That's all well and good until you realize there are more guns then people here, I want something to protect myself from the nigs that want to shoot me
Dear Americans
I'd rather go out shooting than bending over and letting the government fuck me
there is a 0% chance any of you pussies that cling to your security boomersticks crying **muh turranical gubmant**. you'll fold like a jewish lawncair when your milspec sheriff's dept and ATF daddy come knocking
A weapon without a human will never kill anybody.
But weapons scattered around humans are likely to cause problems.
I think the best choice is to ban niggers of the sand and jungle variety
If America ever becomes tyrannical I'm just going to abandon ship and fuck off, become an illegal in Britain
The fatal flaw in your retarded logic: they already exist, and will never cease to exist. Your argument is invalid.
Those with the intent to kill will make weapons. Trucks of peace, fertilizer bombs, nerve gas, and simple sharp weapons. The lack of weapons will only change what they use to kill.