Haven't taken anything yet if that's what you mean
Alright folks, been a tough night
Nah man, go take a bath, a hot shower. Then go outside and fucking run, run till your unable to catch your breath, run till you cant anymore and fall down. Just do it, you wont regret it, if your gunna end it all anyway why not just try it.
Nigga stop and jack it before you do any of this shit.
nah, im pushing 300 and getting baked. Thanks tho, not a bad idea.
Don't kill yourself retard, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, this is coming from someone who's tried to overdose and slit their wrist open. With that being said, if you really wanna go, just drink a bottle of liquor and washdown a handfull of benzos/barbituates, you won't be waking up. Hope you make the right choice and stick around. much love.
Good advice
Drink all the alcohol after taking the barbiturates. Take all of them. Then down the clonopim after you start feeling sick from the overdose. It will make sure you black out and die from choking on your own vomit. I'm assuming you are a eurocuck since you don't just have a gun, so please go ahead and an hero. We need as many of you subhuman non-American pieces of shit dead as we can get. Do it. Now.
Fuck off moralfag
Yeah, sure there is christcuck. Get over yourself and accept the fact that everything you based your life on is a lie. There is no god of any kind and your Jesus was just some faggot Jew from back in the day who got nailed to a tree for being a fucking idiot. Seriously anyone guilty of christcuckery should be executed.
Stop being a pussy. Do it faggot.