Let them in, you fucking racists

Let them in, you fucking racists

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Let them in to do what? Not speak English and fuck up our white country? Sounds like a bad deal to me

Nah bro. Pave your own way. We got our own gardens to tend to. This is globalist propaganda. We SEE you, now.

Why would I let them in, they look dead.

To have a better life and work the jobs your lazy ass won't do

That terrible father put his child in danger to break the law. Next time do it legally. Oh wait, they don't get a next time.

I'm not a boomer though.

Stupid bullshit like this is made to guilt tripping people into thinking that if we have open borders, these are the kind who will take use. But you wanna know the fuck what? Look at the state of Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and ALL of UK. These are result of the globalist agenda pushed under the guise of "democratic socialism". Suck my dick you Shillblue Media Matters Propaganda Puppet. You are literally human garbage.
>pic related

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Those are all first world countries you dumbfuck

As if it were possible for them to do it legally.
You clearly weren't born in a poor country.

MAGA Bigly. I could give a fuck less about some homeless dude renting a kid from the cartel to cross the border illegally, and get away with it. Hope they both end up in detainment camps and I hope that young child is reunited with her REAL FAMILY.

At least in poor countries the cost of living, education, and healthcare aren't inflated at 3000% of their value thus turning you into a debt slave for life.

Lots of people do it every day, user. Fuckers just don't wanna put in the effort. Yeah it takes time, but it's better than killing your kid.

>As if it were possible for them to do it legally
It is, and plenty of people do it every year. Spics are too dumb to do it though, as we all know.

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>I'm going to kill my kid because migranting to the US is hard

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With open border hard left dems. Germany, stabbings and rapings in the street, Italy, opened borders and have now closed borders, France, yellow vest protests, UK, TOMMY ROBINSON supression of free speech, open murder and rape in the streets, canadas infrastructure in major cities are crumbling, weeks long waitlist to get medical, tell me again, why open borders in first world countries is a good deal?

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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. MIor

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Straw man argument with the photo.

Cut the shit with the fake outrage. It's obvious.

To fix the problem we need to go to war on the nations they are fleeing from so they stop coming to the last profitable place on Earth.,

Big facts. Lest we forget AOC staged a "emotional breakdown" when she "saw the caged families" pics were taken in an EMPTY parkinglot. Them dems are crazy, their elitist secret society leadership is in PANIC.

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Go fuck yourself. I'm glad they died. FUCK THOSE MEXICUNTS.

>Strings cut
>Clowns out
>"Thank you, Kim."

>list of countries that see the US as a joke

>pics were taken in an EMPTY parkinglot

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That dead guy was a selfish cunt, putting his child at risk just because his okay paying job wasnt good enough. He deserved it, his kid is dead because of that moron.

Funny, last time I checked Canada and Germany were countries that fully embrace liberal bullshit with open arms. Seems like they're getting exactly what they wanted.

The United States is all that's left. You one world government cucks really want it all and won't pump the breaks ever huh. Vladmir Putin said "Liberalism has outlived it's purpose." And I think he's onto something.

His life was fine. Just another drug dealer.

Take jobs, they're taking jobs.

My bad. Other side of the fence had a couple officers and their cruisers. That's it. For all you non-Shillblue Media Matters posters, look it up. That photoshoot was fake and gay.

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Blame the parents. They're scarring their kids for life.

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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. mUbw

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Nope, stay in your shithole countries. We have no room for foreign leeches

Deterring unlawful immigrant criminals who are attempting to enter another country illegally is absolutely NOTHING to do with racism.

It is on a par with a home owner merely attempting to deter burglars breaking into their premises, by locking the windows and doors and using a burglar alarm /cctv to monitor security. Anybody who does not take those steps is arguably being negligent.

Haha yellow vests in that list. Must be all those illegal immigrants from third world countries coming over and demanding France raise its minimum wage, not just normal French people who are sick of getting fucked over

Adopting Feral cats

Feral cats are the same species as domesticated cats, but raised in the wild and lack human interaction during their development. Genetically, they are the same as any other house cat, but socially, they only learned to interact with other wildlife. Their only concern is survival. If adopted into a household, they attack the other pets, the people and damage many things in the house. It isn't possible to domesticate them after they are adults, as they will be wild animals for the rest of their lives. The only option is to have them euthanized.

Most immigrants to the west come from dysfunctional countries. Theft, corruption, and violence is normal to most of them and is part of their culture. The only culture they know is the dysfunctional culture of their country. They emigrate to another country and bring their dysfunctional culture, bad attitudes and bad behaviour with them. They cannot control themselves, and have no desire to control themselves. Bringing these people into civilized countries is like adopting a feral cat. They are human, but only cause chaos and problems to their adoptive country.

Yeah now were more fucked than ever.

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To have a better life? why dont they stay in their country? because they fucked up their own country and now they want to do the same in other countries?

Did you also know lobsters have hierarchies?


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“They” fucked up their own country. Give it a rest, holding citizens personally accountable for state problems.

Governments fuck up countries. The people just have to live in them

Holy fuck... that shit's real?

They really keep kids in cages like that?

I thought they were just exaggerating on the news.

Who are the people that run those governments? That's right it's spics, and spics who clearly don't have any love or loyalty to their own fucking countries.


it's a short holding area, they would not be in there long. it's a very opportunistic photo.

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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. gzkL

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That’s funny because I keep hearing people say white people are supposed to be superior but I’m not seeing a lot of love or loyalty to their people from many white leaders either

I wonder if maybe people in power just don’t give a fuck about anyone below them and that’s a problem among all people everywhere

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Why would I let people into my country if they can't figure out their own problems first?
>it's the government's fault
So form a militia and overthrow them. Figure it out. Running from your problems won't save you unless you fight and figure it out.

Learn to use vct tile on your floors. Learn to use your natural resources to build better buildings. Freedom isn't free. Why do you think we're trying to get democracy and capitolism spread? It works. Before white men came it was all people living in leather tents, now they own casinos.

The liberal media POUNCING at the chance to get this picture of this detained child in the small cage! They don’t want you to see the luxury of the slightly bigger cage and know the truth!

Didn't white men literally run around because their countries were shit?

Free health care, free food, free showers... sounds more than fair treatment. They can go back south, given the choice they choose the cages.

We actually just wanted to conquer new lands.

Uh, no? Is this the fake history they're teaching zoomers in schools these days?

We should shoot them all, then they will quit coming.

Phrasing.... me gusta