Let them in, you fucking racists

MAGA Bigly. I could give a fuck less about some homeless dude renting a kid from the cartel to cross the border illegally, and get away with it. Hope they both end up in detainment camps and I hope that young child is reunited with her REAL FAMILY.

At least in poor countries the cost of living, education, and healthcare aren't inflated at 3000% of their value thus turning you into a debt slave for life.

Lots of people do it every day, user. Fuckers just don't wanna put in the effort. Yeah it takes time, but it's better than killing your kid.

>As if it were possible for them to do it legally
It is, and plenty of people do it every year. Spics are too dumb to do it though, as we all know.

Attached: 36002654_393466337809239_2485880238601404416_n.jpg (500x709, 63K)

>I'm going to kill my kid because migranting to the US is hard

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With open border hard left dems. Germany, stabbings and rapings in the street, Italy, opened borders and have now closed borders, France, yellow vest protests, UK, TOMMY ROBINSON supression of free speech, open murder and rape in the streets, canadas infrastructure in major cities are crumbling, weeks long waitlist to get medical, tell me again, why open borders in first world countries is a good deal?

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Straw man argument with the photo.

Cut the shit with the fake outrage. It's obvious.

To fix the problem we need to go to war on the nations they are fleeing from so they stop coming to the last profitable place on Earth.,