Feels thread

>feels thread
Just turned 18, celebrated with a shitty ass cigar, still a virgin, cant even drink because America fucking sucks, still no friends
What did you guys do on your 18th birthday?

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being virgin at 18 is pretty normal.

Went to a casino, doubled money, ended up using that money to stay the night

holy shit
at 18 i had already gotten the clap twice from all the sex i was having and liver damage from all the booze i was drinking

Drank vodka with my bro

Paid a trucker $20 to buy me and my friends 4Lokos

Will that work? I've tried to buy some Jack yesterday but when I said I forgot my Id he basically told me to fuck off, I was so fucking pissed

Not in 2019, all the friends I used to have fucked when they were 14 to 16, and they were all ugly retards, I feel like elliot Rodgers saying this but I'm good looking and never fucked a girl, maybe it's my personality or something

Yeah go to a truck stop and go to the back trucker entrance. Slip a trucker like double what they cost and tell him he can keep the rest if he hooks you up.

Did it work first try or did you get turned down a couple times