Hello user, I can grant you anything you desire...once! No tricks!
You must give me in something in return.
What is your desire and what can you
realistically offer me in exchange for your wish.
Choose wisely.
Hello user, I can grant you anything you desire...once! No tricks!
You must give me in something in return.
What is your desire and what can you
realistically offer me in exchange for your wish.
Choose wisely.
I'll suck your dick a reasonable number of times if you give me three succubi to play with, oh grandmaster Satan.
I want 2 more inches of penis length.
Willing to lose 2 inches of height (I'm currently 5'6")
How much demon dick I gotta suck to get a hotwire cutter?
Damn.... You're sacrificing alot there user.
I'll give you 3 FULL inches of height for one custom irl waifu. Bring me the waifu devil boi
If I can get three inches of height tm I am willing to give 10 lbs of muscle
Hey daddy satan,
I am almost a manlet so I might as well be a manlet with a big fat 8.5 in dick.
Thank u
Luv u
See u soon
If i can't get my waifu then fuck off. I'll give 6 inches of height AND one (not illegal or faggy) favor.
>See you soon
Oh God Oh Fuck
satan gon git rekt
I want you to cancel every previous wishes but keep the thing they offer in exchange
Take my left arm and my right testicle in return
What do you want in exchange to have my sister in law as my second wife and lover
I'll give you based memes and a shot at getting an e-gf if you promise to join this based chanfag server
discord gg/CgtYuW
I will trade in my sense of humor for a sense of purpose.
I want to be chums with the dungeon keeper!
I wish for the death of every human.
In exchange, I offer the life of every human.
Do we have a deal?
I feed on souls. I need repopulation to happen so I can have endless supply.
hey what about
Send me back in time 5 and a half years with all my memories and just let me re do my life from there. All I can offer is my services for 100 years
A custom girl for 3 inches of your height?
Not enough. Denied.
Fine, 6 inches of height and 1 inch of cock
What's your current height and dick stat?
6'2 and 6. You guess which is which
thanks, uwu
Yo bruh
I want a mega structure that would be known as the widest structure in the world.
Basically it would be a building 5km x 5km with a domelike structure as a roof with 3 underground levels for parking space in the middle of those underground levels and mazes around those parking space. The main level would be a fantasy world setup for movie production and larping on the week ends.
In exchange I offer you all the underaged children's of Alberta in a blood sacrifice ritual with the altar and everything.
Be more specific with your exchange. What you gonna do for 100 years?
I don't think you would deliver all that sacrificing.
>I don't think you would deliver all that sacrificing.
Alberta is killing the rest of Canada as we speak because they were uncapable of finding a different source of income from the oil industry. We told them this industry was coming to a definitive end soon and they didn't do shit. People are dying because of their inaction as we speak. Why wouldn't I want to murder those sons of bitches?
>Be more specific with your exchange. What you gonna do for 100 years?
Anything you need
I'm a littlle peckish and want to try new things
I'll trade a mostly full jar of pickles for a jar of pickled eggs.
I want $1 million in gold bars.
In return, I can give you AIDS.
To be physically attractive. Not even buff or anything. Just not fat with a bigger dick.
I'd offer my own sanity. I'm slowly losing it. Might as well trade it in. Hell. Take my soul too. Fuck. If you make me look good and have a big dick. I'd work for you in the afterlife. I'd suck your own dick when I die. Just make me attractive.
Either that or give me demonic powers
Lots of shit offers gl with them im still happy with the deal we made. Would have killed myself anyway.
I would give up 3 inches of height for 3 more inches on my dick.
t.6'3" guy with 4~5 inch dick
To be the smartest man in the world
I'd work with you in hell to fix your problems for 100 years