Sometimes I wish I wasn't a NEET and lived on my own
>be me 3 minutes ago
>ready to jerk off
>think about what I wanna watch
>get on pornhub
>find porn
>sister barges into the room
>try switch the window
>not working, mozilla is frozen
>"what do you want?"
>mozilla is frozen
>she walks up to me
>I try alt tabbing
>not working
>she sees it
>"can I borrow your phone to make a phonecall"
>quickly give her the phone
>it finally alt tabs out
>she leaves
Sometimes I wish I wasn't a NEET and lived on my own
I can't even masturbate now :(
>you can have my phone when you massage my prostate while i masturbate to tranny porn
you fucked up OP
Is it bad i know the reference image?
At least it wasn't tranny porn
How old are you?
fuck off bot
nah we all do Yea Forumsro *BUM*
fucking idiot, should've told her she can borrow your phone when she tops you off
dude i hate this shit Yea Forums is just a fukcing ad farm lets kill the MODZ send me their address
How old is your sister to where she doesn't have her own phone? Does NEET run in the family?
Younger sister, she's turning 17 soon.
At least my dick wasn't out
I'll keep it in mind for the next time
She broke her phone cause she's a retard
doesn't really seem like a big deal
Don't reply to threads you think suck then, retard, you only keep them alive that way
>what is sage
don't ever @ me again you filthy newfaggot
Pics of sister. Your story is pointless
you should do it again but have sister brother stuff on and just fuck your sister
Not a big deal, my mother caugth me one time dick in hand. Link what you had on screen
Your pic related was taken early last year when that guy blew his brains out with a shotgun.
So how come it is overlaid with a post dated
2012 - roughly six years before the guy an heroed?
How old is she and is she attractive?
she'll blow your mind
You are onr dumb fuck. How hard is it to turn your screen off?