Dear Americans

Dear Americans,

You are usually intelligent and advanced people. The world owe you most recent technological progress etc.
But there is one thing I can't explain. Why can't you understand the following sentence:

"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"

Why don't accept the fact that among developped countries you are plain full retard on that exact issue?
Most of you will serve me statistics about how heavily armed are criminals or how little are the chances to be killed by mistake, or how irrelevant is the presence of a weapon nearby if someone wants to commit suicide. All biased info to support your retardness.

Read again:

"A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone"

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Other urls found in this thread:

making guns illegal would just make illegal gun sales go up
same thing happened during prohibition


NRA-like justification.

Our mass murder issues would be the same if we passed gun control laws or even banned guns all together. There are plenty of ways to kill lots of people without guns. Guns have been popular amongst american citizens since america's inception hundreds of years ago, but mass shootings have only been a problem for the last 20 years. This is not a gun issue, its a mental health issue and a culture issue.

The weapons do exist you fucking retard and the people who want to do bad things with them won't give them up. Should Europeans ban trucks since Muslims like to run people over with them?

do you think americans will ever be able to find a solution other than killing each other?

You can't just hold your hands over your ears for such arguments. The second also stands as a deterrent for a tyrannical government, and is thus a necessity no matter how many lives are lost. This may seem overly callous, but lives taken by "assault weapons" are luckily few and far between compared to other forms of deaths, unlike what you have been most likely lead to beleive.

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Ok then. A mental health and culture issue. Let's go for it.
It's then urgent to remove guns from circulation to avoid those ill people to access them.

The problem is the saturation of the market here. If you start taking away weapons through laws and buy back programs the only people you'd be getting them from is law abiding citizens. Literally EVERYONE here who wants a gun has one. That includes people who shouldn't have them in the first place (felons mainly). So you start taking away guns the only thing you're doing is disarming the people who (objectively speaking) you WANT to have guns. There are already so many in circulation, we are too far to go back.


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That's all well and good until you realize there are more guns then people here, I want something to protect myself from the nigs that want to shoot me

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I'd rather go out shooting than bending over and letting the government fuck me

there is a 0% chance any of you pussies that cling to your security boomersticks crying **muh turranical gubmant**. you'll fold like a jewish lawncair when your milspec sheriff's dept and ATF daddy come knocking

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A weapon without a human will never kill anybody.

But weapons scattered around humans are likely to cause problems.

I think the best choice is to ban niggers of the sand and jungle variety

If America ever becomes tyrannical I'm just going to abandon ship and fuck off, become an illegal in Britain

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The fatal flaw in your retarded logic: they already exist, and will never cease to exist. Your argument is invalid.

Those with the intent to kill will make weapons. Trucks of peace, fertilizer bombs, nerve gas, and simple sharp weapons. The lack of weapons will only change what they use to kill.

Cool story faggot, add some wizards and dragons, maybe Pete Jackson can make it into a movie for you.

Dear Non-Americans

How is it any of your fucking business whether or not US citizens have guns? Seeing that so many of you hate us so much you would think you would support us having as many guns as possible. Just because you're willing to bow to your globalist masters don't expect us to go quietly into the night.

The only way his arguement could work is if he went back in time and killed Richard Gatling

Hell one the first murders was probably done with a rock

The American Second Amendment is about people mistrusting the government and having the means to overthrow their government when the government has proven to be too corrupt and too tyrannical to bear.

Notice how a gun could protect them from the constant terrorist attacks but yet they still insist that guns are the root of all evil, I think they're just retarded

Go be Mexican somewehere else. Kill chump. The purge USA only November 4th staring at Keyne Wests house.

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Ooorrrrr and hear me out... we ban violent video games. Problem solved right? Everyone keeps thier guns and shootings stop. Boom. I'll tackle world hunger next. Your welcome.

>"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"

A weapon that doesn't exist is a weapon that's just going to be made. The problem isn't the guns, it's the people and the lack of awareness to mental health. You think getting rid of guns is going to solve gun related crimes? They're just going to be replaced with a different fucking weapon like a knife. Should we get rid of all knives then? No, because you can't get rid of what's already been created you dipwad.

I'm not even an Ameritard but getting rid of guns won't solve the issue. It'll just replace it.

Literally anything can be used as a weapon. If you put bans on guns, people who are intent on killing someone will keep getting more creative with their methods of doing so. At least guns are easy to identify, you can hear it when they're used, and forensics have a better chance of catching a murderer who uses a gun than one that uses a knife or a bomb or poison

There world hunger solved

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How about we cull mental illness from our society?
Starting with you.
If Noone can be crazy then we don't have to worry about access.
If every gun dissappeared tomorrow, pieces of shit would rob you with a knife cause now its not even a question if you can defend yourself.
And what are the cops gonna do if they decide to show? up?
Or are those abusive pig nigger haters still allowed to keep their guns?

Fucking A. Is there nothing Yea Forums cant do??? Poverty is next.

Just print more money

or we equally distribute everything that is created and earned regardless of effort and talent that was put in by the individual. That way EVERYONE has EVERYTHING!

Nah I think my idea is better

Yeah, no. Criminals and mass murderers make up a very small percent of the total population. Everyone else shouldnt be punished and have their 2nd amendment rights taken away because of the actions of a few. And, like i said, these mentally ill people will find different ways to commit mass murder without guns.

Most assaults happen with acid or a knife

if you take our black out of the statistics we're safer than every country in western Europe.

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God damnit. We did it.

NJ: camden, newark, paterson, irvington, And a large portion of union county. I live in NJ, it is hard to get a gun here in the iron curtain. There arent many, if any, mass shootings but there are hundreds of murders from muggings, gangs and just plain attacks, 94% of which are illegal handguns and submachine guns, or homemade firearms. Explain to me how banning guns from innocent people to protect against the criminals who will always find a way to arm themselves will stop gun violence. There may not be mass shootings but there is even more individual murder thats also way easier to cover up and not mention because one or two lives at a time from people who dont matter is easy to cover up.


>A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone
This is what oppressed people from foreign countries will never understand about the United States. Freedom has a cost. Without the will to accept that fact, a person will never truly be free.

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they are - thats why it scares the deep state enough to try to take away the guns by hiring shills like you

cull niggers and spics and the gun homicide rate will plummet

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Just to help prove my point it can take up to 6 months just to get a licence to buy a firearm here, thats not even considering a carry permit which is almost never heard of here. But i can walk to the otherside of my town, talk to a few guys show some cash and buy whatever gun i want. Just some perspective.

>Shall not be infringed
Can't prove me wrong

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>you are plain full retard


>being this retarded
>milspec sheriffs dept will hold the line against the tyrannical govt with the citizens
do you even know people in law enforcement?

>"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"
it does exist and no law will change that

>The world owe you most recent technological progress etc.

Does the world America credit for this?

my penis is a weapon and it hardly is there yet has wasted millions of children.

Why do people assume when citizens say they’d turn against the government if they started taking guns they’d go full on in Leeroy Jenkins style against the entire U.S. army? They’d probably attack the people taking the guns little by little and if you think the U.S. is going to drop bombs in it’s own cityscapes you’re actually dumb. Not to mention the use of bombing/military drones over the common people would never be allowed.

stop projecting your own weakness and indecisiveness onto real men, tranny faggot.

They’d just hide the guns when they come knocking idiot and attack them from the shadows or when they’re vulnerable.

we live in the country that just had a case of a farmers shooting at federal agents over cattle

way to expose yourself as a uneducated child

People on the left are kind of dumb aren’t they?

You would have to erase chemistry engineering physics machining metalwork casting technologies from the minds internet and every written piece of paper.
Its not hard to put a object in a tube and have a chemical or pressurized gas propel an object in the air.

Ban all guns and people will start making stens and lutys. Open bolt machineguns are much easier with nothing less than what you can find in a hardware store and less costly then making a semi auto only gun

Congrats op you are a fag.

Its not hard

well they don't do that in other countries, at least not as much as you think they do

>"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"
a weapon is not a thing, it's a function.
a function, carried out by people, be it with their bare fists, or by using tools.

weaponized tools can be anything.
a rock, a wooden stick, a knife, a wrench, or even a rifle.
With skill and determination, anything, including nothing, can be utilized to kill a person.

And those who want / have to kill will be trained in various ways to kill you, of which nothing is easier than aiming and pulling the trigger.
And precisely this easiness is the reason behind the following saying:
"God created man, but Cnl. Colt made them equal."
If killing is made easy, everyone can defend himself, and this knowledge is the primary reason why violent crime rates amongst carry-permitted areas are on average lower than in the rest of the world: Violent thugs have to fear their victims.
Gun ownership saves lives in the millions. Just look up the statistics that show how many crimes are prevented by civilian, defensive gun usage.
Furthermore, building a firearm is laughable easy. So even if you ban all legal gun-ownership, buy back as much as you can, you will always have a black market for guns and other weapons, and even if we'd live in perfect world (we do not), and you could crack down on black markets reliably everywhere (you can't), it is impossible for you to prevent criminals from building makeshift firearms and other weapons from household items..
Just look at Europe. Since the epidemic of mass-migration started, knife-related crimes and murder have skyrocketed.

Guns save lives, They enable civilians to defend themselves, and even if you yourself don't want to posses / carry one, the constant uncertainty that you might posses one will protect you from becoming a victim of violent thugs, too.

America is the best nation on the world, and the right to bear arms for your own safety is a significant contributer to this fact.

I think a lot of the people who want guns banned are people who have never lived in an area where somebody breaking into their house was a reasonable possibility. Why would you want to enforce a law that would put people in danger.

Dear faggot. Mind your own problems.

the US government managed to win a war against saddam hussein and his fucking artillery, what are your little guns going to do against your government.

Having no guns in America is something that could have worked if it was enforced a long time ago and there was almost no guns in circulation today but we’re long past that point now.

the sheep would also remove the wolfs teeth


I am a human weapon, what now?

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literally in the third world country i live in where there are gun laws people create makeshift guns that can explode on themselves when shot. congrats tard

The Brits said the same thing.

Yeah cause australias guncrime webt up after they banned mostly everything. Also suddenly the biker gangs have been shooting people with home made automatics.

Also there are bombings and other attacks in other countries. A gun isnt necessary to kill people. Japans arson attack nice france. 7/7 bombers boston bombers. Tim mcveigh.

If you thought guns are complex and hard a pipe bomb is even easier. Want to make it even better add diesel to make anfo.

If other countries arnt killing eachother they probably have a homogonized people with a similar culture. And those people stay within it.

Also to add you could probably give every person in iceland or japan a gun and crime wouldnt go up. Go figure its a people problem and not an object problem.

when would the US army be vulnerable, its full of highly trained gun nuts with an itchy trigger finger

Just because it's banned doesn't mean it will magically cease to exist. People have tried to apply the same type of logic to drugs and that obviously didn't work

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We keep guns prevalent to keep scared pussies out of the country


What foriegners dont understand is that we value our freedom. Alot of us want even more freedom.

Isoroku Yamamoto, Fleet Admiral and C.i.C. of the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II:
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
That paragraph referenced the tyranny of the british empire during our founding days. And as of now, no military besides the one maintained by our friends and families, could conquer our nation.
There is simply too much dakka.

you mean how the guns carried by regular people in the US is saving them from mass shootings? Then i understand your argument, seeing US by far has the lowest rating of mass shootings in the world.

obviously we need to regulate you.
do you have a permit for existing?

How's Mohammed's cock taste

> Prohibition gave America the rise of organized crime (the mob), and NASCAR.
> The war on drugs gifted us street gangs and cartels.

Can't wait to see what gun bans lead the way to.

Fuck Trucks! Ban them!

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They are efficient killing machines!

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do you take in to account that the united states is a republic with each state making its own laws on the matter
and as a country with out own issues we can see first hands what states have gun problems and what states just have guns


Guys... I know you like pot roasts but you need to give that shit up cause it's potential to be a weapon.

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'Love me some irish stew.

More than half of them would probably help the cause.

I am not a fan of guns, but I don't think banning them is the solution. The Boston Marathon Bombing were done with a bomb that killed three people and hurt hundreds including removing limbs from people. Those bombs can be made with easily acquired materials. Guns suck, but they are not the problem. Just another tool.

Hur dur cause guns actually exist Dumbass. Along with a variety of other weapons. Let's just ban drugs while we're at it dumb fucking idiot. Gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens they have zero effect on stopping crime. Never in the history of mankind has any gun law ever lowered the violent crime rate

>being this retarded
nice b8 m8

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Remember 9/11 when those jets killed thousands of people in NY. When are we going to smarten up and ban jets before they kill again

...except in England, Australia, etc.

americans have bought 70 million rifles since 1998. that's just rifles. rifles account for 4% of gun homicides in the united states, and a smaller percentage of gun deaths overall, because about 33% of gun deaths are suicides. regulating and banning rifles does exactly nothing to the murder rate. what it does is make civilian uprising more difficult. handguns are what people use to kill other people. handguns are used to commit suicide easily and cheaply. handguns are responsible for more than 70% of gun deaths in america. regulating and banning the sale of handguns will do nothing to the murder rate or the suicide rate, because it's addressing exclusively the effects of a symptom. someone who doesn't have a gun is subject to the same rage that would make them want to kill another person, the same sadness that would make them want to kill themselves. it's not even a band aid, it's wiping the pus off a burst blister. even if it were a solution to those problems, nobody gives a fuck about legislating handguns, ever. suggesting that banning or regulating rifle sales would have any sort of positive effect on society, which is what every single person who pushes for gun control in this country does, is an argument manufactured by glowing reptilian niggers who deserve only a .308 between the eyes, pushed by the elite who fear the common man more than anything else in the world, and parroted by brainwashed masses who are too fat and complacent to ever rise up and overthrow any government. if you have fallen for this trick, do some thoughtful examination of your value system and ask yourself when you stopped believing that individual liberty and agency is a worthwhile aspiration for all living human beings.

No one is forcing you to carry one.
As long as you don't try to force me to do / refrain from something, we're good.

Understand the fallacy of your proposal and instead

Ban the word "Weapon" and then weapons no longer exist.

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A means stricter, F is more lax. you really have no idea what you are talking about do you

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OP is a dumb fuck getting rekt in this thread. Worries about Americans when his wife, sisters, and daughters are all getting raped by Muslims.

they lowered the number of shooting incidents (including defensive use, btw),DUH, but violent crime overall did increase in these nations.
Just look them up.

I guess your officers would be diverted to hunt down scummies than shooting innocent twitch streamers.

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Guns don’t kill people
People kill people.

post the per capita murder rate of those states, dipshit. unless you can tell me how someone dying from being shot is worse than someone dying from being bludgeoned to death or stabbed. gun deaths are more common where there are more guns. wood is more common where there are trees. shocking.

well, I wouldn't vote for any gun regulation, either, but you should seriously refrain from wearing that much tinfoil.
It's bad for your [red]neck.

it literally shows per capita.

and it was a response to the person claiming there is a difference between states that "just has guns" and states with high gun violence.

But i agree with you. More guns means more gun violence.

So why don't you hunt them down? I don't get it.

(((Your holocaust))) proves you wrong

Does anyone have any data on how many crimes that include guns (such as robbery at gun point), but not mass shootings are stopped by a citizen with a gun?

Read this sentence;
“Black people will kill everyone if no one has a gun except criminals”

Shall not be infringed you socialist piece of shit. We will never lick the boots of our betters like the fucking spineless Brits.


It just seems like a lot of these people who are committing these mass shooting are children or people who are not necessarily criminals.

"Gun deaths"
Try murders or violent crime.
You're including lawful defensive killings in those stats and pretending it's all bad.

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Making guns illegal doesn't mean they dissapear. What about this do you not understand?

OP, Just make murder illegal you retard.

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Your first and greatest mistake is characterizing guns as sentient entities that just go out and kill people sometimes.

every weapon is harmless until wielded by a person with intent to kill. Banning or severely restricting gun ownership does nothing to solve the issue of disillusioned young men who have no stake in society deciding they have to take some kind of action to solve their perceived problems.

The real issue that needs examining is what in our society is driving young men to do these things not the tool they decided to use. Our political climate is heavily contributing to this problem in my opinion.

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Being this naive and stupid.

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you're making a huge and frankly incredibly naive fallacy in the weapon doesn't exist category. It does. More will be made today, then even more tomorrow. People's livelihoods have depended on that fact. It's been ingrained in human culture since the first ancestor of man swung the first rock at a pesky nuisance. Pandora opened her box and now we all know how to make guns. If not guns then bows, crossbows, swords, knives, literally thousands of other implements. It's a shame. A real regular catastrophe. But it's the way things are. If tomorrow there were some situation that could arise and relieve us all of our weapons the result would be insurgency. It would mean hundreds or thousands of jobs would dry up. Billions in taxes would go poof. Stop pouring forth that simpletons idea, a weapon that doesn't exist. It does. If it didn't another would be made to take its place. Grow up.

any person dying is bad imo

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Good point and well said.

Then your opinion is stupid.
Killing someone who is immediately threatening to murder you and your family has been legal for thousands of years for a reason.

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Cant ban people, but guns. Thats how autistic this argument is, its that simple

I dont get why people dont fucking understand that simple thought, if someone wants a gun to do harm, they WILL get one, either legally or illegally, with guns being legal atleast those wanting to protect themselves can

I'm not saying it's not justified. Im just saying it's bad. I work in law enforcement, and if i can solve a situation without lethal force, that is a favorable outcome.

We have strict gun control in europe.

So far, the mass homicides are exclusive events that rarely happen.

Speaking for germany, even with the immigrants flooding every corner, I feel much safer than in any place in murrica.

You cant stop people from getting weapons, but you can make it really hard for them.

Even criminals dont have a easy time getting hold of more than a handgun

I love the argument that law abiding citizens have a weapon for their own safety.
Now tell me, how many of those citizens has actually killed a mass shooter ? And how many of them has killed someone regardless of the situation, just because they were scared ?

How many innocents dead because of those law abiding citizens. Are they the ransom of safety ? Well then, why is there so many mass shootings or school shootings ?
That doesn't sound really safe.

that's missing the point. Also what the hell is prison then?

>Ban guns
>With cops with guns

Nobody asked you faggot.

lmao this guy


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Well if y'all stayed in your country of origin you would have nothing to fear of American guns.

your point being?

your region is very different from ours. We've been flooding our markets with guns for almost 250 years. Our country is the size of your entire continent. I don't pretend to know your population but I can almost guarantee ours dwarfs yours. We're different.

So much this. Why do you care about guns in America if you're not here? Stay on your own side of the border and you have nothing at all to fear of us scary Americans.

Your not white 56% niggermud.

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Self defense is not a choice, it's a right.
Include all "gun deaths" when the death of a really evil criminal at the hands of their entirely innocent victim is included () isn't the right stat.

Good for Europe where you can be arrested for having a butter knife in your car.

I am not saying you are wrong, but how? How would you get a gun if they were illegal? You are speaking out of ignorance. You don't know how difficult it will be to get a gun if they were banned. How could you know? It hasn't happened. It could be very easy or it could be extremely difficult. You won't know until it happens. But let's say all your assumptions are correct and guns have been banned, but you want one. Who do you know that can get you one?


Because of your enormous cultural effect on the world. Europeans usually look to USA for entertainment and trends. If we dont care about the social situation in the US, people could very well try to mimic or adapt the ideas that are poisoning your political landscape.

And also: general curiosity and endulgance is commonplace in nearly all humans

well, then add england, france, spain, norway, finland, etc

I dont exactly know their laws, but you rarely hear any drama from their countries

OP here. Let's rephrase it. Because otherwise you will keep invoking the 2nd amendment and repeat that "people kill, not guns". Sorry, this is retard.

Imagine how France would be fucked up if there were as much weapon per capita as in the US?

Today France has the same NIGGER problem than the US, namely 15% of imported uneducated more or less brown apes with no more moral sense than the chimpanzees of the USA.

Now if you made weapons available to them, we would have a massacre here.

33% of US male niggers will know jail once in their lifetime, isn't it?

In France there is no weapon available. So they use knives, true and proven. I admit it.

Isn't it better than firearms tho? Once you hear knife agression, we immediately know who did it.

France has the same nigger problem than the US but without the guns problem.

On the other hand, in Switzerland they have a weapon in each home. But they don't have niggers there so nothing happens.

Problem is Nigger + Weapons
If you have one of these, you can't have the other. That's the conclusion.

How you end up with lethal force in a self defense situation is very much a choice. There are tons of different tools you can use before having to shoot, stab, suffocate or bludgeon someone. Of course, if they also have a gun, your choices of rebuttal are limited.
here, have some facts.
also, stop making bullshit assumption.
you do sound like a crazy cat woman.

>Sorry, this is retard.
>I don't like the truth
we know.
rephrase it however you want, but reality stays the same.

But white men are the ones that keep committing these mass shootings.


If someone emulates me that's not my fault. Why not try fixing your own issues instead of blaming America for your problems.

If you don't live here, shut the fuck up about it. You know nothing of my country other than what lies CNN tells you. Go away to your shithole nation that's magically somehow better with your healthcare. I'll take being healthy over government mandated healthcare.

Having freedoms comes with certain dangers. Don't like my freedoms? I don't care. You want my guns? Come get them I'll give them to you 1 bullet at a time.

>Now if you made weapons available to them, we would have a massacre here.
You already have.
Look up knife related incidents since mass migration started.
funny how the tools don't matter...

>"people kill, not guns"
t. your post

>Problem is Nigger + Weapons
>If you have one of these, you can't have the other. That's the conclusion.
Oh look, niggers are the problem yet again.

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Any man willing to trade freedom for security deserves neither

See literally any and all of the western world paying the price of their power hungry rulers and mass immigrants who don’t share their values.

So much this

you sound like a little bitch my friend

big strong tough guy over here lmao

All the car homicides too. Box truck running over a bunch of twinks in a pride parade, why not ban box trucks?

>Isn't it better than firearms tho?
Who says they don't use them?
Have you forgoten the paris shootings already?
or the daily gun related crime in Paris / Marseilles / etc. suburbs?
dude, you live under a rock.

No, that’s simply fallacious logic. Desperate logic actually.

Ow my feefees you sound like you hate my freedoms.

Hey now those are facts on Yea Forums

We have many issues right now politically. Girls are now boys and boys are now girls. The president is a fucking clown with social media. The guns are going off because the left is trying to change the game and the right isn't rolling over. It's causing unrest and violence was inevitable. If we can return some order and fix our schools the last 30 years might just have a chance at righting themselves. The guns are but a small portion of our problems and are in no way the cause.

I’ve got sixteen guns Yea Forums.

But you only have two hands? Why so many guns?

Thanks for the correction. Didn't notice that one.

The reasons i stated are literally the reasons USA had a cold war with the soviet union for 44 years. The US didn't want the political influence to transfer to itself or its allies. It is very common to care about foreign affiars for this reason.

A corporate chrimatocracy where money beats human lives is security and freedom?

>or the daily gun related crime in Paris / Marseilles / etc. suburbs?
it's almost as if gun regulation doesn't stop criminals from doing what they do best: breaking the law and getting guns anyways

They’re fun. Also when the zombies come I can give them to friends and create a small army.

did prohibition make alcohol disappear

>literally arguing my point for me

If you have the choice to not kill someone, clearly it's not justified as self defense.

Therefore, it's not a choice.

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What the actual fuck is this reply? France doesn't have a black people problem. Black people arrived massively in France after WW2, there's never been any mass murders was it with knifes or guns.
Even in the muslim community people weren't barbaric retards. Old generations of migrants living in France only want to live peacefully.

You call it a "nigger" problem, but the migrants that arrived recently are from Syria. And are currently parked in the awaiting to be shipped back.

Most of those knife attacks you hear from are mainly young wannabee thugs like you find in every major cities or people from other origins stabbing relatives or acquaintances.
And in the middle of all that, once every 6 month, you have a random mentally ill man that will attack policemen yelling "Allahu Akbar".

Tell me, do you feel oppressed by the looks some young thugs can give you in the subway? You really feel like an insecured wuss.

The reason no guns works in places like Japan is because there was almost no guns to begin with. It would never work in the U.S. because there’s already too much guns in circulation.

Where is the outrage for this?
Where are the calls for gun control from this?
Where is any of the hyperbolic rhetoric for this?

>>protip the media only cares because it was a white guy the public only cares when its white people fuck all you racist cunts hoping for civilization to fail

>actually listing trans people as the same caliber of problem as gun violence

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If you got people stabbing people I don’t think they’re “wannabe thugs” at that point. That’s something an actual thug does.

i mean i agree with this but this is a little excessive. a pistol, a shotgun, a rifle is all anyone really needs. assault rifles, smgs, anti-material rifles, rocket propelled grenades, aa-guns, high capacity magazines, etc... should be restricted (who need them for work). semi-auto pistols should be prohibited (hard to obtain)

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>implying it's that easy
come back to me when you're able to figure out how to find food and water and medicine that is safe for consuming. Until then, either zombies or nature will down you in no time flat

Look up P.A. Luty & Duncan Long. Luty showed how easy it is to manufacture firearms & Long ammunition. Both with little more than the right materials, the knowledge to do so, & common machining tools that could be found in any garage.

>thinking that mutualating your dick is normal

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Do you have actual facts that aren't 20 years old ?

>need guns

You buy guns because you want them. Your logic is already messed up from the start.

I'm sure you have well meaning reasons but here in the USA there's problems that can't be solved by passing laws. Criminals don't care about laws. De-arming peaceful people isn't going to de-arm the criminals. It will increase crime.

All the shootings that happen here, do so in gun free zones where the ban is in effect. They don't happen in the rest of the nation because well, everyone else is armed.

>How would you get a gun if they were illegal?
- illegal import
- black market (don't even pretend to believe that you'll be able to sack every single gun from every single gunnut out there)
- homemade fabrication
- stolen from military / law enforcement

Not sure you can compare the two. They have absolutely nothing in common other than the potential to share being banned. You also didn't answer my question.

Can’t you use the guns and friends to take food from others?

stay mad

>trans people
>mentally ill
>mental illness accounts for a majority of gun violence not attributed to niggerdom and gang violence
>unironically confirming that trans people and those with mental illnesses are a huge endangerment to the world around them when they come into contact with guns

good job tard

you're probably circumcised, aren't you? that genital mutilation is considered normal in america.

I will but I won’t be happy about it.

Fuck you commie snowflake. guns dont kill people, people kill people.

It really depends. YOU can have the conviction that you didnt have any other choice. this can be lack of training or just plain idiocy.

I have watched so many videos of police shootings from the US, and i can see so many other approaches than the ones used. The killings are justified, but bad, because it could have resulted differently.
I know your police is very poorly trained and have a strong internalized attitude toward use of lethal force which in my opinion causes a lot of deaths. I can only imagine this also heavily translates to civilians carrying guns.

Automatic rifles are already illegal for about 99 percent of all citizens in the United States and incredibly difficult to get for the remaining 1 percent. The majority of shootings in the United States are predominantly done with illegal semi automatic guns and therefore if the government wishes to stop these shootings we need to stop he circulatation of said guns.

say you did, but food is spoiled and water is contaminated. now what? now you have less ammunition to work with while back at square one. That's the gamble you accept in reality.

Did prohibition drop any drug usage in the United States? Drug use is the highest arrestable offence in terms of numbers. Banning drugs doesn't work and neither would banning fire arms. It would makev the entire us unsafe though.

Nobody seems to understand the core issue of gun control. You are not for gun control, you are against individual rights.
You want law enforcement to still have guns, to protect you right?
There is no reason an individual should not have this right themselves. Especially in an expansive country like the United States. I know it doesn't seem like it because most of us live in developed areas, but over 90% of the country is undeveloped, and lots of people don't have the luxury of rapid response law enforcement, or trustworthy law enforcement.

Most people are reasonable believe it or not. Like 99.5% of people are. What you’re seeing on those videos of civilian and police shootings are rare but as a result of media focusing on them are made to seem like a major problem.

There's no need to be mad. The times were different, and i'm pretty sure the numbers skyrocketed after 9/11, the Boston bombing in 2013 and the ISIS claims here and there, just to name a those.

Anything made before 1986 is fair game as long as you have a Class III firearms license. It's the factor of how expensive they are to own one.

yo how do u guys come up with this shit lmao

It's not normal. Never claimed it is. But it's affects like 0.6 % of the population in the US. How is that a large issue

So. Much. This.

How is my 2 bullet 12 guage an issue? Lol

Difference between foreskin snip and dick snip


>inb4 it's teh j00s

Too bad guns have existed since the 1700’s and you can’t remove things from existence. You better start taking swords, knifes, cannons, any blunt object, because mass violence will always and has always existed.

You actually have no idea what you are talking about.

No, you specifically. What specific steps would you take to get a gun. Can you name a person who could get you a gun? A service that would sell you a gun? Don't list potential ways to get one. How would you, specifically you, get a gun.

ya cause its only Americans that kill each other.......

Because it's not that simple.
Violent people will be violent, they will use whatever they can to hurt others for either personal gain or their own entertainment. Gun control laws do not stop violent crime, instead only limiting the options that law-abiding citizens can use to defend themselves. A criminal buys unregistered firearms via illegal distribution and doesn't care what laws exist.

Britain is a great example of how gun control and weapon control doesn't work. People can be amazingly resourceful if they wish to be so even when causing harm.

Go be a whiny liberal faggot someplace else.

>One does not need to obtain a “Class III” weapons license to own. In fact there really is no such thing as a class III NFA weapons license. When a Title 1 FFL dealer pays what is known as a Special Occupation Tax, he/she then becomes a SOT that can then deal in NFA/Title 2 weapons. SOTs have several classes too and they are based on the type of FFL license you currently hold. The term Class 3 comes from when a normal Type 1 (standard dealer) FFL holder pays his SOT tax. He becomes a Type 3 SOT hence the term Class 3.

go back to /k/ you fucking tard

>gun deaths
Opinion discarded.
Self defense uses are far more common than in violent crimes

while they aren't the only ones that kill eachother, they seem to think it's a better solution for their problems then actually fixing them

sure showed him. idk about you, but i don't want to be on ATF's shit list and busting down my door on the fat chance of "well you don't need this".
Retard. Go back to school and finish your fucking homework this time.


You're really happy for good people to take on more risk than they believe is already a credible, imminent, potentially deadly threat.
I'm not happy with that.

Self defense has always included defense with deadly force, even before guns were invented, even in countries where guns are banned.

You're arguing against thousands of years of common law because you don't know what choice is.

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Then we'd all be dead right?

I am not even arguing against gun ownership. I am just curious how people would get a gun if they were banned. Specifically step by step what they would do to get one since people keep saying that people could still get guns illegally. Instead of answering my question you keep bring up things that are only vaguely related. Me personally, I have no idea how I would get a gun if they were illegal and I wanted one.

The problem started back when the Constitution was written. People were gives access to guns long before mass shooting became a problem. But the right to bear arms ultimately it the problem. So much fear has been put into our heads for so long about if we didn't have guns that the government would suppress us, blah blah blah. So people bought guns. Pistols, assault rifles... If those weapons were never even made available to the public then the problem of mass shootings vanishes. Trump said that fear and hatred kill people. Not guns. Remove the gun from the equation and what do you get? Background checks and mental health education will not cure the problem. As long as the gun can be bought, the killing will continue. It's that simple.

soon enough

I want to know what the girl did, second line third from right.
Anyone read the article?

I agree with you, but if i have seen 60-80 shootings, it is a lot regardless of the total capita.

>unironically retarded enough to ignore mental health issues when it comes to gun violence statistics

do you have to put in actual effort to be this retarded?

You literally don't need one (as there is no such thing) as long as the model and serial number IS registered with the ATF you fucking window licker.

Didn’t you guys ban knives and now there’s a shit load of acid and knife attacks? Get rid of the psychos.

Police in the US escalate the fuck out of manageable situations. that is my point. they are increasing the danger themselves.

sure kid. keep eating paint chips while you continue to impersonate a chimp

nice straw man buddy

>Actually looking at some of your arguments now

If you're trained more you have more tools to restore peace and therefore more choice.
If you're untrained you have very little choice, and actually killing your attacker will more likely be accidental which is, again, not by choice.

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Almost like Mexico and Russia AREN'T going to fully disarm and will easily exploit the sudden demand for illegal rifles

Because murder only happens in America and people only kill with guns right? Lmao go to hell.

>Police draw their gun and tell you to raise your hands
What are you going to do, user?
Rush the cop and give him no choice but to shoot you? Or put your hands up....


But how? How would you get these illegal guns? Who do you know? Do you know these Russian and Mexican gun smugglers? How would you get these guns.

>real men
>on Yea Forums

Ah, I see you're still in denial

Cops don't act like the media tells you. If you follow orders most cops just let you be. Most cops come up to me and we discuss our families and our fire arms. Mutual respect goes a lot further than shoot first. I'd rather be armed and not need it then to not be armed and need it.


i dont know what to respond. All isaid initially was that i believe people dying is bad, regardless of the murder being justified.

Law abiding citizens don't have access to black markets. Who would've thought. You know who does though? Criminals. You're fucking retarded

Exactly, and you wouldn't do something stupid like point your firearms at a cop and not expect to get shot... and then if you try to argue the cops could have done something better like this faggot

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>Why would a would-be tyrannical government be afraid of the citizens of a country that single-handedly owns almost 50% of the world's guns?

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Hundreds of millions of weapons exist in the US. You're living in fantasy land

and a nigger that doesn't exist will never break the law......

Reality is hard.
People die all the time.
If you don't give someone a choice but to kill you, expect to die.. and don't put that instance in a chart to blame guns or some other shit.

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someone pointing a gun at you is not a manageable situation without you also pointing your gun at them. I agree with this. Why don't you actually read what is written.

We aren't born with guns attached to our bodies, you dumb fucking cunt.
Properly enacted gun control limits the supply of firearms, consequently decreasing the availability and increasing the price.
Regular, middle class, inferiority-complex white dudes who need a phallic death stick to prop up their fragile ego still get their guns, albeit at a slightly greater expense and maybe with some required safety classes. The occupants of hoods and trailer parks have a much greater difficulty in obtaining weapons. Big Daddy Government remains equally capable of wiping resistance towards a one-party state off the face of the Earth with drones, missles, and l.a.w. machines as he did when Andre, Jose, and Hunter could buy a cheap gun from their cousin.
Murder rate continues to decline, but at a greater rate. Mass shootings are still very much a thing.

>reality is hard

Such a forward thinking approach when discussing legislative politics and the betterment of human kind

But aren't some of these mass shooting/school shootings being committed by minors or people with no criminal history? If only criminals can get these illegal guns like you just said then these shootings wouldn't have happened if guns were banned.

"A dead human will never kill anyone."

>libtard reck'd

Because im not giving up my guns just because someone decided to commit a shooting. My rights will not hinge on the actions of others

Why can't you understand I make dis with pot metal in back yard then sell to American

Much easier now thanks to polymer resin

Life is conflict, and conflict is life. If you think the world is gonna play fair and you'll live a safe and quiet existence, you're naive. We can have guns, we just need to get them out of the hands of the wrong people. If they do get them, oh well better be prepared.

You just jealous you cannot craft gun with bare hands

It must suck to want to be American so bad all you do is think about our way of life and think that your opinion fucking matters. If your country has never had the right to guns then you have no clue what its like to have all these faggot sissys and women trying to take something away just because they all of a sudden dont like it. Guns arent going anywhere in the US. Stop giving a fuck about our country and worry about how ugly your women are and crooked your nasty ass smile is. (Assuming you're a britfag because youre worried about shit that gas nothing to do with you.)

Do you also think the drug war has been successful? We banned drugs shouldn't people not be using drugs now?

> think that your opinion fucking matters

>248 posts
>97 unique posters

Hmm.. i think you are wrong

Most gun owners in America aren't the problem. Yes it's sad people died. But it's honestly such a small percentage that happen in gun free zones. Cops love the second amendment. If I get a fine for doing something stupid I pay it. I don't argue with a cop. There's no reason to. I've gotten out of a felony by simply being nice to a cop. I let her arrest me. I talked calmly and explained my side in court. The judge asked "how was his demeanor on the arrest." Peaceful and went out of his way to make me feel at ease. We'd like to drop all charges. Case dismissed with prejudice. Meaning it'll never haunt me again. Most people act in this manner. The ones who hey shot argue and act aggressive. I wish people understood that mutual respect goes a long way.

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Your chart is a function of population density and poverty.

Your telling me that Alaska is the most dangerous state in the US for gun violence. Followed by Louisiana and Alabama. Just goes to show that charts are only good for pushing propaganda and convey no real meaningful information on the issue.

>>think that your opinion fucking matters

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Fucking exactly, we dont have a gun problem. We have a nigger problem. They ruin everything theyre around. Look at all the major cities that have a higher percent nigger population. The city will be pretty much a toxic cesspool, and have super high gun violence and gang shit.

>"A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone"

I own three of these weapons, and they must be broken because they've never killed anyone!

And yet he's correct. If you don't live here your opinion doesn't count. You don't get a vote.

Because banning it won't work. The same way the war on drugs has failed. The same way prohibition has failed. The same way all of these idiotic bans always turn out.

1 - Guns are not hard to make on your own. So banning them only takes them out of law abiding citizens. Which in turn increases crime rate as seen in cities that have banned guns. Gun crime exploded in these places.
2 - American's have the 2nd Amendment. Constitutional Rights to bare arms.
3 - A lot of the places in the world where guns were banned were not surrounded by niggers and beaners. There is a reason why it works in secluded places.
4 - Removing weapons from citizens actually weakens the country and makes it easier to conquer.

all it shows is how many gun related deaths there is per capita. and then it's arranged from best to worst gun laws (yes wtih non-violence bias).

In no way is it claiming that alaska is the most dangerous state in the US for gun violence. Thats your take.


There are so many guns in our country that outlawing them completely still wouldn't take them out of the hands of criminals for thousands of years. The real solution is to fix our culture and our mentally ill, perhaps being not such an over prescribed nation would be a start?

You'd be suprised the amount of people who completely deny the existance of reality in politics.

i still count over 20 white guys in the 250 mass shootings happened in 2019. that is still a lot.

>"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"
what the fuck are you even talking about? if you are talking about guns, they exist, they arent going anywhere anytime soon.
>"A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone"
>high guns = high killings
>low guns = no killings
are you fucking retarded

Just like the Star Wars prequels, guns will never go away.

hello fbi

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How about we talk homicide?

hmm you seem to know a lot about the first murder, where were you the night of the 12th, 430,000 years ago?

>A group that makes up 65 percent of the population was nearly 10 percent of the mass shootings! Holy shit!
>let's not talk about the group that makes up 13% of the population that was responsible for over 50 percent of the mass shootings

Actually, weirdly, if you account for the massive disparity in population, it kinda sounds like white guys are about as likely to commit a mass shooting in the USA as they are in Finland

cain murdered abel with a stone you fucking retard

I was at my cave drawing tits, ask my cave buddy he'll tell you

Urg draw two big ones... make Urg happy.

umm what? Finland? how? it's been one mass shooting the last 10 years. 2 died, 8 injured.

how is that compareable

Then why does it work so well in gun restricted countries? Or is it just america who wants to get their grubby hands on guns

>The second also stands as a deterrent for a tyrannical government,

Stopped reading and cringed so hard reading this.

Imagine being so stupid that you think people wont kill people if they dont have guns.

% of population committing the crime by race is what he is referring to you fucking autistic nigger. Also, there have been two mass shootings there in the past ten years. Also - Finland only has a population of 5.5 million.

Except that when those same Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, your boomsticks were fucking useless and you all ran around like chicken little. shitting your pants and thinking the fucking sky was falling in.

Give to me I fix

This is a valid point, and it's certainly important to get to the root cause of the issue, but you must understand that, for those nutters who would seek to cause as much harm as possible, the amount of harm they can inflict in a specific space of time is greatly amplified with guns.

Except when it’s you faggot


Hmm.. yes my mistake. it will only be one if we just wait a couple of months.

Lets continue being pedantic:

That's two shootings in 10 years, 327.2 million in the US and 5.5 million in finland. thats 59.5 times more.
2*59.5= 119
Correct for amount of people in finland who is white and amount of people who is white in the US:

White people should then be accoutable for only 76.5 of the mass shootings that has occured in the US the last 10 years.

Considering they account for 24 of the ones we know this year alone, i highly doubt this will favor you if i take the time to actually check all of the 10 years.

So if the US is compareable to Finland.

forgot to delete the last sentence there...

Canadian detected, go finish cleaning the Queen's boots with your tongue before getting on Yea Forums

Look up Vietnam War and the Russian Afghanistan War. Conventional weapons of war are ineffective against a guerrilla force that has support of the local population.

Oh also look at the US Afghanistan war been there for almost 18 fucking years and the US military has won yet.

The majority know this. The news media however paints it like we all hate guns and need to heap laws on top of laws.

Dear Europeans,

While your governments are centralizing into the totalitarian EU, and your state-granted rights are being eroded at an accelerating pace, we in America continue to enjoy our natural rights: freedom of speech, press, and assembly; the right to protect ourselves and our property (from individuals or our government); and freedom from corrupted judiciary institutions. The cornerstone of these freedoms is our ability to defend ourselves from our government, if necessary. That means all of us, every US citizen, is part of the militia that can resist our government by force if they overstep either our election system or if they trample on our natural rights.

>but user, surely you can't take on the US government with your guns! they have tanks, and aircraft, and drones, and nukes!
How well did those things ever do against any entrenched, rural, or urban force of nationals? The Vietnamese resisted indefinitely, as did countless countries in the Middle East. You can't put down an entire population that you mean to rule. It is up to a police force to maintain order, and they are never more armed than the general population of the US.

>A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone
That's the difference between us. I would rather 0.01% of the US population die to guns per year (the accurate total, most of which are suicides) than give up any of our natural rights. I don't disagree with licensing and regulation at all, as long as there is absolute confirmation of the natural right to bear arms as a preamble to any new laws, and any such licensing is absolutely attainable for every weapon by any lawful citizen, given some necessary training for weapons such as fully automatic rifles. I'd even consider ballistics records being taken for every weapon sold, which would allow easy tracking of gun crimes. As well as extremely harsh punishment for unregistered guns. As long as there were protections to prevent any gun confiscation.

I love how dumb you are. Its super cute. you angry angry little boy

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Same way you get weed. Find an illegal seller and set up a deal. It isnt that hard at all. That being said, if we did ban guns, they wont just suddenly disappear, and you can bet your sweet ass politicians will be funding illegal shops to make that bank off of illegal sales. Removing guns from law abiding citizens in america solves nothing as they arent the problem anyway.

Seen the news lately? It is the problem and we do know it.

don't give em shit about the queen. even though she can shut down their parlament whenever she wants. It's better to make fun of them for importing a new upper class.

A weapon that doesn't exist will not kill someone, yes. Not a single person is arguing that. You can't do anything about existing weapons, that is the issue.

Even if you were able to round up guns, those aren't the only weapons that exist. Know what types of attracts that aren't common in the US as they are elsewhere?

America isn't really known for stoning, stabbings or acid attracts like other parts of the world. Anything can be a weapon. This is less a gun problem and more there are too many idiots making up the human population.

>we in America continue to enjoy our natural rights
lost hard to this. Did fox news say it was true?

Its not dumbass, ive carried a gun on my hip since i turned 21. Its never jumped out of its holster and shot someone. Fucking libtard. Thats your problem you watch to much news, i dont care what source it is, it has an agenda. What needs to be illegal is social media and any kind of news broadcast besides local weather.

>"A weapon that doesn't exist will never kill anyone"
> Read again: "A weapon less in circulation is a weapon that won't kill anyone"

1. Changing your argument/logic is retarded as fuck
2. The first sentence is retarded as fuck because guns do exist, you can't erase them from existence
3. The second sentence is not likely, but if you do happen to reduce the death by that weapon you only open the door for other weapons. You don't actually reduce the amount of death.

The absolute facts are:
- Guns kill less daily/annually in the US than dozens of other preventable things, and less by a large fucking margin
- Guns prevent 400x more violent crime than the death they are used for, which also prevents death
- Death by gun is lower per capita in the US than most other heavily armed countries despite the US having more than 3x the guns/gun owners than second place country
- A gun is a tool, removing the tool does not remove the maniac with intent to kill
- There are a fuckton of other ways to kill in mass or kill individuals without guns
- More than 80% of ALL armed crime in the US is in cities that are heavily democrat controlled and have strict gun control
- 98% of all mass shooting in the history of the country have happened in "gun free" zones
- 96%+ of all "armed bad guys" are stopped by "armed good guys" whether it be armed citizens or police

Dear non-Americans,

We appreciate you having us in your head all the time. We don't think about you at all.

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>freedom of speech
>freedom of press
>freedom of assembly
>the right to protect ourselves and our property (from individuals or our government)
>freedom from corrupted judiciary institutions

so you actually believe we lack these things? That's incredible

Top kek

Which is actually being infringed upon? And how?

The people who built this country wanted us to have them forever, so our government never stops fearing the people, and fearing a death by immediate lead poisoning. I accept the risk of being shot somewhere in the states in exchange for the right to shoot back.

Yeah but being able to legally buy and own guns while not getting raped by immigrants or the state is worth a few mass shootings.

Imagine being retarded enough to think that a guy with a knife and Naruto headband can kill as much people as a gun can.

>What needs to be illegal is social media and any kind of news broadcast besides local weather.
A glorious thought.

You don't have those things as natural rights. They are treated as government issued rights, with all limitations that the state wishes to implement.
>freedom of speech
unless it's offensive, to anyone, by their own determination
>freedom of press
As long as you are a sanctioned, mainstream source. Otherwise, fuck off, you'll go to jail for hate speech.
>freedom of assembly
As long as you are not an undesirable group.
>the right to protect ourselves and our property (from individuals or our government)
As long as you don't use a gun, or a butter knife, or a fucking nail file. You're not even allowed to carry those things with you outside. And fuck right off if you want to oppose the government in any way.
>freedom from corrupted judiciary institutions
And this is the funniest on yet. European courts are used as political tools. There is a constant bludgeoning of political opponents and undesirables by the courts, unless there is a tremendous public outcry. Then they scale it back.

Obviously, I don't know which particular country you are from. But it doesn't much matter since the EU is mostly in control now. You don't even have the ability to elect the people that run your lives at this point, and you have no recourse. It's fucking sad.