Life has passed me by. i will die alone, never not being alone. no one deserves this

life has passed me by. i will die alone, never not being alone. no one deserves this.

Attached: Photo on 6-22-19 at 1.51 AM.jpg (1080x720, 197K)

Literally go to a bar and try to talk to a woman. You could probably grab a fat one at very least. Don’t sit there and cry like a baby. Put effort in your life to make it better

you're more attractive than me and i fucked a girl. just go to a swinger's club

Just be yourself, bro

What city Yea Forumsro?


What the fuck. In my timeline, Leonardo Dicaprio had a VERY successful acting career! did I phase out of my dimension again?

You can go ahead and stop anytime OP. Same same same same

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we're doing this shit again?

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Doing what? Does he post often?

whats the meme name for this guy? hes been on Yea Forums talking about depression and tfw no gf for years

I dont know but I'll give him one.

Yea Forumseonardo


go on a diet fatty and actually move instead of sitting on your ass every day being lazy and spending 24 hours on the computer and maybe a girl will suck your dick

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damn leo is uglier than i thought

kill yourself, no balls

you wanna get some nobel prize for being the saddest wanker on Yea Forums ? fuck off already with this bullshit you do it for like 3 years
and i told you 1000 times youre your only enemy

You know, if you lost weight, shaved and fucking made a name for yourself, even a 7/10 would fuck you.

dude just go outside and talk to people. chances are youl never see them again so you can be as socially akward as you want. eventually you might meet someone intresting. Bros before hoes because bros bring hoes

You'll be fine. You have plenty of time.

If you're in a rut you gotta switch up your life. Do things you don't do. Get some hobbies that can connect you to other people. Don't do the same old shit you're doing now.

havent seen it for a while but i remember he used to post this every other day

stop crying to Yea Forums about not getting laid. go to a bar and drop 9 horse tranquilizers in a bitch's mimosa or something

see , just wait for some movie where dicaprio mutates into a mongol and youll have money

to add to this, you really aren't that bad looking

why don't you take a note from Yea Forums and pretend to be Leonardo DiCaprio? Get a fucking entourage of people and maybe pay people to act like paparrazzi around you and boom, free access to clubs and free dinners at high end restaruants. fucking funny!

but seriously, make an effort op! life is worth living.

Sorry dude


He’s read hundreds of thousands of posts like this. He’s been posting the same shit for years. He doesn’t take any advice, his face has never been smaller. I’m sure he’s in a heavy depressive rut which can seem impossible to get out of (took me 23 yrs) but he’s gotta do something about it.


Well there's your problem. You sound like a little bitch. Nothing dries up cooter quicker than an insecure downy.