How do I get a gf, Yea Forums? I'm nice, funny, caring, and will protect them and support them but they never say yes...

How do I get a gf, Yea Forums? I'm nice, funny, caring, and will protect them and support them but they never say yes. Day in and day out I go on this board and me and fellow lonely fappers commiserate. I'm tired of being a kissless virgin. I want to join the Chad elite like some of my Yea Forumsros on here. I don't want to become a bitter incel. I know women don't go for assholes, but why do they ignore and reject me if they say they want a supportive bf? I don't know what they want from me.

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Bruhh. Girls might not always want the asshole, but they NEVER want the weakling. You are the weakling. But good news for you, is it starts with your attitude.
>Day in and day out i go on this board
Stop it. If you're spending all your time here, you're not trying to work on yourself.
>I'm nice, funny, caring, and will protect them and support them
While you probably are most of those things, they don't matter if you smell desperate. And judging by your post, you do.
>I don't know what they want from me
Just try cutting back on the "pl-pl-please love me" vibes that are creeping me out. I'm sure you'll make it so much further than you currently are.

you dont want one user. just bang sloots and smoke weed until you die

Ask every girl you remotely like. If you get rejected tell them thank you and instantly just move on to the next one. You'll get used to rejection and you'll get more confident in your approach as you try. Eventually someone will say yes and maybe it will last. If it doesn't just wish them well and try again.

I can't help it. I've tried being less desperate but it's so lonely

So basically Chris Chan?

Yes but there will be some kind of advancement from trail an error instead of no advancement due to his "tisim" blocking his ability to learn.

Oh, ok

If you're not willing to commit to a change, then you should have never posted. You're going to get rejected. A lot. That's the thing most people don't understand about Chad's. They fuck tons of girls. But what do you think their success rate is? You ask out 25-30 girls, get a yes maybe 3 times. They key part of being "Chad" is you gotta keep the train moving. 10 no's in a row won't affect him because he knows that 11 might say yes.

If you're making your intentions for a serious relationship clear from the moment you meet them, it will drive them away since they don't know you yet so of course they won't be sure whether they want to reciprocate or not.
Start off more casually, ask them for their phone number so you can exchange texts when you're bored or something.
You should act like you're casually interested in knowing them as a person rather than as a gf.

... Honestly, if you're even frequently in a position to talk to qts, you're already halfway there compared to other desperate anons.

Be attractive

You don't even have to be attractive. You just have to wiggle your way between giving her attention, and completely blowing her off. You make her feel good, tell her she's beautiful. Then bounce for the weekend. Say something came up and you're sorry you didn't respond. Girls love to be the ones that pick and choose what happens. Take the choice away from them.

Keep on posting pictures of frogs, that helps

If you're ugly as sin this won't work, this isn't some 80s b movie

How do I do that without being a bobs and vagene fuckboy? This sounds gay, but I've always thought Chads were the most talented hunks and I look up to them in awe. They always know how to do things and find women into what they bring to the table

Thank you. I'll ask my current crush for her number and act casual

There's definitely a difference between being ugly as sin and just run of the mill un attractive.

Just go get rejected a lot for bold approaches. Sooner or later some chick is gonna make a mistake and accept one.

I don't care if you resemble a mold infestation on a scarecrow, some chick is gonna be desperate enough, drunk enough, or want to hurt you enough to fuck the shit out of you before breaking your heart mercilessly.

Then, you will learn to hate me.

Honestly, just roll with that.

Walk up to the next good looking chick (or fat pig, your choice) and say:

'I desperately wanna fuck you silly. Let's go.'

With practice it will become habit, and no longer cringy at all, but bold and brassy.

I wish you the best of luck user. Just remember that in the quest for a girlfriend, it's very easy to lose sight of the girl herself.

You don't have to be bobs and vagene guy. You go out, see some chick that makes your dick hard? "Hey, I'm on my way to xyz, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go to lunch sometime" or something along those lines. Chances are she's gonna say no. Be polite, and move along. Wash rinse repeat. You're gonna be dogshit the first few times. You'll get more confident with yourself, and comfortable with rejection. The worst thing they can say is no.

Dewd. Chad is a tool, and nothing more.

Chicks don't care about Chad. They care about themselves.

>bobs and vagene fuckboy

Guess what is the most populous nation in the world?

Yeah. 'Show bobs and vagene my dear.' works like a charm. It may only work the 211th time, but it works. I am old, fat, missing two front teeth, have no job, live in a $100 trailer, and have just walked up to women and thrown my tongue down their throat. I have rolled down the window of my rusted out shitbox and yelled 'Hey baby! Wanna get lucky?' and then got lucky.

I have fucked my classmates mothers, their cousins the day after I fucked them, been accused of being demon possessed by a youth paster intent on marrying my girlfriend, and have at least three blue eyed sons I know about.

I undoubtedly have more kids, because 2/3 of my sons are butt babies and I am awesomely fertile and have never worn a condom.

I may impact future human genetics like fucking Genghis Khan.

Note: I do not recommend these actions to create good relationships with parents, pillars of the community, or the Penal Industrial Complex. Following this advice is almost guaranteed to wind up as a sex offender.

You remember Angelina Jolie's first husband, Billy Bob Thornton? That guy is as ugly as a dog fart.

Being ugly is actually attractive to some women.

Women are all fucked up inside, and some of them want to pity fuck to make up for their asshole past. It doesn't matter what you look like, how much money you have, or if you even have legs.

Some woman out there wants to fuck you. If you don't ask, you will never find her.

>The worst thing they can say is no.

Haha! OMG, this is so adorable. But, no. The worst thing she can say is 'yes!' and then give you AIDS before claiming you raped her after burning her clit off with a lighter to her crankster family, and then, after they beat you into a wheelchair for life, calling 911.

And then, after you're in jail for decades, giving birth to your deformed subhuman spawn and making you pay for your entire life for it's support - which is really Jamal's crack habit.

Now that I think about it, that's not the worst thing, but the worst thing definitely starts with 'yes!'

You’re just fuck ugly and entitled....

This has to be the most ignorant incel thing I've ever seen. I don't know you, and from the looks of it, I wouldn't want to. But I am sorry for whatever has happened in your life to make you feel like this. It's okay user.

No. No, it's really not ok to be parasitized by women.

Fuck you, you ignorant cunt.

I hope you find the girl of your dreams and are slowly, excruciatingly educated by her and her womanly wiles until you grasp the stark reality that women can be vicious predators.

Honestly, it is not I that sounds like an incel here. I'm the guy with three blue eyed sons.

I know whereof I speak.

Upon reflection, I realize you are a woman, and blithely unaware that some of you cunts are savage murderers.

Thanks for giving me hope again, anoness. Maybe I can someday find a good woman, because you reveal it's just possible that somewhere, somehow, some exist, beyond all reason.

listen here you fucking simp. First point let her know you're into her don't text/talk to her like you would text your friend. Second point it doesn't really matter if u are ugly but take care of urself, go to gym get a nice hair, dress urself properly, smell nice and shit. And last but not least DONT FUCKING LOOK DESESPERATED

First off, no one ever said that all bitches are goddesses. Some are fucking cunts. But to assume that all of them are is completely ignorant. Second, I'm not a woman. Third, if bet my bank account that you not only don't have 3 blue eyes sons, but are also a kissless virgin like op, and your only experience with relationships are from online basket weaving forums.

First, you probably don't have a bank account.
Second, I don't GAF who or what you think I am.
Third, you're woefully wrong about me.

pic related

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Oh, you're completely right user! I'm sorry for ever doubting you. At first I had to suspicions but your photo definitely proved you are who you say you are!

It doesn't prove shit, except that you are full of it.

The facts I speak are all that matters. At my age, a lot of things have almost killed me. The only thing that ever made me WANT to die was a woman.

Oh wise one. How could I ever be so blind! Your knowledge and experience is a blessing, and I would be honored if you showered it upon us like R Kelly and that 14 year old girl. Please!

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The defense of one's world view by mocking those of others really is no defense at all. You, if you're lucky, will realize that soon enough to defend criticism of it, that you might believe only what is fact, and discard false beliefs that might render you defenseless to real hazards.

Hazards such as ruthless cunts.

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Get a crushes number. Get to know her but don't get stuck in this phase. Once you've gotten to know her a bit try to be a casual as possible and ask if she wants to go on a date. Make the date something fun and bonding. If you can play your cards right try to hold her hand at least halfway through the date. If everything is going smoothly kiss her. I hope this helps.

go out and TRY. get used to rejection, nothing wrong with it. just get rejected over and over again until eventually you dont. youre alone rn because you lack the EFFORT to not be

Nice guys finish last, Nigger.

-Chad Buttowski

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