention of some of the greatest warriors in the fight for our survival (AOC, Obama, etc.), but she even spearheaded the single most successful global mass protest in human HISTORY!
Suck on that, you boomer dinosaur fuck!

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I'd rather suck on her

>she is literally a mong you retard so makeup doesn't do shit

I don't hate her, she's just a slightly disturbed media created Mongstar with one thought in her head who probably barely knows what is going on in the real world.

Little euro treehugger girl that hasn't anyone right of center seething worse than anything.

I made it for illustrative purposes only, user.

For someone as educated as you obviously are, your sentence structure is a fucking joke.

she's just a retarded media puppet like that davig pig

If I'm going to change even one mind, I have to talk at their level. ;-)
Sorry, it was passionate. I swiped it out on my phone. Didn't have time to edit. Sentence fragment.

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