Greta is a piece of shit
Greta is a piece of shit
I wonder what she thinks of when she masturbates
Me, I hope.
I love her little puffy nipples.
Who the fuck and the fucking what's this shit
A little makeup and a less severe hair style, and she'd be a doll.
No hes not hes a little dude
Don't care, would bang for the sake of the climate.
That has to be one of the worst shop jobs I've seen in a long time.
WRONG! Greta has fought more uphill battles and accomplished more than you ever will, and all before adulthood.
She is out there singlehandedly saving the fucking planet while you bitch, moan, whine, and do NOTHING!
Meanwhile, she is not only raising awareness about the climate disruption crisis that will kill us all if left unchecked, increasing trans visibility by her very existence, and getting the attention of some of the greatest warriors in the fight for our survival (AOC, Obama, etc.), but she even spearheaded the single most successful global mass protest in human HISTORY!
Suck on that, you boomer dinosaur fuck!
I'd rather suck on her
>she is literally a mong you retard so makeup doesn't do shit
I don't hate her, she's just a slightly disturbed media created Mongstar with one thought in her head who probably barely knows what is going on in the real world.
Little euro treehugger girl that hasn't anyone right of center seething worse than anything.
I made it for illustrative purposes only, user.
For someone as educated as you obviously are, your sentence structure is a fucking joke.
she's just a retarded media puppet like that davig pig
If I'm going to change even one mind, I have to talk at their level. ;-)
Sorry, it was passionate. I swiped it out on my phone. Didn't have time to edit. Sentence fragment.
wouldn't fix her swedish meatball shaped face
Because she's trying to do something good? People like you confuse me
kek nonetheless
no u
"She" is a little Swedish trap who is traveling the world to whine about climate change and trans rights.
My party's propaganda has reached liberal level and I no longer know what the fuck is true of not. That macro is probably false as hell even though the greta girl is probably lefty as hell
Z i n g !
You have the mega?
According to MSM a 16 yr old retard from Sweden is SAVING THE WORLD!
She is single handedly reversing climate change by making politicians listen to a 16 yr old retard from Sweden.
Pic related
What he said
nah her life is actually infinitely more interesting than your own
She's a special needs child. The pieces of shit are her parents and handlers who have used her for their cause.
She sold a lot of mommy's books.
this is just false.
what she's actually doing is calling upon the world's governments to actually do something to positively impact climate change. After all it's governments who know that they should tax what they also deem to be wrong, like taxing sugar to stop fatties, taxing smoking to stop lung cancer, and in this case they should be taxing the use of fossil fuels to help prolong the future of said fossil fuels. Call me a conspiracy theorist but the only reason they don't just outright switch to green solutions for every single way we consume energy is because there is more money in extorting people to buy something they can't physically possess - like gasoline, unlike a solar panel which can work for you... they can't tax the sun
What God? What is her plan? All's she does is say "pollution bad". No shit Sherlock.
>Dark City
>Event Horizon
i dont think she gives a shit about politics and has no ideology outside of very clear understanding of the facts.
Try and understand that us clever people see this fake left/right divide as petty, unimportant slave mentality
And here it is. The big solution is to tax, tax, tax.
16yo Swedish tranny.
yea a lot of people here really want to suck her dick apparently, they post her using harsh language and fake animosity but she's gradually becoming the true queen of Yea Forums
she's a fucking autistic retard too.
Clear understanding of remembering the script .
Isn't there a dick waiting for you to suck 8t somewhere?
Boomer here. Get fucked hippy.
>us clever people
Just like every smelly hippy fuck has done for the last Half century. in another 10 years when they catch on that it was bullshit the climate fuckers will find a new packs of kids to brainwash and exploit until the next decade..lather ..rinse.. repeat . they have been doing the same fucking shit since the 70's
from the eyes of your government cutting all current taxes attributed with fossil fuels right away in favour of tax-less, "untariffable" green energy, would be an absolute disaster considering how much money the government makes from taxing the sales of fossil fuels
What the fuck you think my post was about?
I'm a Republican it's pretty obvious that's meaningless since both parties do the same and now both supporters are just a bunch of NPC trolls.
>fake left/right divide as petty, unimportant slave mentality
This all day.
You.. can't physically possess gasoline?
>the script
More irony from the right . Neat
saged and reported pedo
>us clever people
Simple truth
you can't possess it without paying tax on it first dummy. And you can't sell it without paying another sales tax.
MODS!!! She's fucking underage NIGGER. Learn how to Wikipedia her faggot.
Just want to see her slobbering on a hard cock.
tiny dot cc slash ClimateGoddess
Press S to spit
So extra carbon tax paid to the new world order will solve what?
No, but it will make rabbi not-goldberg happy.
I'm simply saying it's the reason moving to greener solutions is so slow
That's not relevant to what you said. The reason behind fossil fuel still being a thing is that things on this scale takes time to phase out.
reported for posting lewd content with a 16 year old girl as victim. Delete this thread.
>So extra carbon tax paid to the new world order will solve what?
White supremacy
Have you seen her Antifa shirt? The whole family is fucked up
Anyone wanna site a source on greta being a trans?
>being against fascism is fucked up
incel pls go
The final solution.
>there is more money in extorting people to buy something they can't physically possess - like gasoline
you can't physically possess a large amount of gasoline and not pay tax on it was what I meant
the same people that said Lady Gaga had penis.
totally legit
>hurr durr Antifa is against fascism because that's what's in their name
She’s a shill, a pawn for left.
You are what is wrong in today's world. Anyone that doesn't agree with you on anything is far right. I am not right or left, you should try the whole "think for yourself" thing out. It takes more work but at least you aren't being used as a pawn. I don't disagree with climate change. I don't believe in using a special needs child to spew your message. It's a cheap circus show. It makes it so educated adults can't debate. No one wants to go on TV and be seen scolding a special needs child. I wish we could discuss anything in this world without it being one extreme or the other.
Doesn't work
oy vey delete this!
They always are
greta is a filthy autistic whore
It actually violates US Law. We've got him.
>your message.
kys flat earther
she is a coalburner
It's all about money. Like it or not. People talk a good game but put gas at 5 bucks a gallon and the ripple effect of higher transportation costs , the peasants will revolt.
Nice try FBI. Not posting underage tranny dickpics today.
your mom will still give you gas money
lol one big IRA circlejerk in here
I'm so thankful for that! This was worse than a billion explosions in my face! When I saw that disgusting picture I remember the time I was tortured in Auschwitz, when doctor Kugel-mugel turned me into six lampshades. Such cruelty, such inhumanity! Delete this!
I brazilian guy.
>at 5 bucks a gallon
It's about 6 dollars a gallon here in BC dumbfuck. Nobody's "revolting."
stop making this thread everyday, its clear that you're a troll and just want to post pics of her, shes underage you fucking sperg.
Tough break nigga
>shes underage you fucking sperg
Libcuck detected.
don't care post someone your own age, fucker.
libcuck cause he doesn't agree with sexualizing the youth...
I honestly think it's wishful thinking on their part
Spin doctors ahead
>Hurr durr trump is actually trying to make American (which america?) Great again because it's in his slogan
You can pay 10 bucks a gallon for all I care. I live in the US. I remember when gas went up over 4 bucks a gallon. People where mad. But you called me names, so I guess you win. This is why nothing can get debated.
>post someone your own age
Then maybe we should stop making children into some sort of public figures.
I like it when you stupid fucks bring up solar panels. Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than do nuclear power plants. It's not a solution, it's a fucking joke that you think it's actually 'clean'.
>Then maybe we should stop making children into some sort of public figures.
nothing to do with post underage girls on Yea Forums.
She's not a piece of shit, she's just a kid that's trapped in a cult that much of our society sides with. I feel bad for the poor kid being used as a tool to push views she doesn't understand and in the process being put in the public eye under so much stress and scrutiny.
>Hurr Durr everyone who disagrees with me is a trump supporter because I have a tiny brain and can't see beyond my own bias and ignorance
The reason she's being posted here is because she's a public figure. Why do you think all the fags care?
>OP makes thread: "[...] is a piece of shit"
>Libtard replies: "sexualizing the youth"
Projecting much? He just said he hates the cunt. He didn't ask for porn, or underage sexual images.
Creepy huh?
A fucking robot holding the mirror up
what has she actually proposed? and what does she have to support it? or she just bitching without a solution?
>He just said he hates the cunt.
Everyday, an excuse to post underage girls.
I shall burn a Styrofoam pyre in her honor.
Take a wild guess. Guess on who she wants to fix it.
Try not to whip your dick out
I'm 26, my dude, get a life.
I threw a whole box of plastic straws in the ocean to honor her.
>she just bitching without a solution?
You must be a complete retard, she's saying that we shouldn't destroy our planet
how hard is that for you to understand you dumb fucking cunt
this is the worst ever , can we actually deep nude the little ho?
>far right
I didn't say far right. Why did you read it that way??
>as though we don't know why
>Everyday, an excuse to post underage girls.
Because it would be different to say you hate someone if they're over 18? You're seriously fucking autistic.
>deep nude the little ho?
Is that legal? also I kinda reported you, just in case
>Because it would be different to say you hate someone if they're over 18?
Stop posting underage girls, bro.
Wow, that's very deeply thought out and totally not just a blank and general statement of the obvious.
None of those 3rd-worlders who walk everywhere create even a fraction of the carbon footprint as the shiny 1st-worlders who drive all over suburbia every day and use $300/month of electricity. It's not even close.
Could... but not really worth the effort. She's just another leftest puppet. The libcucks really like to use children to spout their agenda because they rely more on ethos than logos.
Is that a meme?
You're retarded. China single-handedly produces more carbon emissions than American and Europe combined.
Well, if you stop being an obvious trumptard then people night atop assuming you're dating your sister
It was the others after the OP who sexualized her.
Cite source for your made-up statistic.
>night atop assuming you're dating your sister
There's so much irony in that single sentence. I never had any doubts about whether you are retarded. But this? For this, I was not ready.
>China single-handedly produces more carbon emissions than American and Europe combined.
China is in Europe
Yes nudes of a non sexual nature are legal , but usually deleted here, because just in case..
>Well, if you stop being an obvious trumptard then people night atop assuming you're dating your sister
*Alabama intensifies*
Press X to doubt.
>nudes of a non sexual nature
On Yea Forums? Okay, guy...
We used close to $600 on just electricity last month
It was hot and te AC sucks juice like crazy since mom demanded the black roof all those years ago. She's dead but the house is still an oven I summer because of her.
We're actually kind of poor 1st worlders too.
You have to be a fucking moron , if you believe that , you see how much shit china produces ? All that takes energy , and energy takes burning coal...
Probably because China makes everything for both Europe and the usa
If you do not have arguments make jokes about your opponents, lie,...
If you don't have clean air to breathe it's okay for you. Give the rest to good people