About 10 feet from the window I was sitting behind, my 28 foot cypress tree got struck and resulted in pic related. AMA related to the event and I'm happy to share
About 10 feet from the window I was sitting behind, my 28 foot cypress tree got struck and resulted in pic related...
Other urls found in this thread:
OP here, one more pic after this in replies
How did u know how tall the tree was after it got sploded? Do u measure ur trees daily?
If butchering of girls was legal and meat from them was be able to buy in stores, would you eat it?
Also would you work in girl meat processing facility?
How would you organise entire process? (from meat decision to dispose of waste)
He said related to event. Tie it into the wood somehow if u want an answer
I measured it against the house in previous pictures. My roof is 25 feet tall at its highest and the tree was about 3 feet taller
This isn't related whatsoever but yes. Cannibalism is common amongst other species so ethically there's no reason to not act the same towards humans. No further comments on this meme
did u cum on the splinters?
Yeah I answered anyway cause it was one of the first questions in the thread
Haha no but underneath the bark felt like old condom cum
Try rubbing your dick on it, post pics.
Already did last night, splinters in my urethra
Was it loud?
Post dick pic, then you are not a faggot.
Yes, I was sitting inside my room, just behind the hedges towards the right of my garage, which was right next to the tree. I already have tinnitus so I hear ringing mostly all day, but when I heard what sounded like 15 different cannons going at the same time, my ears were ringing LOUDLY for approximately 20 minutes. There was brick and .25 inch glass separating me from the blast.
>tldr this was the loudest noise I've ever heard
This isn't reddit, spergs. We don't have to be relevant to post in a thread. Aside from that, I doubt many people care that a tree fell in a yard. It happens every day around the world. There's really not much to inquire about it.
It's about the lightning touching down mere feet from me. Im here to inform those who are curious about experiencing that up close and personal
Again, natural phenomenon. Happens every day. Not reddit. Etc. Post some titties to make it more interesting.
I’ve seen and heard it from a distance and it was pretty loud, I can just imagine.
ty for sharing, glad you ok
Why take something like this to reddit? I know hardly anyone would be interested so that's why I chose B. It will either be noticed and posted in, or 404 because no one cares. I don't wanna immortalize a terrifying event on reddit for next to no reason.
Yeah being right next to it is something you can't possibly forget. It could've hit so much more or done so much worse. It's all together a really weird situation.
I was outside when lightening struck near by, it was at night so it was like i got flash banged. It was nighttime with the sounds of thunder and wind and the voice of my gf at the time on the phone. Suddenly everything was bright white and quite. I couldnt see or hear anything and I froze. After struggling to regain something, i could slowly hear a quite ring gradually build in volume. Then i could hear again but couldnt tell what I was hearing, to many noises flooded me at once. After several seconds I realized the most prominent and closest sound to me was a car alarm. Either it got hit directly or the point blant thunderclap shook the car and set it off. I can understand what you went through. It was as scary as it was exhilarating
Let me fix two typos. >quiet not quite and blank not blant
I mean, look around you. Everyone is so off topic because they don't really care, man. At least the spergs on reddit are easy to entertain and stay on focus if not for at least five minute intervals. Also, it's really not that scary. If it would've landed on you, chances are you'd have lived with a few sprains. Worst case, broken arm, leg or rib.
OP here. This is exactly what I experienced, save for seeing my Xbox say goodbye in burnt pixels, and instead of a car alarm I heard shrapnel made from tree limbs smacking the ground. It really makes you think how close to being more conductive you mightve been that night
Again. Not talking about the tree itself. I am talking about the fact that lightning touched the ground within 10 feet of me. Had I been wet, or closer to anything metal in my room, i myself could've gotten fried.
Also if you don't want to view this thread just leave no one's Making you be here. There's a catalog of other threads.
>in conclusion FUCK the tree, I'm just glad I didn't get hit
Not op but you can tell if someone has ever been close to a lightening strike or not. There is no person on earth who would be that close to a lightening strike and not find it scary, even if you knew it was storming and there wasnt a surprise factor. Being suddenly deafened by a loud as close strike isnt going yo leave anyone unfazed.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're really just being overdramatic, hence, its a natural phenomenon that happens everyday.
Exactly. I have veteran neighbors and even they were shaken by the incident. It's fuckin scary and no one expects it.
Jesus Christ, it's just lightning. Try being being shot at for 4 years by people who don't even speak English. Calm down.
Oh ya, you are lucky af. Lightening hits the tallest conductive object in an area, if that was you then things wouldnt look too good, pro tip, if you ever suspect you might be the tallest conductive object in a stormy area, check your arm hair or leg hair. If its standing up then you are very likely about to get struck. Best thing to do is lay down so the lightening will likely hit something that is taller
Okay, cool. Im not gonna spend time of my day explaining how this isn't comparable to something like wind blowing your fence over. Have a good day sir.
Yeah my moms hair was standing on end shortly after so we got the hell out of dodge and dipped inside
Ohhhhhh, boyyyyyyyy.
Did you take the plug out of your ass and stop masturbating, or did you finish before you went outside to look?
Are you sure it wasn’t 27.5 feet tall?
Houses are well grounded and you’re protected from electrical lines by the fuse box, the shower is a different story though and you can get fried showering during a thunderstorm.
T. Someone who's never seen semis in a truck yard get tossed around like playtoys just 50 miles short of his own house
Where do you even live, OP?
Nah I walked outside mid pump and finished when I saw the damage. Yknow, the usual shit.
Try being nearly hit with a bolt of electricity that is several times hotter than the surface of the sun and would instsntly burn your uour flesh before ectrocuting you. Thanks for your service but shit the fuck up if you think being shot at for 4 years suddenly makes you not flinch at anything. That only proves my point more, if youve been in any ammount of combat in your life, even if you didnt get PTSD you are going to be even more receptive to sudden loud noises or bright flashes. I was in the center of the worst lightening storm in history in the lightening strike capital of the world and still got shook by that close call years later. Experience doesnt make you immune, it makes you more receptive.
Fort Worth, Texas. We've had tornadoes, hail from hell, flooding so bad it fills the town park, and major lightning for years. I live on the North side towards the buc-ees
Ooohh boi hot damn
Don't have more of her, but this is the closest body type I have to her in my folder
If there's no flooding, can you really call it a storm? Man, you make it sound like that's extreme. How big does your hail get? Here in Illinois, we typically don't get anything smaller than a baseball when it decides to hail.
OPie are you in texas by any chance
How old are you? Can I fuck your sister?
How did u know how thick the glass was after it got sploded? Do u measure ur glass daily?
Is that your wife?
I bet you wish she’d get struck
The smallest hail I've ever seen was golf ball sized, but that was in a warm March, so when it gets cold you can imagine how bad it really gets
I know my house because I am a homeowner.
That's not my point, my point is that it's really not that scary. If you die, it'd be instant so there's not much to sit there and piss your pants about. You can't really go running around fearing a "god inflicted" fatal wound or else you'll die scared. This should especially be considered when we have storms every other week in the summer pretty much wherever you go. It's really not a big deal, dude.
The way you've been making it sound I can't imagine it gets that big.
Ooh look here we got ourselves a city slicker that doesn't care if he dies, apparently
Dude, you wanna know about weather? Just research DFW Texas area weather. I'm not a meteorologist, I'm just here to talk about my experiences, given anyone's interested. At this point im just waiting for the thread to 404 tbh.
There's a huge difference between not caring if you die and not shitting your pants at every clap of lightning. Most of Texas is city area, btw. It was a cute meme though.
Yeah I never said I was scared by lightning. I am however shaken by the bolt that hit the tree. It's like watching a car accident. It doesn't make you permanently scared of riding in the car you saw crash, but you'll think about it every now and then. You ever heard the phrase "it hit a little too close to home" yeah that's all it is.
Have you posted it to Facebook yet, you fat lard? Every time there's a storm in my area my entire feed is lit up with trees and shit of the sort. Contemplating deleting my shitbook but I'd have no contact with my family while I'm in college in an entirely other state.
Yeah honestly just delete Facebook and collect phone numbers. If you want to know about them, or they want to know about you badly enough, they'll contact you.
Its not even existential like that, doesnt matter if you want to live or die, if you seen combat or not, or if you even believe on God, has nothing to do with that. Its simply a natural reaction. Something several times louder than what you hear on a daily basis suddenly out of nowhere it is going to scare you. Its reactionary just as when a nurse does a physical and taps you on the knee with the rubber instrument. Also bro I live and have loved most of my life in Florida, yes I hear storms almost daily. But hearing thunder from a strike 5 miles away allthough loud is nowhere near is loud as withing 500 feet. The sound isnt linear its exponential. When if ever one strikes near you even if you expect it. You are going to get shook.
OP are you a mbb fan?
But is it really scary enough to make an entire thread about it? Not really. I gotta ask, how did your 4th of July work out for you? Were you spending the entire day jumping around like a handful of pop rocks? I would hope not. You have to learn when to expect loud noises. Someone breaking glass to get into your home? Yeah, it's time to stain your pants a little. Little bit of lightning? Buckle down and grow a pair because it's not going to stop for at least another hour and you have a better chance of winning the lottery thrice than it striking you.
You dont get it because you havent had a close strike, fireworks are quiet af compared to a near strike. A lightening strike is made of plasma moving faster than the speed of sound, not only is it breaking a sound barrier but its heating up the local atmosphere. This means it doesnt get gradually louder the closer you are to it. It gets exponentially louder. If you are comparing fireworks to a near lightening strike you are only proving gour inexperience. Also its not like you are going go perma fear lightening whenevef a storm is near. But when it hits next to you its worth a thread. Because this is random and you dont have a lightening thread every other thread
You're right, I live in OK and I saw this thread and was like wtf, this happens like almost daily here. This is nothing special tbh.
Sigh. Sure, man. It's totally terrifying to hear thunder. I obviously have not a fucking clue what I'm talking about. I obviously live far, far up north where there are never any storms. You on the other hand are a meteorologist tier storm expert and if you say we should be scared of loud noises then that means we should all be scared of loud noises. There. Happy?
Don't bother. He won't budge on the topic. Just let him fantasize the idea that lightning is something that's a deadly issue and move on.
I didnt want to have to use the C word bud but you made me, you're being a Clown
Buzzword used by Twitter niggers.
OH my God you're fucking stupid. OP here. For the fourth time in this thread, it's not the lightning itself I fucking give a shit about. It's the fact that I was a mere 10 feet away from death. I love lightning. It's a cool thing to look at and hear as well. Storms too. That'll never change. The thing I'm hung up on is the fact that I almost lost my home, life, and potentially family. This is why I made the thread. To discuss the actual event, and describe anything about the sound or sight, and also to discuss the effects of how close I came to losing everything.
Yeah view my reply below
Right? Nobody can possibly know the fear one can experience from the noise of a tree. I shat my pants once when a limb was struck to the ground in flames from lightening that almost burnt my whole house to a crisp.
Again, better chance of hitting the lotto thrice before you ever get struck. All I have to say to you.
Chief what's mbb
>I watched a tree branch burn on my lawn during a storm from the comfort of my home
>sp00gy, m8!!!
my house you dipshit not me
So you're afraid of a little property damage? During a storm? Who isn't?
>a little property damage
Do you even understand what lightning does?
>Calls sperg people who can understand a basic instruction, yet he/she can't.
Do you even understand what storm insurance does?
>b b b buh user, it would 'splode DA house!
No it wouldnt.
>b b b b buh user it would catch the house on fire!
Maybe. Even then, a small portion. You would have ample time to grab family and a few belongings before it went up entirely in flames. You watch too many dramatic movies.
What are you even referring to?
erin ashford
I also care about the home in which I've lived for 19 years. You can rebuild a frame but you can't put those handprints, height charts, and reminders of why it's home back in. They're all a part of who you are.
girl in pic
Is it really smart to grow attached to something that could be swiped away in an act of god? You cant really do anything about it if it gets destroyed, I hate to tell you but that's life for you.
My dipshit ass thought it was a show or something but I mean yeah she's kinda cute but like she's 15 so
Sorry I never moved then, I guess? I practically grew up in this house so it's not really my doing in purpose, life just kinda happened here for me.
I'm just saying.
Yeah I feel you man. I come across as aggressive in this thread when it comes to my views but this happened to me last night so this is honestly just a way of me unpacking it all, you know?
Yeah OP here, can yall 404 this thread already? No one is asking questions and I came off way more aggressively than I should've in all encounters. I just wanted to unpack the stress cause no one wants to talk about it yet around here.
di your xbox come back or is it finished?
So you're blogposting? Y'know they have social media sites for that, right?
Surprisingly it did, but I had to do some weird cable unplugging CPR to get it to turn over the first time. It's fully functional again but took 30 minutes to come back alive
Earlier in this thread I said I didn't want it to be immortalized anywhere. I picked B because it would be deleted within a day guaranteed
Also fucking checked bro
I checked your dubs and got dubs myself. This was good
I mean you're the retard not him
anything else in the house hurt? surges?
Internet is down and so is our router, and yeah both of them separately but aside that, the only other thing was my Xbox almost died but it came back
Kek I forgot you replied about the Xbox. Ive been in and out of this thread for a while now
This is it Yea Forums,
Ending it all on stream. Thanks for the good times brostBzDI challeng u to watch me fuck her (holy n word jew)
Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. bR
Live stream link + further explanation: