Alright folks, been a tough night

Alright folks, been a tough night.

I have weed, alcohol, pills including clonopim, paxil, ambien, ativan, and some barbiturates for migraines.

What's a good combo for a puss puss like me to go into the night? Thanks.

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We love you user

Don’t kill your self.

thanks, dude. Love you too, but this shit sucks lol

All of the above

I doubt you would be making coherent sentences if you were being honest

Try heroin.. Otherwise down everything that has a depressive affect on CNS, inluding booze.

There is hope in Jesus

I don't have access to heroin. It was hard enough trying to find a connect for weed.
What has a depressive affect from the pills I listed?

That nigger's not real

Haven't taken anything yet if that's what you mean

Nah man, go take a bath, a hot shower. Then go outside and fucking run, run till your unable to catch your breath, run till you cant anymore and fall down. Just do it, you wont regret it, if your gunna end it all anyway why not just try it.

Nigga stop and jack it before you do any of this shit.

nah, im pushing 300 and getting baked. Thanks tho, not a bad idea.

Don't kill yourself retard, it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem, this is coming from someone who's tried to overdose and slit their wrist open. With that being said, if you really wanna go, just drink a bottle of liquor and washdown a handfull of benzos/barbituates, you won't be waking up. Hope you make the right choice and stick around. much love.

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Good advice

Drink all the alcohol after taking the barbiturates. Take all of them. Then down the clonopim after you start feeling sick from the overdose. It will make sure you black out and die from choking on your own vomit. I'm assuming you are a eurocuck since you don't just have a gun, so please go ahead and an hero. We need as many of you subhuman non-American pieces of shit dead as we can get. Do it. Now.

Fuck off moralfag

Yeah, sure there is christcuck. Get over yourself and accept the fact that everything you based your life on is a lie. There is no god of any kind and your Jesus was just some faggot Jew from back in the day who got nailed to a tree for being a fucking idiot. Seriously anyone guilty of christcuckery should be executed.

Stop being a pussy. Do it faggot.

Fuck off. Let the eurocuck die. They all deserve it for being subhuman non-American filth.

There we go, Yea Forums
Not euro, just a dirty liberal. Kinda going through this cause I think I might be trans and have no friends anyway.

Fuck off. This retard needs to die. Why don't you follow suit?

I'm American

>pushing 300
not saying thats the main reason you want to do this but its probably the main reason, people who are overweight even by like 20 pounds tend to get depressed im not trying to put you down but exercise nigga. In a couple months youll feel amazing, in a couple years youll look like a straight up chad and smash hella hunnies, YOU CAN DO IT NIGGA WE LOVE YA

Liberals are worse than eurocucks. You had the choice to be on the right side of history but cucked yourself. Now you definitely need to kill yourself. You are worse than the worst eurocuck scum. Fucking tranny piece of shit. Don't dilate just die.

What made you find hope again, tho?

I've been to a psych ward for ideation before, and I've gotten that tempor are "oh life ain so bad" feeling for a few months but that's also just temporary. So what does that mean?

No you aren't. Not a real fucking AMERICAN. Real American chads commit suicide by cop while trying to take the high score. You're a libtard beta faggot and not worthy of calling yourself an American. Fucking die Berniebot npc scum.

Edgy faggot

Eh, I've also been like 140 and just as suicidal. I just said fuck it and ate more I guess

There is no hope. Don't listen to the moralfags, Christcucks, and other Trannies. You are worthless and will never get any better. You are better off dead and you fucking know it. Kill yourself for Trump. Make sure you leave a note saying you did it because you know he's going to win again and you couldn't stand to see it happen. Also that you are a piece of faggot scum. Worthless excuse for a man.

Just finding people that I care about, and realizing that depression and hopelessness largely stems from lifestyle choices, which are fixable. Just think about the reality of what you're planning to do man. Just have a couple drinks and take it easy for tonight man.

You mean like Columbine shit?

I get the idea behind this, but I don't have a gun, so there's that plan.

Stop talking about it and fucking do it already. Pussy. You are just here trying to get yous and look for validation in your quest to be come a disgusting subhuman tranny. Fuck you and fuck anyone who wants to save you. You should all be killing yourselves

1 8 0 0 2 7 3 8 2 5 5
Try it once at least. don't obey the 'kill yourself' kike.

Exactly my point. You are no fucking American. You are liberal scum. Fucking soyboi faggot. Die already.

this the same nigga tellin u to exercise, youre not gonna have any hope if youre on drugs also, go to fucking rehab dawg thats what i had to do for myself to see theres better shit out there. once youre sober from all them nasty pills smoke weed again and take psychedelics ONLY. Weed and meditation daily will help you find your meaning, also grow shrooms the shroom spores required to grow shrooms are completely legal just the shrooms themselves arent. Shrooms whilst being sober from everything else besides weed will teach you what you need to know. If you try any psychs while on this path you will have a bad time and it will worse than killing yourself.

Lifestyle choices like what? I also really don't have many friends.

Kill yourself. Stop being a moralfag. You don't belong here. You are just giving the faggot attention and he needs to just die already.

Stop giving it attention. Let it die.

One is to stop whining and actually kill yourself..... That's why you want right? So stop shitposting and die

I have, I just don't have money for a psych ward again, and I don't want to put my family in debt.

if this nigga keeps replying with excuses he obviously doesnt deserve the help hes just trying to seek attention by pretending to be an hero

I stopped being a complete drug addict, and focused on spending time in nature and working on creative projects. I know you're posting this for attention, because you know damn well that if you took handfulls of pills and downed a fifth of liquor you'd be out for the count, but that doesn't matter, just don't be stupid nigger, and keep on keeping on.

Stop making your mom crying please it's embarassing.

Cool shits cock lover. Tell daddy to put his dick in your mouth again.

I don't do drugs, just have these pills from doctors.
Yea I've done shrooms and acid and it's fucking nice but the come down is crazy

Stop posting an do it already. Pussy. Faggot. Fucking die.

if you actually want help, say that youre gonna quit all that toxic shit youre doing. if not youre an attention seeker

You cucks have no place here. Go back to plebbit where you belong. This faggot cuck needs to stop being a bitch and do it.

nigga the drugs from the doctor are the ones that mess you up the most. i went to rehab for shit my doctor prescribed. MEDICINE WONT HELP. it will only fuck you up in the long run and make you never able to be happy again when youre off them. all the drugs you listed you had will kill you before youre 25 if you take them all daily/weekly.

Yea, again I don't have friends so I guess this was the only place to post

Shut the fuck up and get it over with. Take all the pills and drink all the alcohol. Throw cell phone in toilet and make sure no way to call for help. Make sure you actually die please. We don't need libtard scum in my country and on my board. Fucking die. DIE!!

Stop giving it attention. It needs to die.

bruh just send me your kik/discord lemme talk to you cause these fuck niggas arent gonna help you, idk why people like you come here besides getting the attention of retards

Nah I don't use them at all just weed daily for actual sleep. Ambien makes me hallucinate. I just saved them for when I needed to kill myself later.

Post your kik then

Shut the fuck up. The only 'help' for this tranny is death. No gays, niggers, trannies, libtards, or subhuman non-American filth deserves to live. Just white nationalist American patriots. True redcap Trump supporters. Anyone else is an enemy of the new white supremacist world order.

All your hate will just burn you down, you're actually the one killing himself right now, slowly.

Okay, well you could fucking google how to overdose, you don't need us to tell you the obvious, hence why you're doing it for attention. But since you keep ignoring any help i'm offering, it seems you're not really serious about and just fishing for (yous).

Stop delaying and do it!! You fucking coward. You don't have the balls. You are so pathetic not even other faggots would give you the time of day. You are never going to be happy and will do nothing but live a life of suffering. Nothing but pain and suffering await. Take the easy way out. Now. Stop being a coward. Do it.

>just white nationalist American patriots
Dude i'm a fucking white nationalist myself, and you're being fucking cringy. Are you ignoring the rest of the world that is white? Also you sound like an edgy neo nazi, not a reasonable person who just wants a white ethnostate.

So, I'm feeding you too. My initial idea was to live stream if someone explains vpns to me cause I don't want the cops coming to my house or contacting friends family.
I'm american, pan, of Hispanic descent, a girl, libtard, etc.
Not a feminist, cause who the fuck cares, everyone's gonna do whatever.
Use that as insults. Like actually hurt me if you want. Not gonna "die for trump" cause I'm just a small town fag got anyway and that news is gonna go nowhere.

Again, start jogging. no need for money to do that. dont fuck around and go jogging. stop posting and start jogging or do something nigga. options are given. also if you end up feeling less like kicking the bucket, then go ask shit elsewhere. as you can see, Yea Forums is too tame for your own good

No I'm not. I'm a prime example of why we need 40 more years of Trump. This is what we all need to be standing up and saying. Death to the Trump hating libtards. Death to all faggots and trannies and non-whites. Death to all subhuman non-American pieces of shit.

Stop replying, unless encouraging the fag to kill himself. Don't do anything but encourage it.

Lol trump is a kike puppet, do you really think he's gonna do anything? Where's that wall goy? He's a zionist neocon boomer that bows to jews.

Pick one.

I've Google it before bit it usually just comes up with either burning yourself or suicide hotlines.

Stop talking and start dying faggot.

Hey, Seth Cockfield! I saw your post on twitter. I really want (((YOU))) to kill yourself, kike.

Holy shit americans are the least impure white people on the planet how fucking retarded are you?

Shut your whore mouth.

You're the only sub-human here, and not because of your skin color or the sex of who you love, but because of how you act.

Eat a bag of incel dicks, you psychotic faggot.

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ok nvm bruh if youre actually racist you can do whatever you want to urself. i joke around and say nigger alot but you have enough hate in your heart to actually discriminate against a couple whole races of people which is why you have no friends. Theres bad people of every race which i consider to be niggers, the rock bottom of each race is a nigger not just a black person theres a difference. theres sand niggers monkey niggers yellow niggers and white trash niggers like you who are filled with hate

TAKE A HANDFULL OF BARBITUATES ATIVAN AND CLONAZEPAM AND DRINK A BOTTLE OF VODKA IF YOU WANT TO DIE. How many times do people have to spell it out for you. I was actually worried about you at first, but since you're doing this all for attention, genuinely kill yourself.

Can you see where you went wrong here? If you are not an American you are not human and thus not a person. So shut the fuck up subhuman. Also don't reply to me directly without permission. Inferior species are not permitted to speak to an actual AMERICAN unless commanded to do so. Learn your place eurocuck.

Lfmao this Brenton Tarrant faggot has me fucking kekking like hell. SO. MUCH. ANGER.

>> (OP) Drugs are a shitty, unreliable, and painful way to go. Find a super sharp knife and sever your aorta. It'll hurt like hell but one good thrust is all you need. You'll bleed out in about 15 seconds.

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>Butthurt libtard scum detected
You need to follow suit with op and kill yourselves

I have plenty of friends(several non whites at that), but I would rather be around my own kind, and not have to deal with the violence and stupidity of niggers on a daily basis.

I'm american actually, you're just a fucking retard.

>im not racist i have a black friend owo
you literally just said what every racist person says. if you count how many people of color you hang out with cause it stands out to you youre fuckin racist dawg

I wonder why you have no friends
What could that be?

Obviously you aren't. You're a fuckin libtard. You don't count as an American. Fucking obongo fag.

Yeah i'm racist, so? I don't like niggers, asians are generally pretty cool, and I don't really mind mexicans, but I don't like how our country wastes tax dollars funding the violence and destruction of values caused by subhumans.

I've got plenty. We all good the same truths to be self evident that all conservitive white American men were created superior. That all faggots and cucks need to die. That all trannies should kill themselves. That all non-Americans are subhuman filth and need to be gassed.

All non-whites and non-Americans are subhumans.

>unironically saying libtard
Underage detected.I HATE niggers and kikes as much as the next guy, but Europe exists and as a whole they're much more pure blooded white people than the average american (apart from the importation of subhumans).

you realize its not all black people its the people who are in poverty causing the violence, crime, and destruction of values. people in poverty are uneducated and violent, THOSE are the niggers not a whole fucking race you retard.


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Politics in a suicide thread?

Seems about right.

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Sure, i've met plenty of reasonable, decently intelligent black people, but that race as a whole is much lower iq and has high preposition to commit violent acts, two things which I'm not a fan of. Which is more common, a ghetto murderous thug, or a college educated black man?

*predisposition whoops

OP here,
Getting buried in this political shit that doesn't really matter. Took a few clonos, ativans, and the barbituates. Cut into my arms but I think I need it deeper

Think I might chill and listen to music.

Trump is dumb. Nothing matters. This thread has become actual cancer. Thanks Yea Forums wouldn't expect my suicide thread any other way.

Yeah this guys either a kike, or an underage edgelord zoomer

The fact you try to give non-Americans human status shows you are not welcome here. The White American Man is the ideal of humanity. We are the pure white race and all eurocuck scum must die. You are no real patriot and should follow op into the ground with the rest of the libtards.
Don't you DARE lump me in with those....things. Fucking kike scum. I'm a pure blooded white nationalist American.

Lying piece of shit. Post pics or didn't happen.

Shit, you're still around. Well, just leave this shithole of a thread, sorry I told you to take all that as i genuinely thought you weren't serious at all. Just chill out to music man, don't an hero.

Show it

>supporting trumby
100% Kike

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Been trying but I keep getting this gay couldn't complete last action because memory full shit.

I don't usually browe on my phone and my computers dead. Gimme a second

>pure white race

Do you realize that white Americans are amalgamations of several different European ethnicities? I acknowledge that I'm a mix of irish german and french, but i'm also not so naive to think that i'm more of a pure white than a fucking Scandinavian or Nordic person. Fucking retard

sounds like we're losing a good old boy. peace out then

Yeah, give her a second to google some gore/cut arms.

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One less newfag

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I forgot rule 30, fuck, my bad.

There are no Nidoran on the internet.

The fuck is that?


OP here
Not going out being called a newfag. I was on here back in the day, and i come back every once, but it's not the same.

Don’t do Ambien you won’t remember shit lol last time I took it I passed out and ended up in the hospital..found out later that I tried to drive to the bar and ended up just driving into the back of a guys truck lol

Shut up and die newfag

and that's why you use Bing, Bing wouldn't tell you to call the suicide hotline, it would recommend suffocation with He or N2O.
Hey OP, i bet you won't die, just fuck up your body.
Hey OP, you can fap to my faggot as, if you want?

you can send it if you want, but im not fapping

Yea Forums
Here's my deep dive google find for you.

I knw the cuts aren't deep enough but im just spacey now from the ativan.

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fuck, not Yea Forums, OP here.

Cmon op you don’t wanna die it’s in your nature to live stop being a weeb my girlfriends father hung himself when she was 9 do you have any idea the damage that did to her ?

Im not a weeb, but sorry about your girlfriend

I liked Lucky Star but that's about it. Grew outta anime

Do you have money op?

Nope. I work minimum wage.

see? that's how one kill yourself, with a time delay, kek
sooo you either start streaming it or take care of the wound on your arm

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So I was gonna stream in that, fuck it nihilist sense, but again, I don't have a vpn and I'm depressed not stupid. Don't want my family harrassed cause an hero streams can become chaotic.

Also don't want someone to call the cops to save me either.

Music chills, last goodbyes for now