What does Yea Forums think about birds?
What does Yea Forums think about birds?
William Cruz
Justin Myers
totes adorb
Michael Lewis
They're important
Cooper Lewis
they are dinosaurs. they'll also poop on you
Sebastian Kelly
I dont understand them. Chicken is delicious tho.
Austin White
I named my massive C# application after a bird.
Jose Jackson
Levi Sanders
I think it's cool how they were basically the alpha species before humans came along. I love learning about the crazy bird species that used to live on New Zealand and Hawaii. I can only imagine the other species that lived around the world and we never learned about.
Caleb Wood
What app?
Gabriel Sanchez
They're great, all of them. I hate it when people give them hate, even when it comes to seagulls and pigeons. So what? You got pooed on by a pigeon? Well boo-fucking-hoo!