Be me

>be me
>still virgin

Am I ugly? Is it too late?
Pulling silly face because when I try and take serious pics it always comes out awkward as fuck

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You need a better haircut, a shave, and some sleep

you look like oneyNG but somehow more retarded
seriously though, just keep yourself well-groomed and dont lose hope i guess



You need to find an equally sexually clueless retard like yourself and hook up, good luck

Both the hair on your head and the hair on your face are much too thin. Shave them both. Stop trying to fight a battle youve already lost.

I don't look good with a shaved head

It’s over.

>Start being active everyday for example walking a few miles, biking, just any movement really.
>Start lifting weights
>Eat real food, not processed junk foods.
>Get enough sleep everyday
>Drink about a gallon of water daily
>Better haircut
>Keep facial hair neat
>Improve your style
That’s basically it. You’ll eventually start gaining confidence like crazy.

>>Better haircut

What though? I have the comb over because it's receding and I'm pretty self conscious about it, no other style hides it, and I don't look good with a shaved head or buzz cut

Do you actually have an underbite or is that part of goofyface?

You're not a bad looking guy, man, like at all. Shave that facial hair though (at least the crap your cheeks...I've got that same no-growth thing and I can't stand it), and get literally any other haircut. A shaved head is like 100x better than any other thing when you have receding hair...people are drawn to you and see you as authoritative, which is weird, but true.

Another pic please. Don't do a face, just do your regular awkward face.

I bet you'd look better than your current haircut though. And I bet chicks would start digging your more just outright. Hair is a tricky thing, ain't it?

So you think what you're rocking now is better than any alternative? Your hair and facial hair are a fucking mess dude change it.

If you smoke weed, stop that. Get enough sleep, fix your diet, get some sunlight so you don't look like a cadaver.

>be me
>31 yo
>still virgin
>dont care

same thing, different thought.

Grow the facial hair a bit more.
Get black rimmed glasses.
Slick your hair in a random direction.
You'll still be a permabeta virgin but at least you'll feel better about yourself because of it.

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Yeah i went around with that shitty game of combing over for a few years because i was super young when it thinned out but the reality is that your hair looks like shit. No haircut is going to hide the losing battle youre trying to fight. You will be surprised what shaving it will do for your confidence, which is the primary obstacle to getting your dick wet

Just find a call girl and pay for it. Getting laid is as easy as breathing air. Literally.

Shave your face, get a haircut, start working out

Heyyyy you got this mannn. I'm a belieber.

>Haircut - Shave your sides low, top can be slightly longer but still short. Use pomade to style

>Eat better, your skin looks oily and a bit chubby

>Lift weights and do cardio

>Dress better

>Put yourself into situations where women are looking to get laid after completing the above steps. bars, clubs, venues, comic cons, whatever you like

>stop taking "goofy" pictures. just makes you look unconfident. Women like strong confident men who are emotionally stable because they aren't. Nothing turns a woman away faster than a man who seems unstable and unsure of himself. They know you won't be able to handle them since they can't handle themselves.

Work out more, get out more, get a haircut and shave. This seems pretty obvious.


New hair cut
Dress better
Dont wear too much cologne as it smells of desperation to women
Work out 4 to 5 times a week
Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal

Post an update to your shaved face!

>change hair cut
>fix sleeping schedule
>go outside so you won't look as pale
>shave or grow proper beard
There I fixed your looks

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