Sometimes I wish I wasn't a NEET and lived on my own

fucking idiot, should've told her she can borrow your phone when she tops you off

dude i hate this shit Yea Forums is just a fukcing ad farm lets kill the MODZ send me their address

How old is your sister to where she doesn't have her own phone? Does NEET run in the family?

Younger sister, she's turning 17 soon.
At least my dick wasn't out
I'll keep it in mind for the next time
She broke her phone cause she's a retard

doesn't really seem like a big deal

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Don't reply to threads you think suck then, retard, you only keep them alive that way

>what is sage
don't ever @ me again you filthy newfaggot

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Pics of sister. Your story is pointless

you should do it again but have sister brother stuff on and just fuck your sister