>be me still 17 but finished junior year
>talk to E all the time now
>tell her about myself because I didnt care
>wanted to kill myself less every day I spent talking to her
> she starts telling me personal information too
>she was 16 also virgin
>we talk all the way through summer
>go back to school
>senior year
>immediately want to die daily
>plan on it at the end of the year if things dont get better
> still talking to her all the time though
>she asks for my address
>doesnt say much about reason, just curious
>keep talking normally after for about a week
>get a box in the mail
>from a nearby state
>open it
>For you user, thank you for the past 5 months. Thought you deserved a gift
>has ark survival evolved with season pass
>I was poorfag and couldnt afford the other maps on that game
>also had my favorite candies, some snacks, a new knife (a hobby of mine) and something in a bag
>a small bottle of 75% used perfume
>ask her about it
>she says she wanted to ask me out wutha present, the perfume was hers and it has her address on it and full name so I could search her up or whatever to prove she was real and the perfume is so I can know what she smells like
>immediately agree to edate basically
>wetalk normally but refer to eachother as Bb for a while started off as a joke but couldnt stop
>get through senior year and get to my birthday
>birthday is right before graduation
>at this point weve exchanged snapchats and sent pics of ourselves
>Shes a 7/10 qt 3.14 with perky tits and a decent ass op pic related
>On my birthday
>hey user check snap chat when you get alone
>always alone dummy
>open it
>its a picture of her shaved and wet as fuck spreading herself
Dont have the pic anymore sorry
>instant boner
>she sends more
>I'm jerking off to her
>she asks to see pics of me
>I send one
>she sends video of her rubbing herself to me
>we finish eventually she says she loved it
Pic related to girl
Be me
I wouldnt leave you boys hanging, I'll post nudes every other continue
She has a nice pussy OP. But, unless you now know her personally, I don't think that'll end well.
Honestly every relationship I see on here gives be a bad mojo.
Keep going
>end up calling what we did "doing the do" aka just masturbating with eachother
>do it a lot over summer
>get a job because I'm out of highschool now, gotta be a big boy
>be me 18 now working at little caesers
>offer to meet up, I'll drive to her
>she says yes
>late August the meet is actually happening
>get to hotel after 9 hours of driving
>her and her mom meet me
>its actually her
>mfw not catfished
>shes super pretty, 5'7 and maybe 120 lbs
>we all start chatting and go to applebees as first day with her parents and her brother
>they bombard me with questions and I answer them
>finish eating and go back to hotel, it's around 6pm now
>we decide to go swimming since it's just E and I
>she looks so fucking sexy in her bikini
>get hard on
>its just us at pool and hot tub and we get in hot tub
>she takes her top off and her tits look amazing
>get super nervous and lose boner
>say it isnt her fault she looks fantastic
>we kiss for the first time
>small peck but it felt amazing
>we go back to hotel room and just watch TV
>drive her home and go back to hotel and pass out
>next day we go to movies
>watching spiderman homecoming in really nice theater with lounge recliner seats
>we cuddle
>she takes my hand to her boob
>I play with it for a while then put my hand up her shirt because no one else is in the theater
>groping her tit I get hard as a rock
>she starts grabbing me and goes down to give me head
>she has her tits out while blowing me
>goes on for about 5 minutes and I lose it again because I'm nervous about getting caught or tasting weird or whatever
>say it wasnt her fault again but dont explain why
>literally want to kill myself there
>we finish the movie and go back to a Walmart to get lunchables and sushi
>eat in the car
>smells awful
>we laugh together and kiss
>tastes awful
Rest of the trip goes like this, dont end up having sex because I cant keep it up
Promise it gets happy eventually. I'll keep going one more time without continue
Do go on
Op we are waiting
>be me after trip
>we go back to texting like normal and playing vidya together
>she finally got a gaming PC so we play games together
>having an amazing time
>shes still in school, junior
>she plan next trip for spring
>come spring time I fly up there because fuck that drive
>stay in same hotel
>she comes over first day and undresses completely
>I get rock hard immediately and we start to kiss
>try to push in but she whelps
>askwhats wrong and shd says shes a virgin
>thought of hurting her made me lose it
>tell her why I lost it and she hugs me
>we go to see another movie
>infinity war
>groping happens again
>we leave and go on date
>she asks to go home first to get ready
>drop her off so I can shower at hotel
>she comes in hotel room while I'm showering about 30 min later
>shes in a teal dress with flowers on it that's almost skin tight except the bottom which is baggy
>fucking gorgeous
>I get read and we go to olive garden
>we bother order chicken alfredo like kids
>tastes like plain noodle wtf
>dont eat because its gross
>she doesnt eat because I didnt eat and she got nervous
>go back to car and go to a lake to watch the sunset
>be me
>be happy in this moment
>she unzips my pants and pulls my dick out
>we get in back seat and she puts on flavored condom and starts blowing me
>couldnt feel a thing
>she takes it off and continues but I'm already losing it because I think I taste bad and that's why she used condom
>lose it again...
Dude she is trying so hard for you and you are not giving out. Good thing love is blind man but yeesh. Just pop a blue pill and go at it like the teens you are. Get her fucking preggers and start a family be the ideal couple idk just get that fucking shit up for longer than 3 seconds!