Hey guys, its late and im having a hard night, it's kind of funny if i look at it from a bystander's point of view so maybe you guys will enjoy.
>be me, 18 y/o >wanna be a marine, wanna be a badass >graduate hs and wait two years, join the workforce first and sort things out back home. >have to get blood test for work, nurse taking my blood is kind of cute, ask her out, date for a year. >still bent on joining the marines, sign up when i turn 20 >break up with girlfriend so I don't have to worry about things back home. >it's a good idea, go through boot and ITB worry free >hit fleet fresh off the press >for the first four months, I frequent a specific bar >make friends with the bartender >he lets me know which girls are complete whores and which ones are less experienced. >helps me get laid alot for a while. >four months in get a text from ex, she's moving literally 10 minutes away from the base im stationed on >decide to get back together, really liked this girl before i signed up. >maybe I'll work now that we're closer >stop going to bar, as there's no point now >try not to take things too seriously, fail horribly >find out she's an army brat, dads some big wig in the army, guys been in every sf group on the list. >google him for shits and giggles and so i know she's not bullshitting me >she's not >moms retired, super nice lady >spend Thanksgiving at their house >parents like me, i like parents >start to get close to girl, she's actually brilliant, she's two months younger than me and has already gotten multiple college degrees, graduated hs at like 15-16 >think this may work >get told im going on deployment, not combat but ill still be away for 6 months >this is the test for us >go there >talk every day, no arguments >things go smoothly, im possessive but not paranoid, she's down with only hanging out with her girlfriends while im away. >come back and all is well, really happy >fast forward another deployment and a few years
>getting out of military in 6 months. Happy as can be >have moved in with GF, she makes crazy amounts of money due to her job >feel really awkward about it thinking people will think i want her for her money. >try to pay for things when I can. Mil pay is shit >have a dog together. Not ready for kids yet > have been dating for over 3 years now, thinking of popping the question >she makes it amply clear that she's ready >get a text from my bartender buddy, complaining about not talking for a while >we hung out plenty of times over the years but im not a huge drinker (ironic I know) so i dont go to the bar much >as far as he knows, im still single. >subject of girlfriend just never came up >invites me to come to the bar one weekend >say fuck it, decide to take GF with me >make a date night of it >i'm in love with this girl, can think of no one else but her >arrive at bar, friend smiles at me from behind the counter and nods as we sit at a booth. >night goes well, friend comes over and says hi, don't actually get to talk to him much. >feels bad so I go over to bar, telling Gf i gotta talk a bit with buddy since he invited us. >i walk over to friend and he grins >"well it's about damn time you came over, i knew you were a suave fucker but this is the first time you brought one in with you first" >he winks and I chuckle, before he motions me closer. >"i know it's been a while bud but i think our little tradition is still on eh?"
Parker Brooks
>confusion.jpg >"what do you mean?" >he nods at my girlfriend, who's sitting in the booth on her phone >" your little night of fun you picked up, id drop her fast, she's a regular at this point" >moreconfusion.jpg >still hasn't hit yet >"she came by almost right when you stopped coming, started leaving with guys almost every weekend. I'll tell you what man shes the biggest slut this side of the state, drop her before you get out the door because your dick will feel like a hotdog down a hallway with that one" >it takes me 30 solid seconds before I can wrap my brain around the fact that he's talking about my girlfriend >the girl ive been dating for nearly my entire military career, the light of my life, girl i just bought a ring for and was gonna propose to the day I got out. >i stand there staring before looking back at her, she smiles and waves back at me >i guess she sees the deer in headlights look on my face because she starts to frown and her eyes bounce between us >I glance back at my friend and his smile is gone too, he's looking at me with a confused expression. >"how often does she come in?" >he glances up and down at me gaging my expression "uh..she's been coming in once or twice a month since you stopped coming by" >stare at him again, from that point on i've gone completely numb.
Still am
Parker Green
>i can see him start to realize what's going on and while im walking away he sputters out a "oh shit man i'm sorry i didn't realize" >walk over to the woman I loved >tell her we're going home >she gets this panicky confused look and nods >drive home in silence >we get home and i walk inside without her >start packing calmly >i'm living with her so i've tried to minimize my presence in her house by leaving most of my stuff in my barracks room >pack what's mine before she walks unsteadily into the room >"b...babe what's going on?" >ignore her and zip up my duffel >shes panicking and trying to figure out why im mad, trying to see if she can talk her way out of whatever it is im pissed about >start to walk out throwing a "i didn't realize you were a regular there" over my shoulder >she snaps and starts bawling out "im sorry" and "please no" over and over
I don't really understand why people who cheat act like they actually have feelings for the person they're cheating on. Why the crying and such? It doesn't make sense
>before i get out the door I realize something >turn back around and walk back >she's on her knees just crying >i'm still numb so i walk right past her to the bedroom >fully within her view I take the ring box from its hiding place in my drawer >she stares, completely quiet and open mouthed >she quietly gets up and walks over to the couch and sits down >stares with this infinite stare at nothing as I walk out with my things. >pack everything into my car and drive back to base, dragging my things into the barracks room and sitting on my bed >roommate looks up and asks what im doing here. >ignore him and he goes to sleep, take out my phone and type this up and post it.
Jordan Myers
So yeah guys, what do I do now? I dont think shes worth suicide but i think ill feel differently once this numbness wears off and it hits me what just happened. I don't really have any life plans that didn't revolve around her. All my family thinks im going to marry this girl, it's going to be really embarrassing to tell them that im not. I have work Monday and i have no idea how i'm going to even have the mental state to interact with people.
Not even confident in posting this anymore, but i felt like im not in the right mental state to really go to anyone but you guys anonymously.
Chase Moore
Was it only going on while you were deployed?
Cameron Fisher
Ask her how many different men she slept with, and ask her how many time she slept with someone other than you.
Muultiply the number of people by the number of times.
Tell her, if you can fuck that many different girls, you will then have forgiven her. Otherwise, the relationship is over.
tell her that knowing you are fucking all these other girls is the payback she owes you for cheating on you all those times.
then in your mind you can also forgive her for it, because you've fucked WAY MORE ppl than she did once youre done.
Josiah Smith
also nah man, no suicide. do NOT end YOUR life, because some stupid skank slut tricked you into thinking she was a good faithful girl.
Live and learn. Move on. Disregard women. gain Money. Profit.
Jaxson Cooper
Marry her, become the cuck she has made you. Win win
Zachary Gomez
life gets easier. but you gotta live it every day. that's the hard part. and it is hard. but it gets easier. >these days I still have plenty of suicidal ideation, but I just rate it based on the level of fucked-up-ness and move on with my day
Aaron Lopez
relationship-less 70IQ
Elijah Nelson
in the off chance that this isnt bullshit, ill give you some life advice coming from a ~30ish year old vet.
Your situation sucks, it really does and I feel for you. But it is also not unique, plenty of guys have been in your shoes, everyone knows about Jody for a reason. Life will go on and one day it will all just be a funny story you occasionally tell.
You probably won't feel ok for a while, but eventually things will get better and you will come out on the other side stronger than ever.
Use your GI bill. The hardest part about college is self discipline to show up to class and do the work, and you are way more equipped to handle that than any civvy. Even if you don't want a degree, pick an easy major and enjoy living on BAH and having few responsibilities for 4 years. Treat it as a fresh start if you want.
You're gonna make it bro, and honestly, I'm jealous of you. You still have the best years of your life ahead of you, you lucky mother fucker.
Levi Torres
>27 >virgin >only female i ever 'loved' was my cousin >event with mother and older boy who isn't my cousin lead her to send me to her family who have older boy cousin >older boy cousin tricks young dumb me into a deal to do what he says to fuck female cousin who isn't his sister >female cousin becomes the obsession of my young life, boy cousin rapes me, trust damaged forever >i'll never forget female cousin asking why I'd trust him over her >she wasn't there at the start, the only reason he could trick me was because i had no knowledge of sex or females >20 years later my mother is still in denial and doubling down on her authority and lack of memory not just to blame me for my rape but also the molestation of my sister by the muslim she allowed into the house because her brother married a Canadian immigrant >now im racist, sexist, homophobic, hopeless, and my father recently told me he's too busy with his own life to find me a therapist now that im recently open to pointlessly talking to a stranger about any of it I hate my life and don't have any clue why i'm too weak to kill myself >be me cleaning today >start drinking and be retarded enough to pour cleaning vinegar and a cleaner with bleach down drain to clean smell out of apartment i wish i was drunk or depressed enough not to realize what i'd done and just inhaled enough to die, there's a lot easier ways to go but i feel like such a jackass i'll have to be very drunk or accidentally do it >fucking hate this place, coming here out of habit, captcha can fuck itself
Not sure, he made it sound like it went on regularly.
That sounds retarded
Yeah thats what im supposed to think but i dont know if me in 3 hours will agree
Cucks are human garbage and should be culled along with pedos and furries
It does get easier yeah but this will always be at the back of my mind.
Ignorance is bliss brother
I guess i somehow let myself think i was some special circumstance, whats my motivation to even bother with relationships now? Fuck any girl i date could be fucking 20 guys behind my back.
Lol and here i thought i was good in bed
Ian Cook
Dude, I'll just say, it would not be uncommon for someone in a situation like this to see a psychologist or therapist of some sort for some time. I think it would be more normal of you to see one rather than not. Definitely see some mental counselor about this because whether or not you can handle this yourself, you SHOULD NOT. It will be way easier and go by faster you so can be happy again soon. If you open up and be totally honest with mental help it can be like your band-aid and heal the would quick without scarring. Think about if you had to patch up your own bullet wound... A lot harder than if you had a doctor with you right? It is just about the same thing.
Also, I strongly recommend you pick up an impressive hobby like investing, bodybuilding, or pool or something (just not gambling/drinking of course) Get reallllly good at it, be one of the best, take pride in it, and get lost in it. I've been working out and investing all day most days since I got out of college. It looks like I can make serious bucks from all the practice I got, and rmight really become a bodybuilder. Its harder for you because you've had to do military duty so you havent had time to find hobbies, find out that one that will really help (reading would be really amazing too) and put everything into and when you look up, itll have been years. You won't care...
Adrian Phillips
the first action u can make is to kill everybody that made u some bad, get some reason to meet, bring a knife, get him to give u the back, slice the throat, just leave... u wont go to jail, u'll go to a mental center, they'll take care of u, u can behave normally for they to think u r recovering, start shouting at night for them to think u still bad inside, behave normally again and just spend ur life there... people already fucked up our lives so there is no point in behaving like nothing happen.
Ryan Nelson
A mental doc is fine and all but i dont have the money for that and if i do it on the corps dime i might get booted out on ad sep.
I do work out quite a bit aside from normal PT, and i have a gun collecting hobby. I guess those could work.
David Wilson
Look on the bright side bro, you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a fucking grenade, what if you didnt find out???
Isaiah Phillips
I'm sorry what you've been through, but I cropped your story together if you or anyone to save it