Be me

>be me
>be 17
>be lossless virgin
>had girlfriend before
>freshman year
>abusive as hell
>doesnt kiss me or date me
>sends nudes tho
>hasnt gone through puberty so clean pussy and small tits
>wanted to fuck all the time but never wanted to in person
>didnt even want me touching/hugging her in person
>texts all the time about fantasies with me
>end up breaking it off with her before sophomore year while playing a game of borderlands 2 with my bros

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Interested, please continue.

>>hasnt gone through puberty so clean pussy and small tits
this right here officer

Also interested

>one day she calls out the blue
>says shes sorry she never gave it up
>says she wants my dick asap
>I go to her house and knock
>she yells from inside to come in
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>be me sophomore and junior year
>go without any gf or female friends while all my bros are getting mad coochie
>run into one girl that shows interest
>she flirts casually but noticeably towards me
>qt 3.14 blonde with amazing ass
>find out shes Jewish
>go for it anyways
>she laughs at my jokes and always finds me in the hallways to talk
>tell bros I kinda like her
>they say go for it
>go months without saying much because anxiety
>get the courage to ask for her Instagram
>talk through dms
>talk casually
>get courage again week later
>ask for phone # because I want it to be personal
>she gives it
>start texting her
>she asks what am I doing and if I want to come over
>jurassic park 3 is on TV
>"sorry I cant I'm watching Jurassic park 3"
>"oh ok, what's happening in the movie?"
>explain the entire plat of the movie through a series of 3 texts
>I'm a fucking idiot
>miss out on fucking 9/10 qt for dinosaurs
>keep talking through text but not often
>she invites me to go hang out with some friends
>get there
>shes hanging around some new guy
>same fucking brown hair fluffed up while short on top with faded sides,6 pack but 150 lbs, beer drinking fuck boi Chad you see everywhere
>walk up to girl and say hi
>"oh hey user have you met Chad before?"
>"oh hes my new boyfriend"
>Chad "oh hey user, I hear you stood her up for Jurassic park 3 lol, that's some bigdick energy right there. Luckily it also gave me time to swoop in lol"
>mfw Chad took the girl I've worked so hard on
Continue? Theres more fuckery that goes on but has a happy ending. No point in posting if no one cares

of course you got fucking dubs. also, underage pornography. have fun in federal prison when you get caught.

She was 15 same as I was, it's legal in my state as long as we are 2 years apart
Also deleted the pictures she sent afterwards.pic posted is of someone later in the stories

Do continue

If you don't have teen titties to post, what's the point

Wtf are you talking about that was a troll post



>be me now at 17
>end of junior year
>kept talking to blonde qt but never got anywhere
>give up and stop talking to her
>start just playing vidya and talking in online groupchats because bros started to abandon me
>get into ark survival evolved
Go figure
>playing it one day and talking in group chats and someone asks me to stream the game for them because they cant play it
>stream the game for them, fuckit
>going around playing solo because cant afford good internet so cant play on servers
>stream is kinda laggy but they dint mind, they just enjoy the background noise
>they start talking to me often on private messages
>we exchange kiks to make it easier
>talk all the time
>neither if us disclose person information, we go off gamertag
>because close friends with this person
>talk during school all the time
>grades start getting better because I have someone to talk to and am not depressedfag as much
>they finally tell me their name
>Let's call her E

Fair enough


We need more of these threads, way better than these cuck/porn/fb/ig bullshit

>I've worked so hard on
No fucker, you didn't.

Sooo.... No nudes?


>>get the courage to ask for her Instagram
>>talk through dms
I feel too fucking old

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>be me still 17 but finished junior year
>talk to E all the time now
>tell her about myself because I didnt care
>wanted to kill myself less every day I spent talking to her
> she starts telling me personal information too
>she was 16 also virgin
>we talk all the way through summer
>go back to school
>senior year
>immediately want to die daily
>plan on it at the end of the year if things dont get better
> still talking to her all the time though
>she asks for my address
>doesnt say much about reason, just curious
>keep talking normally after for about a week
>get a box in the mail
>from a nearby state
>open it
>For you user, thank you for the past 5 months. Thought you deserved a gift
>has ark survival evolved with season pass
>I was poorfag and couldnt afford the other maps on that game
>also had my favorite candies, some snacks, a new knife (a hobby of mine) and something in a bag
>a small bottle of 75% used perfume
>ask her about it
>she says she wanted to ask me out wutha present, the perfume was hers and it has her address on it and full name so I could search her up or whatever to prove she was real and the perfume is so I can know what she smells like
>immediately agree to edate basically
>wetalk normally but refer to eachother as Bb for a while started off as a joke but couldnt stop
>get through senior year and get to my birthday
>birthday is right before graduation
>at this point weve exchanged snapchats and sent pics of ourselves
>Shes a 7/10 qt 3.14 with perky tits and a decent ass op pic related
>On my birthday
>hey user check snap chat when you get alone
>always alone dummy
>open it
>its a picture of her shaved and wet as fuck spreading herself
Dont have the pic anymore sorry
>instant boner
>she sends more
>I'm jerking off to her
>she asks to see pics of me
>I send one
>she sends video of her rubbing herself to me
>we finish eventually she says she loved it
Pic related to girl

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I wouldnt leave you boys hanging, I'll post nudes every other continue

She has a nice pussy OP. But, unless you now know her personally, I don't think that'll end well.
Honestly every relationship I see on here gives be a bad mojo.

Keep going

>end up calling what we did "doing the do" aka just masturbating with eachother
>do it a lot over summer
>get a job because I'm out of highschool now, gotta be a big boy
>be me 18 now working at little caesers
>offer to meet up, I'll drive to her
>she says yes
>late August the meet is actually happening
>get to hotel after 9 hours of driving
>her and her mom meet me
>its actually her
>mfw not catfished
>shes super pretty, 5'7 and maybe 120 lbs
>we all start chatting and go to applebees as first day with her parents and her brother
>they bombard me with questions and I answer them
>finish eating and go back to hotel, it's around 6pm now
>we decide to go swimming since it's just E and I
>she looks so fucking sexy in her bikini
>get hard on
>its just us at pool and hot tub and we get in hot tub
>she takes her top off and her tits look amazing
>get super nervous and lose boner
>say it isnt her fault she looks fantastic
>we kiss for the first time
>small peck but it felt amazing
>we go back to hotel room and just watch TV
>drive her home and go back to hotel and pass out
>next day we go to movies
>watching spiderman homecoming in really nice theater with lounge recliner seats
>we cuddle
>she takes my hand to her boob
>I play with it for a while then put my hand up her shirt because no one else is in the theater
>groping her tit I get hard as a rock
>she starts grabbing me and goes down to give me head
>she has her tits out while blowing me
>goes on for about 5 minutes and I lose it again because I'm nervous about getting caught or tasting weird or whatever
>say it wasnt her fault again but dont explain why
>literally want to kill myself there
>we finish the movie and go back to a Walmart to get lunchables and sushi
>eat in the car
>smells awful
>we laugh together and kiss
>tastes awful
Rest of the trip goes like this, dont end up having sex because I cant keep it up
Promise it gets happy eventually. I'll keep going one more time without continue


Do go on

Op we are waiting

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>be me after trip
>we go back to texting like normal and playing vidya together
>she finally got a gaming PC so we play games together
>having an amazing time
>shes still in school, junior
>she plan next trip for spring
>come spring time I fly up there because fuck that drive
>stay in same hotel
>she comes over first day and undresses completely
>I get rock hard immediately and we start to kiss
>try to push in but she whelps
>askwhats wrong and shd says shes a virgin
>thought of hurting her made me lose it
>tell her why I lost it and she hugs me
>we go to see another movie
>infinity war
>groping happens again
>we leave and go on date
>she asks to go home first to get ready
>drop her off so I can shower at hotel
>she comes in hotel room while I'm showering about 30 min later
>shes in a teal dress with flowers on it that's almost skin tight except the bottom which is baggy
>fucking gorgeous
>I get read and we go to olive garden
>we bother order chicken alfredo like kids
>tastes like plain noodle wtf
>dont eat because its gross
>she doesnt eat because I didnt eat and she got nervous
>go back to car and go to a lake to watch the sunset
>be me
>be happy in this moment
>she unzips my pants and pulls my dick out
>we get in back seat and she puts on flavored condom and starts blowing me
>couldnt feel a thing
>she takes it off and continues but I'm already losing it because I think I taste bad and that's why she used condom
>lose it again...

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Dude she is trying so hard for you and you are not giving out. Good thing love is blind man but yeesh. Just pop a blue pill and go at it like the teens you are. Get her fucking preggers and start a family be the ideal couple idk just get that fucking shit up for longer than 3 seconds!

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Damn, user. I've lost my share of hardons before, but never with this consistency

>Theres more fuckery that goes on but has a happy ending. No point in posting if no one cares
Owo sempai notice me


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Gi ahead. Continue

>continue trip regularly with less sexual interactions
>bunch of dates and shopping
>trip ends again without anything happening again
>its ok, I love her
>tell her and she says it back and shes ok with waiting
Here's where things go weird
>she starts talking to a lot of guy friends and hanging out a lot
>I'm not that worried but I am jealous
>we dont get many days to video call anymore because she goes out with her mom and friends so often and I work all the time. Btw switched to a grocery story deli clerk
>go through the end of her junior year without talking a lit
>get mad at this and talk to her about it
>she says things will change immediately
>we instantly start talking more and things back to normal but I feel bad
>tell her that I'll set a schedule on my work week for 2 back to back days off a week
>it works, I get time with her and she gets time for friends and mom
>next trip is coming up in late summer
>Shes coming down here
>trip comes up and she comes down with her mom
>we go the first day without anything sexual
>have a hiking date and then go to a spa for shits and giggles
>feel great after
>next day comes around and I go to pick her up
>we go to see another movie
>theater full
>fuck it go back to my house to watch infinity war again cause I bought on 4k HD DVD
>we start watching and she gets on top of me
>gets really fucking sexy
>she pulls my dick out and starts grinding
>she hasnt shaved
>pubes hurt like fucking hell
>lose it because its hurts and she knows why
>she trims for the next day and we go back to the movie
I know boys but I promise it gets better lmao, my dick was broke for the first couple trips
>we go the rest of the trip going on an adventure through my state with little sexual interactions but have a great time
>All new for her so she really didnt care

You're a high quality audio virgin?

Continue, please

>we go back to normal after trip and talk about me having problems
>she feels super insecure but I promise it's on my end and next trip we are both losing our virginities
Next trip is in the spring again during her senior year prom
>we have troubles with long distance early in her senior year and it kinda sucks
>we get through it ok
>its been almost 2 years together and by the next trip itll be our 2 year anniversary
>we talk about it often and get sappy
>we play games together all the time
>shes all I have in life at this point
>we buy eachother lame ass promise rings but fuckit she wants to
>i get a black tungsten band and she gets a 24k gold ring with cubic zirconium wrapping around the middle
>we both think diamonds are shit and cz is more sparkly so she loves it
>wear ring all the time on right hand ring finger
>get joked at often but I don't care, it's from E and I love it
>next trip gets closer
>we both get super nervous beforehand because we know this is the trip itll happen somehow
>we make jokes about how we are both still virgins after almost 2 years together
>we start picking out tuxes and dresses to wear for her prom
>she finds a red one and I find a matching tux
>we get the flower things and everything picked out for prom
>extremely excited

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In all seriousness I am enjoying this

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I'm glad you enjoy my story time

Promise rings? I engaged my partner after two years lmao.

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Alsp fuck is she sexy in those socks. Im a sock fag op please dont mind me

That's a bit early for engagements in my opinion but yea, the rings were gay but I still had no problem wearing mine

Lmfao all good, trust me I know

Yh we aint getting married for a good few years once Uni is over. We are on about 4 years now together so alls well that ends well i assume.

Glad I missed out on that promise ring bullshit
But do go on

>be me 19, about to go to prom with E
>get on plane with all my stuff
>nervous I'm flying with United and never had a layover before
>its only second time I've flown and this flight is at 4am the day before the prom
>get there ok even though I was terrified and get picked up by her mom and E
>get in back of their SUV and start heading back to her town which is a 40 minute drive
>get all sappy in back because it's been a while since we saw eachother and we about to go to prom
>get to hotel and check in
>nicest hotel yet
>her mom drops her off with her car and walks home since hotel is next to their house and she likes walking
>we take a shower together and cuddle while I nap since I hadn't slept the night before
>wake up in about an hour and she had gone and gotten me breakfast
>mfw my heart almost explodes because NO ONE has ever gotten me breakfast in bed
>she says she loves me and we go back to cuddling while I eat
>we go pick up my tux and I try it on
It fits
>she says I look amazing and takes a picture to send to my mom
>mom loves it
>I take it off and put it up
>we go on a date again to 5 guys because I hadn't ever been
It's amazing btw
>she asks to sleep over and her mom is ok with it
>sleep like a baby that night, the warmth of someone next to you is amazing

What is her mom like btw. Also anymore sock pictures would be greatly appreciated!

Day of
>prom is today
>we get ready early so we can go pick up the flowers things and take pre prom pictures before everyone else gets out
>see her
Yea Forums I know that she is my gf and all but I gotta say I've never seen someone's beautiful as her on this day
>we kiss
>she goes with mom to get hair done and shit and I stay at hotel
>she comes backing an hour
>We go to get flowers and pictures
She still looks incredible
>we take a bunch of pictures all over town
Pic related
>prom starts
Underwhelming as fucking hell, everyone there is an annoying niggerjust twerking and grinding to black people music
>whatever it's her day
>she agrees with me
>we still dance for the slow song and get our pictures taken
Picture guy says he ran out of printer ink so we cant get pictures today
>ruined our night
>we waited an extra 45 minutes after wanting to leave for those pictures
>we leave
>go around town to stores and Walmart just to enjoy our outfits
>get sushi again and eat
>we make out and it tastes awful
>she gets to sleep over again
>we decide tonight is the night
>she takes off her dress and she just looks amazing
>I take off tux and start eating her out
>she cums twice
>I get ready to fuck and i get a call from mom
>she wanted to know how prom went
>mfw cock blocked by mom
>E laughs and says we have 3 more days to try again
>we sleep together
>sleep like a baby again

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Please don’t end up with a walking the dinosaur shit. I’ve invested too much in this thread!

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Her mom was really relaxed with us, also super fucking nice and easy to talk to

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I'll prematurely say this is a completely real story of the past 6 years of my life. No bamboozle in the end

>everyone there is an annoying niggerjust twerking and grinding to black people music
Welcome to the world post-2005

Why do you give up everytime your dick gets soft (which happens everytime apparently)? Is it too hard for it to get up?

Damn you have a real keeper user engage her

I'm starting to think this is bait at this point

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>be next morning
>wake up a little late around 10 am
>breakfast in bed again
>shes naked just walking around
>get gard
>she does "OwO what's this" as a joke
>lay her down and kiss her while telling her I love her
>eat her out again
>she cums and is just soaking wet
>decide this is the time
>rub my dick against her to get it wet
>start pushing in raw
>feel the inside of her with my tip
Also not a brag but dick is 8 in and shes a virgin, just context for next part
>she...yelps? She says it hurts like hell
>pull out and finger her
>it goes smooth and she says she feels kinda stretched
>try to push in again really slow
>user it hurts to much, let's try again later
>okay E
Her fault on that one Me:4 E:1
>spend rest of day exploring outer town
>go hiking through a quarry
>go for dinner again
>she cant spend the night again but it's ok
>next day we go to movies for endgame
>we both cry
>afterwards we go shopping for mothers day gift for her mom
>we both buy a gift
>I got her a bamboo plant cuz she loves plants and shit and E got her a card and flowers
>we go out to eat with her family
>present gifts and her mom thanks us both a ton
>I didnt expect gifts from you guys
>its not a problem, you've brought E to me so I can barely call it even
>E and I hug and sit down for dinner
>cheese cake factory, I hade their bacon cheese burger and E had a pasta bowl. Neither of us finished
>I pay for E and I and we leave
>Back to hotel room
>tomorrow is last day of trip
>E sleeps over without asking

Plan on it
Yea, it was really hard to get it back up after the feeling of guilt just washed over me. Once it got soft I was completely out of the mood and just felt awful

>be next morning
>wake up
>E is still asleep
>just lay there looking at her, admiring her beauty
>I love her so much
>kiss her cheek and she wakes up
>good morning beautiful
>good morning handsome
>turns into make out
>turns into her grinding against my leg
>she shaved last night, her pussy is extremely smooth
>feel her warmth and her getting wet
>go down to eat ger out
>so tired I'm justing doing things without thinking, think she is too
>she cums again
>go to push it in
>finger her for a second to fell if shes super tight still
>she feels relaxed as hell
>go to push in
>tip goes in, small reaction from her
>about 2 in in no pain yet
>4in in still nothing
>get entire dick inside
I did it boys
>feel the warmth of her pussy against my raw dick
>feels amazing
>slowely thrusting into her
>shes moaning
>I'm rock hard at this point, 0 failure this time
>she tightens up a bit
>says it hurts a little but keep going
>she starts moaning loader
>I'm getting close
>she cums once I start rubbing her clit
>feel her tighten up
>feel her insides throbbing
>extremely tight pussy, basically holding me in while fucking her
>feel it coming
>pull out
>cum all over her lower stomach
>she grabs my neck and pulls me in for a kiss
>we kiss and cuddle for the next hour
>she says she loves me
>my heart throbs
It was the last day and it happened
I did it boys, I did it

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Continue it boi in trying to archive it here

>>get entire dick inside
Finally, dude!

Only 1 more post left, it's the finale. Want at least dubs before I post it boys. If we dont get it I'll post in 10 min because I dont wanna leave you boys hanging, I'm glad people enjoy my story and yea I know I'm a but of a fuck up but things are following through

My boy goddamn did it. Im proud of you man.

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Good on ya lad immediately getting dubs

finally som god damn good story. Finally bro!

rollin fer dubs

that was fast

Dubs! Post the rest!

God even smiles on us this day my friend.

Shit, been a minute since I've actually enjoyed a story thread, and congrats OP!


Not to be fag or anything, but should you really be posting your girlfriends nudes? Sure, it's nice stimulation for all of our more animal sides, but to my more civil side it seems a bit wrong

holy shit it's 6:30 am here, i want to go to sleep but I can't miss this thread

Finale, congrats on those making it all the way through.
>be me, not a virgin anymore
>we get up after laying down for about an hour
>shes sore
>really sore
>I baby her the whole day
>we go to subway to get some lunch
>we both finish our meal
>with the hotel I got we have free access to an indoor waterpark just up the road
>its a really nice water park
>has heated pool that goes outside
>its raining outside
>the dont close it anyways
>we sit in the heated pool outside in the rain because it feels good on her crotch
>we just stare at eachother
>its just us right now
>we cuddle some more on the edge since it has a wrap around ledge to sit on inside the pool
Shes just laying inside my legs while I'm wrapped around her
>I'd give my life for her right now
>no words are spoken, we just enjoy the moment
>we kiss
>we leave the waterpark after going on a few slides and fucking around in the pools
>we go to mall
>I get a otf switchblade
>illegal in my state so I'm really excited
Get cinnabon for first time also, very good
>she crys
>I cry
>I leave in an hour
>we get to airport and I go inside to check in
>flight delayed 2 hours
>wait an hour with her
>flight delayed another 3 hours
>flight doesnt leave until 1am
>check in lady says I can come back tomorrow if i want
Do it
>stay in shitty hotel
>leave for airport early in the morning
>flight is in time
>about to go into TSA
>I break down, she breaks down, even her mom starts crying
>we exchange goodbyes
>go through TSA, get to plane
>bye E
>until next time
This was our most recent trip, about 3 months ago
Our next one is planned for October boys
E is my life and I thought I'd share you my autobiography, some of you may not care but I had to let someone know as my friends abandoned me almost a year ago.
Lifes good boys, just gotta wait for it to get to you
Pic was sent by E a while ago. Insta bamboozle, just thought itd fit the story with her abbreviated name lol

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Yea, it feels scummy but gotta keep Yea Forums attention somehow. No more nudes being shared boys, sorry

Tbh apart from them two sock pictures i was barely paying attention to them...

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This close to trips, wouldve been amazing to finish my thread with trips

congrats OP you deserve it

Hey good on you man. Hope it ends well for ya, she seems like a fine lass

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Fair enough, sad to see Yea Forums in the state it is

Someone fucking archive this thread already
It's too precious

I wasn't paying much attention to em either, just something that was in the back of me head

I know, was about to end it with a bang, no pun intended

Also ps for the story, we play ark now. Shes learning it and has troubles in the game but shes trying just for me. I gotta say playing this game with her has made me feel like the luckiest man alive. I'll keep responding to this thread until I pass out if anyone has questions.
Thought Yea Forums deserved a good ol story time

hope all goes well for yah! thanks for the story time op. was worth the wait!

finally Yea Forums wasn't a total cumbang

Fucking no. Don't be that guy. Please.

as someone who started playing ark as well you'll have to explain a lot of things to her. I play with friends but I feel completely useless and I'm always asking them what are we doing next

Dude whatever happens, I wish you the best life always my friend.
I hope you two end up being that shitty fairtale story that all bros who want to find love wants.
Life is tough, it ain't easy, and shit will always be up and down.
You can't have your ups without your downs. It's just how life is.
But I'm glad for this happy story and to hear you're happy too op.
Take care of yourself my friend, I know one day I can meet someone who makes me feel that way again.
Ive just gotta hang tight until it comes.
But thankyou user.
True hero.
Good luck out there

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So nice, congrats to you man.

Oh yea, I'm taking it very slow in the game with her to help her learn. Luckily that new map came out and I can have a fresh start on the game with her


Good going op and good luck in the future, going to post the archived version tonight or tomorrow when I make a archive thread.

This was heart warming, user. Thanks :)

whole story brought faggot tears to my eyes. best of luck to you both.

Wtf happened to the file

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Being on this board for so long, only a few things gets me this invested anymore.
I'm really proud of you man, I wish you the best.

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How old was she in these nudes? You said you were still in high school when she started to send you nudes. Most high schoolers are ages 14-18, so that's a 3/4 chance she's underage. Don't wanna save and get v&

So glad for you op, hope you have a wonderful life
I'm kinda curious about the knife, how did they let you keep it?

Lmfao you’re a ducking retard. Every 17 year old girl has gone through ducking puberty you fucking incel. Just cause they are petite and have a neat pussy doesn’t mean anything about puberty lmfao

So you're into prepubescent girls... Usually that's just for pedophiles

Herrderrr rapf no music I listen to real music like ROCK