Is there a rational or a practical argument for opposing abortion?

Is there a rational or a practical argument for opposing abortion?
keep in mind:
>muh morals
>muh religions
is not an argument

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depends if you believe it is ethical to kill people or not

we're talking about abortion, not killing people

Are you killing people when you pull out?

>>muh morals

lol this sperg can only think in pure autistic logic XD

semantics. depends if you believe it is ethical to end a human life, then

Dumping ex memory folder

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Abortion should not be used as birth control. if two people are too fucking stupid to use any of the widely available birth control options the resulting child should not have to be killed for the parent's stupid decisions. in the case of rape or if they're going to wind up being as retarded as most of the uses of this board...abort away.

Only if its yours

costs money to raise a kid.
and there's enough orphans awaiting adoption as it is, without adding one more to the pool.

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Yeah, still not an argument

Apparently this works

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There's a deep double-think around abortion because there's a large number of mental contradictions you have to hold in your mind to support it.

One of the recent ones that come up is the "a fertilized egg is a person" argument. If you hold this position then you must also be against all in-vitro fertilization facilities since they "kill" thousands of "people" every day.

>if two people are too fucking stupid
If they're too damn stupid then why should they procreate?

it's not semantics
abortion is also not ending a human life
this is the core of the debate
the people who are against abortion are people like you who do not actually understand gestation

so.. you're saying it is ok to end a human life as long as you believe you own that life

Lol I support abortion only because half of all black pregnancies in America end in abortion.

Still hilarious how you fail to grasp essential parts of what it is to be human though.

Keep spergin' along, buddy.

>Still hilarious how you fail to grasp essential parts of what it is to be human
Fuck you, I'm trying.

you haven't defined your terms. you are assuming that there is dichotomy dividing life from non life. development is a process not something that is or isn't. your choice to define what constitutes life or not is completely arbitrary which is why there is so much debate about when a human life is a life. the only logically consistent response it to include the entire process from conception in the definition

I believe the typical modern female’s need for abortion stems from the general idea that society has devalued women’s role by arguing they should want more from life than what that role has been in civilization since the beginning. Women’s belief that they’re entitled to having sex with anyone they choose at any time requires abortion to be legal and when the moral obligation to such a decision is called into question, instead of being responsible for their own reproductive faculty, they claim it is the patriarchy oppressing their right to be amoral. To the average practical person, it has little to do with religion and more to do with what it says about our society if we allow women to pawn off their responsibility to nurture new generation in favor of being whores. I don’t agree with abortion because I don’t believe in denying a person the chance to live and grow beyond whatever negative situation often warrants the will to terminate that life. I’m agnostic, btw. I consider myself to be a moral person, and I have the expectation that others be as well, regardless in their religious affiliation. It’s just the right thing to do. Women should be responsible for their reproductive faculty.

>Is there a rational or a practical argument for opposing abortion?

If the abortee is paying for it, I don't care. But if I have to, through tax payer contributions, I have a huge problem with it. Why on earth am I paying for abortions I get nothing from? Why am I paying for some dumb raccoon eyed party sluts poor life style choices? If they aborted the woman and the child I'd pay my taxes honestly. But until then, just to be safe, all my money is being looked after by a trust.

Fuck you, fuck your party slut lifestyle, fuck NEETs, fuck the poor. I'm not paying anymore unless I get to watch the abortion I payed for. You people make me sick.

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There's not a rational or practical reason to consider a fetus to be a human being, but IF you already believe that, then there's a very rational reason to oppose abortion, and that's because it's the killing of a fetus, which you consider to be a human being.

I believe religion is a primary reason people believe fetuses to be human beings. They believe that god has put a soul into them and so we must protect them. Never mind the percentage of pregnancies that end in spontaneous miscarriages, never mind the percentage of fertilized eggs which never attach to the wall of the uterus. Never mind that either heaven is mostly full of souls from all these natural failed pregnancies, or else god never put souls in the embreyos/fetuses destined for miscarriage (in which case he wouldn't put souls in the ones destined for abortion) or else god lets those souls get recycled (in which case the souls from aborted fetuses will get another chance anyway).

There's no way to look at the numbers and find a way for it all to make sense, but if you close your eyes to the numbers it makes perfect sense, and this is the route most pro-lifers take.

>Abortion should not be used as birth control
why not?

you get not having those children be burdens on your taxes even more when they are in prison

Because stupid parents tend to have stupid kids, tend to be religious and tend to vote republican. Guess which groups oppose birth control?

Horse shit. You're playing a semantic game to willfully delude yourself into believing that tearing an unborn baby into pieces and then sucking it out of the womb isn't murder because you like the idea of consequence-free sex. It's just daunting how many people are low-iq or psychopathic enough to not see through a simple semantic dodge or just not care.

Murder of an innocent person is wrong. Case closed.

Well, that's a really expensive and inefficient way of dealing with birth control. Take the pill or make him wear a rubber. It's not hard you lazy retard.

Either way, pay your own way in life you oxygen thief. What is personal responsibility. I'm down with abortion if you pay, or they abort the mother too. I'll even swing the mistake banishing hammer if you pay me.

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>Guess which groups oppose birth control?
Uhh, niggers who say "sheeit man u can't feel NOTHIN' wid a condom onn"? Or Catholics who are all hispanic browns that vote democrat for handouts and open borders? And did you know these groups still have the most abortions anyway? And did you know that regardless of this, these groups have positive population growth while whites have negative population growth?

>tend to be religious and tend to vote republican.

What caused the baby boom way back? Wasn't the fundi's. Let kids fuck earlier has historically seen a rise in unwanted births. Teach kids about sex and drugs, but tell them to be smart about. Getting fucked up on MD and letting everyone at the rave ride you around till your sober again isn't smart safe sex.

>Libruls lol

So they oppose birth control and have the most abortions? Which is it?

Animals eat their babies when they can't care for them. All I have to say on the subject.

when does life begin if it isn't murder?

>Implying this isn’t already a thing
The Catholic Church is indeed also against IVF. This isn’t some new double standard you’ve unearthed

They , like you, are irresponsible and stupid.
Unable to handle your bodies responsibly

When we have to take care of the alcoholists, drug abusers and general assholes leeching the system, i think it is reasonable to take care of a baby too.

How fucking dense are you that you think these two points are in conflict with one another and that you "got me"?

Huh, red state, red state, red state, red state, red state, whoa! New Mexico is typically blue! I guess there's no correlation after all.

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So why should these irresponsible stupid people procreate?

As long as dumb kids, drug addicts, poor people, and in the spirit of preventing single moms. Abortion is actually the moral way.

If you're middle class and above and you have a willing partner you should probably have a kid or two. Especially if you're white.

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Do abortions control the number of births?
Is abortion not birth control?

They shouldn't
They should practice safe sex.
Not force the government to pay for their mistakes
they could act like adults actually.

I love abortion. I wish I could work at a clinic. Liberals and minorities volunteering to have me kill their offspring all day? I'd need surgery to remove the smile from my face.

Abortion is murder.
Birth control is before a life.

How is allowing it to be born and to experience suffering as an unwanted child ‘taking care’?

If you want eugenics, that's fine by me. We can sterilize all nonwhites in white countries. But killing an innocent child is wrong no matter how you think to misrepresent the reality of the gruesome deed to yourself.

An abortion may leave abrasions inside the womb, which will then make subsequent pregnancies harder to achieve - so that's a purely physical thing to consider.
Morally I think it'd be prudent to leave the control of women's reproductive rights with the women.

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Abortion at any stage is absolutely murder but who fucking cares if you consider it murder or not. Abortions save a ton of misery for all parties involved. Stop getting caught up on semantics what the fuck is wrong with legal murder we execute people we go to war we live in a world of legal murder why try and make an exception for this one.

Abortions should be limited to things like rape and a danger to the mother. Not "oops, got pregnant."

>force the government to pay for their mistakes
They government will pay much more if these mistakes get born.

Yes there is. The best argument I have is

1. A fetus is not a human
2. It's not my fucking business what you do with your body.

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I mean not inherently

Ya guess which groups oppose teaching sex ed and providing birth control?
>the same ones that oppose abortion

debt based currency
you basically need continuous growth to pay for basic services and the nonworking. It's why everyone's allowing immigration because even if only 1/2 of them work it offsets the collapse another few years

Yeah why try to fix anything at all.
Abortion is murder. I have an obligation like many others to encourage others not to murder

>It's just daunting how many people are low-iq or psychopathic enough to not see through a simple semantic dodge or just not care.
this. it makes me feel like if i had to kill someone its not evne that big of a deal now

Practice safe sex
Be responsible.
It's like you can't understand the concept


That's stupid as fuck. How is that any different than using language to dehumanize any other group of people to justify killing them?
>inb4 but dey aren't people HURR

No, that would be contraceptives. Birth control controls......birth.

But if they don't practice safe sex?

honestly I could give a fuck if some woman wants to be a baby killer.
Just don't use my tax dollars for it.

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I think a lot of it has to do with how and when it's done. Aborting some kid which is a kid one day before it's about to be born and the methods used is pretty disgusting. Do some research you'll about the methods used, only some inhuman fuck would agree that it's proper to do that and for the government that means other people to be forced to pay for it.
I know that's an extreme but that happens and sometimes you have to look at it that way.

What a shock, retards aren't smart with their life choices. Dumb libs make shitty lifestyle choices too, guess which side of the line is pushing for easier access to abortions? Grow up and learn to enjoy sex and drugs responsibly. No one else should foot the bill for your dumb ass. Seriously, grow up.

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>personal responsibility
That's sounding awfully libertarian of you.

God damn you fucking dingus
One is murder. One prevents life

>diiiid yooou know?
>pol speak
Except religious fundamentalists like catholics oppose abortion dipshit. So how are they having the most? Pols that> way fuckhead.
This guy gets it

Then they need to grow up.
God damnit you adult children
Unable to imagine being responsible

Then they should be punished by being forced to pay for the abortion? Why get a free pass for being a retard does this look fun to you?
Why is this better alternative? What is wrong with you?

This. Pro-birthers never say a damn thing about this, and they never will. They only care about "protecting the unborn" when there's a sinful woman to punish. Note the number of natalists that have responded to your very post.

If we had guaranteed access to all forms of birth control including sterilization and comprehensive and realistic sex education in schools then reserving abortions for rape/incest victims and medical emergencies would be acceptable in my opinion. In that case unplanned pregnancies would be the responsibility of the parents.

when is it a human? what when its just two cells?
or even cum? like even if u fertilize a woman most of your cum goes to waste and youre killing millions
killing week or month old babies is no big deal
even if u believe its a human look at this world
most ppl here google how to kill themselves

>by being forced to pay for the abortion?
In what country is it free?
I assumed you had to pay

development is a process, yes, but that doesn't make it sensible to start at conception
the thing is life the entire time but it cannot be *a* life until it reaches viability
abortion happens well before viability is reached

none of the things you just said are true
it's not semantics
there's no delusion
that's not what abortions are like
abortion isn't murder
children aren't punishment
etc etc

life began long ago

>Unable to imagine being responsible

It's fucking mind blowing. Why is this a hard concept? I mean sure sex is fun and exciting, but it comes at a cost. This generation is fucked. The future isn't bright is it?

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would you rather your tax dollars pay to house and feed a criminal its whole life?

It should be treated as a medical condition by a trained doctor.

Not "lets go to muh clinics and pump this baby out!"

But instead "I want to kill my unborn baby, maybe I should talk to a doctor or therapist because I might be dealing with a hormone imbalance or some kind of psych disorder that needs to be explored."

Because honestly if a woman is so wigged out they would need to give her pills that would possibly harm the baby, well then bite the bullet, kill the unborn, and treat mom. But that is a complicated decision which should be made with professionals! Not just some quick choice like cancelling a netflix subscription.


If our goal as a collective is to produce as many of us as possible, then abortion is something that goes against our goals.

like in a tribal setting or something, the bigger, more populous tribe was often the more powerful.

Here in the UK it's free. In other EU countries it's free too. It's an outrage. I couldn't give a shit about the moral side of it, I just find it diabolical that the public has to pay for the mistakes of some party slut. Same goes for the tax payer coping out for drunks and smokers. Want to live? Pay for your shitty life choices.

Thank you user.
Honestly I am flabbergasted. These fucking no brain punks will do anything to justify irresponsibility. They'd rather murder babies on routine than wear a fucking condom or take a fucking pill.
If you still have a kid on the off chance then have the fucking kid or adopt it out. You're fucking murderers grasping at straws to justify killing your offspring

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No, but why not by a box of condoms or get the pill?

Dude, it's the literal definition of the words. You're arguing with the dictionary.
Contraceptive. Contra = against cept=taken, as in taken root.

Birth control: anything that controls birth, including *but not limited to,* contraceptives.

such people shouldn't be in charge of a kid, abort that mistake before it lives a lifetime of neglect and suffering

You don't really seem like the kind of person that would be in disbelief over religious people being hypocrites. Could you be acting willfully obtuse right now because the point you're arguing lacks a factual basis?

Have you adopted?

Abortion is murder
You are arguing semantics like a fucking loser. You are so off base as to what the point is.

Awesome so everybody's cool with govt sponsored birth control and mandatory safe sex classes then? If not, shut the fuck up. Because the same people saying
>use condoms!
>practice safe sex!
>use birth control!
Are the same whiny faggots who cry whenever the govt tries to subsidize birth control with insurance companies.

Is vasectomy murder?
Is celibacy murder?

But don't you want the strong and smart well prepared members of the tribe to produce and not the irresponsible stupid party whores and god knows who?

Wear a condom faggot

I am a atheist so no
>muh religions
but I still feel that from the moment of fertilisation of the egg that there is something there. Call it life or a fetus but what I believe is that their is potential for life in that moment and that is unjust for the humans to intervene.

But getting sterilized costs peanuts and the information is all available online just like everything else your dumbass teachers are too braindead to teach you about.

Also , buy your fucking condom yourself.
Fucking loser hippie

The "child" is just a blank slate until it is born and begins experiencing life and learning about the world. What is there to actually mourn when an unborn fetus is aborted? Just the fact that something that could've been a person died? Christianity only has a stance on abortion in order to ensure population growth in the bronze age context of it's inception, and is the only legitimate reason to care about it.

>Consequence free sex
Gotta say man... As someone who isn't a virgin and doesn't want kids, people are still very terrified of getting pregnant.. you seem to think everyone's just busting nuts and lolling then when they're pregnant they whistle on down to the clinic.
This isn't how it actually works..

you're an idiot

We live in a world where kids have being raised by teenagers and the kids don't want to pay for their own future mistakes and end up like mom alone. From start to finish there has being a break down of reasoning and society. Were spending 2.99 on a box of condoms is too expensive and embarrassing, but an abortion is A okay and totally justified because someone else dealt with their mistake.

>Kids raising kids everyone.
>Support single mothers..

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At that moment a new genetic mix of 46 chromosomes unite creating a unique individual

No, because god doesn't put a soul into the baby until the moment of fertilization.

You prolifers act like you're truly pro-life and you're not. Pro-life implies that you are against ending the life of another human being. You can't live in a country and support your troops ending the lives of brown people and turn around and say life is precious and none of us have the right to end it

>muh morals
Then we have no arguement, without morals it's completely ok to murder someone

Why is this a difficult concept? Put on a condom, or use the pill. Why is this hard for you?

>none of the things you just said are true
>it's not semantics
>there's no delusion
Those are assertions, not arguments. Sounds like you're chanting an evil mantra to yourself, you fucking freak.


>God puts a soul
Op said no "muh religion".

Sounds like you have no argument. user beat you with a dictionary. You should be ashamed

ITT: People who are absolutly unable to read the OP.
Pic unrelated

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Abortion is murder.
That is all
Be responsible

>The attempted thread de rail

No one cares. Use contraceptives you lazy retard


Technically yes, but this life had not experienced anything beyond the womb. What was really lost?

So if I can rationize murdering you because of the misery I would save everyone around you, it woudl be ok?

That is just silly.
Abortion is murder and you should be responsible is the only argument here
You are grasping at straws.

Seriously, user you keep dodging this question. Why can't you use contraceptives?

Fine then the "big bang" or whatever you choose to believe doesn't put in a soul in the baby until fertilization.

you posted assertions
you got assertions in return
how do you think this works?

sort of a moot point when you're talking about abortion. In the hypothetical scenario it's already happened. Whether the contraception failed or they never used any is mostly irrelevant at that juncture.

Fine then we're pro-notfuckingmurderingbabies

>posts a video
lol, if you can't even express and defend your position then nobody needs to give a shit about anything you link

>muh morals
It's an argument for everybody who have morals, OP.

All these morons have is a simple sematic dodge. This particularly retarded one doesn't even have it down and is cargo-culting semantic dodges in a way that doesn't even mimic logical sense.

In the less than 1 percent chance it fails adopt out or have the fucking kid. You know you're taking a risk.
It is never ok to justify murder.

ok this guy wasn't the original user Idk who that is.
Like I said they can find other ways to do it, a fucking coat hanger for all I care. Just don't use my tax dollars and then I don't give a shit.

>Whether the contraception failed or they never used any is mostly irrelevant at that juncture.

No it's not, why is it moot? Condoms don't fail and the pill so long as it's used right is fool proof. Why is abortion the easier option? I mean sure, it's all gone out of the window when she's had a few lines of coke and she's fucked everyone in sight, but again that comes back to personal responsibility. Why is that a hard concept?

A unique person that could have continued a huge genetic lineage dating back to the first man .
Could have contributed to society
Or been a fuckwad
Would have been someone at least. Not murdered without defence

>wahh abortion is murder!
>wahh why do i have to pay for your mistakes!
>wahh use a condom!
The govt subsidizes everything. Churches,the nfl. The idea that birth control shouldn't be, runs against your own argument for responsibility. Eat shit you boot licker.

So you're fine with killing someone that was just born because all it saw was dark and then light right?

>You're against this therefore you better be ok with this.

nigger kill yourself with your loaded statements, I don't respond thoughtfully to retards who don't think.
end your life.

>Just don't use my tax dollars and then I don't give a shit.

Right? I don't care about the moral aspect, just don't force me to bail out some numb slut

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You're a child.
I hope you grow up and never murder a baby.

You do know there is a separation between church and state right

Go down to Camden New Jersey or the south of Chicago and tell me if those people need any more kids. Abortion should be fucking mandatory for them

If morals aren't an argument then no, there's no argument against literally murdering babies by ripping them apart and pulling them from the womb simply because you wouldn't keep it in your pants. There's no God and everything is permissable. Have fun being evil sacks of shit.

exactly, this guy gets it.

What a person could do, is not an arguement. Just useless speculation. Plenty of unique people will be born anyways, expect with better odds of being raised by someone who actually gives a shit.

Absolutely pathetic.

>Abortion should be fucking mandatory for them

The parent's? Hell yeah, totally agree. Like I said, I'd pay for the abortion if the mother got beaned in the head with a hammer too. Just end the cycle, stop people making shitty life choices.

Aborting and not reproducing both involve allowing potential people to die without achieving sentience.

This is a belief that cannot be reasonably proved or disproved.


>you are crying like a spoiled baby telling me to take responsibility for my actions like my mean old daddy!
There you have it, peak delusion.

Or contraceptive and birth control.

With abortion there does seem to be something more Humane without an established life. Context is important.

underrated post

Yeah it is the responsibility of the parents, but humans make mistakes and in the end the child would suffer aswell as the parents because of that

You are not a rational being. You're a psychopath. You don't respond to reason like regular people.
There will always be murderers like you , whatever.

>With abortion there does seem to be something more Humane without an established life. Context is important.

Yeah use a condom you fucking goon

ITT: angry children who can't read.

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>in that moment and that is unjust for the humans to intervene.

It can't survive without human intervention. A fertilized egg is fucked unless it attaches to the wall of the uterus, and 80% don't anyway. You're saying "we shouldn't intervene" but you're saying that to the owner of the uterus, as though she has to consider it something not part of herself or something she has no right to control.

"Pregnant" isn't having a fertilized egg inside you; "pregnant" is that egg attaches to the wall of a uterus and starts developing into a fetus. Giving fertilized eggs greater authority over a uterus than its owner is bonkers.


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This is an incredibly unlikely scenario, and nobody is advocating the right to do this. This would require someone committing to the entire process of carrying a child, just to change their mind at the moment of birth. But technically, there would still not be much lost, only calls into question the motivation of the kind of person that would do this.

Christians only care about the fetus. Once the kid is born it's 'What you can't feed/support the kid? Then you shouldn't have had it!'

>ask question
>answer own question in question
OP with the low tier bait

But why not mandatory sterilization? Is there a reason why lives need to be conceived and then murdered continuously? A mass worldwide child sacrifice ritual?

Yeah. You should have been

If this debate had happened 20 years ago and abortions were made more avalible and easier, your parents would have aborted you so they could keep partying and doing coke.

Neat thought huh? I mean your a total dead end so hopefully you get the full body, late stage car accident abortion.

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>i dont have an argument
I figured
So thr govt should pay for churches that rape children but not birth control? W/e you gotta tell yourself didler.
Ya except no one's asking to be bailed out. The govt doesnt subsidize abortion. The small amount of money that goes to places like planned parenthood can't even support abortion services.

People keep making this point and it's retarded. Please educate yourselves.

Top tier kek

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The cool thing? The fetus isnt a whole human yet. It lacks literally all cognitive ability and therefore lacks the quality of self awareness.

More so, like, is HUMAN life really that important on the scale that EVERY offspring be required to make it to adulthood? Were literally the only animal that works like that, and that's why there are so fucking many of us.

So if someone wants to be like, hey before I bring about another person that I cant do well by, why just um... not? For 3-5 months it's basically a tumor, get rid of that shit. Do yourself and the world a favor

theres no 100% contraception method condoms break can have holes sometimes the pill dont work

>But why not mandatory sterilization? Is there a reason why lives need to be conceived and then murdered continuously? A mass worldwide child sacrifice ritual?

Yep. We start with the NEET's, trannies, dead enders, raccoon eyed party sluts and then go for their parents and wipe the slate clean. End the cycle. Totally game for that.

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Abortion should only be banned for Whites.

I have ZERO issue with Blacks and Latinos getting abortions. None.

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You'll say anything to justify killing babies I'm sure.
You'll say anything and make anyone who disagrees look like an evil person.
Pathetic 0/10 fag .
Stop killing kids

I think that morally every potential life could be a huge benefit to the world, so we should want it to grow and if it sucks we can just execute it later.
Intellectually, I don't like the state having the power to force somebody to incubate another person inside of them one second later then they want to.
Politically I think that anybody who worries about this kind of shit is an easily-manipulated retard who is being distracted from regulatory capture and the firesale of the commons.

So you're for subsidizing churches that rape children instead of birth control? Got ya. Neck yourself


The word you are looking for is sociopath. But I am not that anyways. But do continue following your absurd idea that every conceived child has some specific fate that awaits them.
I otherwise don't understand what your point is.

Well killing babies is kinda fucked up
killing them because you are too lazy to use condoms or birth control is pretty shitty too.

That being said, I don't think the world would be a better place if cletus or bonquesha were to have a 12th kid.

Also, is that a trap? nicy body but man face.

Low quality bait. Lurk moar


Nice attempt at derailment, but would you like to share WHY you believe babies should be killed en masse instead of just not being conceived in the first place?

I WANT to argue with this but I can't. Human life is precious to me but I guess brownfolk aren't human.

>theres no 100% contraception method condoms break can have holes sometimes the pill dont work

Uh huh. Well i have established I'm arguing with someone who has never had sex and survives on a healthy diet of crayons and lead based paint.

If you struggled to read that through, we can go through it again together and I will clap out the words you struggled with. Don't be ashamed, you are not the only mouth huffing retard here.

Lol just made my point. You are happier with a kid starving to death after it's born. Fuck off with your fake morals motherfucker. Abortion is better than a lifetime of welfare. You want to back people into a corner they can't escape once they become pregnant.

Every fertilized zygote has a unique genetic code that leads to unique personality , characteristics, phenotype, and everything else.

The fetus doesn't know its being murdered, it doesn't have a grasp on reality yet. But I can understand why some are against it

I'm terribly sorry OP - but nobody seems to understand the terms of this topic...

Abortion is murder.
Not surprised you didn't learn anything.
I'm just glad others are seeing how you act

but that's wrong even when used correctly every time it's a minimum 2% chance which could even be higher considering the condom companies paid for a lot of those studies

>So you're for subsidizing churches that rape children instead of birth control?

Where did I say that? The answers no, I'm allergic to paying tax anyway. Are you upset user?

your personal beliefs have nothing to do with the rights of women to have an operation done on their body.
hence morals and religion not being valid arguments

Whites still get tons of welfare. Why do you want more poor people having kids? You think it's mostly successful people having these?

You do know that your tax dollars subsidize churches that rape children and cover it up right?

No I want them to be responsible adults.
You can't read lol

The extent of how much is determined by genetics alone is debatable. Either way, there is no shortage of people.

Life has no intrinsic value - cells die all the time and we don't care.

You'd have no problem doubling taxes to pay all that increased welfare for poor trash having fuck tons of kids?

If you're sleeping and I murder you you don't know it either

>You are happier with a kid starving to death after it's born.

Yep, cheap and efficient. It's not my fault the party slut makes poor life style choices. Just think, if she had spent that last $50 on food, the kid would live.

But nope, she just tosses it in the dumpster.

Instant fix to that? Don't get pregnant. It's like we don't have to kill our children if they are never created in the first. Wow. Amazing.

No user im just disappointed. Much like your parents are with you.

Ah yes. That's what I said right? No. I actually think I said to be
A responsible adult

actually yes most abortions are for fairly well adjusted people who already have a kid.

>literally a clearly separate body
>"their body"

It is a mix of genetics and enviorment and social up to 40 percent genetic influence.

Ok dumb fuck, so what's your solution?


Well people are gonna fuck, dumb fuck. Good luck stopping it. That's why we need abortion. It's either that or welfare. Your fantasy world where everyone does exactly what you want does not exist.

It would solve the entire issue. The absolute majority of people that oppose abortion are Whites. And the reason is they just can't stand the idea of their own being killed like that.

It literally festers deep inside them.

The idiot Brownies would think it's great. Having a freedom that was taken away from the Whites. LMAO.. stupid fucking cockroaches.

And then it will have a shitty life with parents who don't care for it or beat it or whatever

>I don't like the state having the power to force somebody to incubate another person inside of them one second later then they want to.
this sums it all up, if it's not your body it's not your problem.
in a free country no one will be forced to hold a child and then give birth to it, thats third world country type shit

Or if she spent that last $3 on a condom

Well, honestly it should be banned for the reason of that small clump of cells will be an individual human. Stopping it early is just killing it early. I do agree that the father (outside of rape/incest) should be consulted first.
Also, yes I've studied OBGYN as an EMT after i helped delivered a baby.
And yes, im for the death penalty because everyone deserves a chance, dont fuck it up

Oh wow just tell people to not get pregnant and they won't. Holy fuck why has no one thought of this?

There are millions of irresponsible adults. What now? Final solution? Kill them all?

nice dreamworld you are living in, can I join it, because in reality it's completely different

Sterilize them if they can't act like regular humans. Be responsible
And he an adult

LMAO... I don't fucking care. None of them fucking care. And the Fucking Minorities certainly don't fucking care.

Go ahead and take Public Assistance away from the Majority of Whites while we're at it. They're more than capable of helping them selves.

>people are lustful scumbags
>better kill babies

So you think it's more feasible to sterilize adults than it is to allow abortion.

This person actually exists.

user do you not understand how pregnancy works?

Encourage birth control and contraceptives.
Make abortion illegal. People will do what was done before.
Or be responsible adults

>demonizing an imaginary person to feel justified with your shitty opinions

Yeah in reality only responsible adults can have safe sex.

They won't if they choose not to. They'll have no choice but to choose to get pregnant if we take their "right" to murder away and there are consequences to getting pregnant. It might take a while but it'll work.

is there a practical or rational argument against anally raping a girl?
keep in mind
>muh morals
>muh religion
is not an arguement

If you take morals out of any debate I guess you can justify anything. Murder? helping the environment which benefits me. Pedophilia? It makes me feel good. If you take out morals you will do whatever stimulates you. Without morals you are reducing yourself to an unevolved animal which runs on instinct. Morals are what keeps this world from imploding. Your whole premise is like saying lets have a boxing match, but we can only use our dicks to slap eachother

Unironically this.

You have no argument.

"SHouldn't have had the kid.
'I want to force you to have the kid'
'I don't give a FUCK about that kid now that it's out of you'

You know how fucking illogical that is?

Nope. That is just physically impossible. user are you suggesting people take responsibility for their actions?! You fucking lunatic. Sick mother trucker...

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Or you know.
Use a condom
Their choice

It's 99.7%, and if you put the two together it's 99.99%, so how come there are so many abortions? oh, because people are lazy and it's just easier to kill it than be responsible.

People had back alley abortions and abandoned babies before. Sounds awesome!

Yeah i can agree to this. But the middle (white)class is dying out. Prices a re going up and breeding is low.

>People will do what was done before.
as in nearly every culture since antiquity has had an abortive method and used it more regularly than we do now?

Dumb niggers are always gonna have kids. WHY DO YOU WANT MORE OF THEM YOU FUCKING MORON?

The best advice I can give you is to never fuck anyone you wouldn't want to have children with and spend the rest of your life with. This will save you untold amounts of anxiety and self-esteem. You're a man and not an animal. You make a child and you're responsible for it, morally and legally.

I know right?
It's like they can't even begin to just humour the idea of being responsible.
Fucking children I swear

I'm terribly sorry OP -the angry children can't argue without falling back on muh morals and muh religions.

It seems Yea Forumstards can't even follow the simple directions of a concicely worded premise.

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I'm not though. I know girls like this, totally fucking useless. They live for the weekend, every night they get fucked up and regret every morning after. You can have sex and do drugs responsibly. It's not hard user, you just need to grow up a bit first.

Hell yeah man. Glad they have condoms now right?

>implying not killing somebody means you dont care about them

You can say this all you want. Fact is there are millions of poor trashy idiots who will always have kids. I don't want these people having kids. Thus abortion is good. Fuck your backwards ideology.

No one's forcing anyone to have kids except in cases of rape.

that's not remotely accurate and you're basically trusting companies claims about their own products

>Encourage birth control and contraceptives.
>Make the most consistent form of birth control illegal
what are you even saying

The Right Winger in me says Pro-Choice All the way. Give people the freedom to choose for them selves.

>The Leftist inside of me says Ban Abortion, but only for the Whites. We will force the population to make the right choice that will benefit our society.


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They don';t give a fuck after they're born, only as a fetus because 'Muh ideology'

It's simple. We kill the niggers.

Thank you, I couldn't be bothered to recall any exact numbers.
The main problem I have with the primary arguement I've received, is that I don't understand why people feel this world is desperate for more genetic diversity. This isn't even a moral issue at this point, just a bizarre fantasy that one of these potential aborted children could've been the next albert einstein or something. Which is of course, just useless speculation. Environment plays a much greater role in this anyways.

This is a really shit argument. He might not wants kids.

Fuck you for not even being able to conceptualize responsibility. You think the government is a babysitter because you can't be an adult? Fuck you


Doesn't fucking matter. You just don't get it. Unless you want to take away all welfare, then go for it and try that. See how long before there is a massive crime wave and riots.

abort em all

Abortion is murder. Not birth control.
Birth control is before a life is made

Sure kid.

The problem with the adoption falacy is that most of the available adoptees are dysfunctional, drug addicted babies with some sort of psychological or attachment disorder. So potential parents need to gear up for the possibility of being murdered by their adopted child someday.

Well, you can't do anything worse to a baby than killing it, aside from keeping it alive to torture it and then killing it. And aside from the

And encase you plebs don't realize the fundamental difference between Right Wing and Left Wing ideology is : Personal Responsibility and Independent Freedom Vs. Communal Responsibility and Freedom of the Majority.

>You can have sex
and sometimes sex results in pregnancies...
so what to do when we have an unwanted pregnancy? probably get a safe and legal abortion because it's not the dark ages anymore

Or use a condom. Or have the kid because you broke the condom being a faggot and didn't notice and came anyway.
Be an adult be RESPONSIBLE.

>legal to kill your own child
>not the dark ages

good thing people with "normal" parents never have drug addictions or psychological disorders...

abortions prevent an unwanted birth, it is birth control whether you like it or not.
what you're speaking of is pregnancy control which doesn't always work.
hence safe and legal abortions

OP: Can we discus this like adults?
OP: Apparently not...

If you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with 2 counts of murder, the mother and the fetus.

I'm so glad I have (((neither))) of those! With my two parents.
Maybe adopted parents would have been better and financially more well off?

Honestly. People should have the freedom to kill their own child. After all it is their property.

Abortion is murder.
Murder should be illegal.
Adopt or have the kid if you can't get responsible.

Well if OP wasn't such a faggot OP would have known better.

>safe abortions
How safe are abortions for the fetus?

True, hoping for even one instance of maturity in a discussion on Yea Forums is like wanting a christmas miracle twice per day and a planet made of chocolate.

Not everything is black and white. In this single case I'm willing to make an exception and let a mother kill her child before a birth has happened. I will say that it should not be easy. Like she should be required to watch a video or some shit before this.

It a fetus isn't alive and not human and you're not murdering it then why does it need to be aborted?
Check mate

>Be an adult be RESPONSIBLE.
the most responsible thing a woman can do with an unwanted pregnancy is to terminate it
unborn children are a part of their mother, it is the mother's decision what goes on inside their body.
why would a potential person come before a living conscious person?

Murder is never the correct option.
Nice try though

murder IS illegal
a woman deciding what lives or dies inside her own body is legal for a reason.
the needs of a potential person does not trump the wants of the conscious person they are inside of

ah so you can't figure out a pill or condom, guess that would make sense. it's only when you forget either that you have to resort to murder.

>doesn't know what abortion is
google it

I didn't even mention murder, I'm talking about the rights women have over their own anatomy

It all comes back to the case of kids raising kids. The parents never knew responsibility and that comes back to their kids knowing no different. It's like they grow up knowing their mom had them at 16, they were raised wrong, never seeing their mom, not daddy because he fucked off for smokes years ago and they think that is how life should be. Someone looks after you and takes responsibility for your actions. The Government provides right? It's a never ending gravy train. I'd a self employed contractor, I've being working since I was 15. I've done it the right way, I have a son and I now have a mortgage. It's hard but that's life.

Side tangent, but mortgages should be hard to get too. I had to try work through the last finical crash, mortgages shouldn't be easy to get. Sorry but no, they shouldn't be just given out like skittles.

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Where's the cut-off date for abortion? When does it cease being a "cluster of cells" and become a human life? Is it after the first trimester? What about 5 minutes before the first trimester? What happened in those 5 minutes that made it go from a cluster of cells into being a human being? Second trimester? Third trimester? Same deal. What happened in those 5 minutes before the trimester that made it a viable human life?

Is it a womans right to abort right up until birth? What about passing through the vagina makes it a human life? If you had a c-section a week before birth, the baby could survive and live a full life.

Abortion is killing a baby. You can try and rationalize it all you want, but it is. You are doing it for selfish reasons, period. Do not have unsafe sex and you won't get pregnant. Wear protection, use birth control, and if you're really nervous, finish outside. It's not hard, and to claim you have the right to redefine human life and kill unborn babies so that you don't have to take precautions for sex is your selfishness.

>"B-but muh rape!"

Rape makes up a tiny fraction of a percentage of abortions. You do not get to kill unwanted babies just because there are a few very tragic cases that happen to other people. If you're arguing that abortion should be legal for rape victims, I'm more open to that discussion. But if you're having an abortion, you are almost certainly having it because you had stupid irresponsible sex and don't want to take responsibility for your choices.

>"B-but muh birth complications!"
Once again, a rare exception that does not give you the right to kill an unwanted baby made after a night of drunken sex. I am open to the discussion of using an abortion to save the mother's life if there is no other choice.

theres no rationale with the irrational

these people would be scared to hold beakers full of eggs and sperm because if they accidentally mixed them they would be responsible for 2000 babies

Imagine needing a rational or practical argument to not murder unborn children

>the most responsible thing a woman can do

Is use a condom. They cost fuck all. Or the pill. WHY IS THIS A HARD CONCEPT

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>Is it a womans right to abort right up until birth?
if it's inside of her it's her choice.
but I do think the doctors should have the right to choose not to operate

>If a fetus isn't alive and not human and you're not murdering it then why does it need to be aborted?
>Check mate

I'm out of this thread now. Fuck you murderers. Save the babies. Later Anons

Morals are both rational and practical

The only good response I've ever gotten that wasn't moralistic bullshit showing an fundamental misunderstanding of fetal development was as follows;
>Explain to me what exactly is so special about getting pushed through a birth canal that guarantees your rights as a human being.

They cannot accept responsibly

Surprisingly, developing cells are not yet people.

Being a human for one.

is your view on abortion focused on a man and woman having sex?

or would it be okay to flush down the toilet

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the military doesn't seem to mind

No, and you aren't when you eject an unfertilized egg via your period, either
Abortion is the removal of an inseminated egg, which has potential to be a person

>the most responsible thing a woman can do WITH AN UNWANTED PREGNANCY
taking points out of context and shitting all over yourself isn't an argument
condoms and pills are used to avoid pregnancy, not deal with the effects of pregnancy

It's being a long day and I just can't any more. It's infuriating to know younger people just side step this reasoning and go right for the easy way out. I'm out, have fun guys. Good to know there is at least some level headed anons out there.

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>Killing future tax payers and democratic voters just so you can have an easier life
Not very cash money, or Christian, of you, fam.

Conservatives are fucking retarded when it comes to social issues, because everyone else at least understands that if abortions are a non-option, then sex-ed needs to step up it's game, but the Evangelical right refuses to let us do so because of a mentality that boils down to "because reasons"

Surprisingly, being a developing mass of cells does not equal human.

Same. Thanks for being rational

nobodys killing ppl

"Being pushed out of a birth canal"
Read your own post you fucking child
I'm not your dad

yes, there r cases, when its ethical

I can't belive that some of these people who do late term abortions with the weird methods they do have actually taken or are sticking to the Hippocratic Oath, they in all honesty should be ashamed at themselves let alone expect the government to pay for it.

On the other hand, one doesn't want to go back to closet hanger abortions from voodoo niggers.

This a very difficult thing for a large nation.

>They only care about "protecting the unborn" when there's a sinful woman to punish.
Yep, that's 100% right.

every sperm and egg has that potential

Any professional has the option to not do something.

Yeah take that message away.
Or use a condom you dumpster slut

why go over the thread - ill just tell u how it is
fetus doesnt have the right to use some1 elses organs without consent, just like no1 does, regardless if their life depends on it.
Sex isnt consent to pregnancy, like inviting your pal over isnt consent to host him til he decides to leave on his own

You create the baby. It is alive. You do not get to murder it because you were irresponsible
Grow up

>Killing future tax payers and democratic voters just so you can have an easier life
Jew not even trying to seem like something else. Get a job you neet shill

There is no real cutoff, but people like to make this dumb point anyways.
Nobody is trying to make a distinction between when it is and isn't human life. Technically it is human life the whole way through. A somewhat unique blank canvas of a potential person, out of literal billions of combinations that could be made from just the same two people alone. The problem, is that people hold this uniqueness too high in regard (maybe we should go around trying to save all the individual snowflakes created from a snow storm). An unborn fetus has no life experiences, self awareness, or desire to live. The only issue is in the motivations for the abortion. Once you are aware of the pregnancy, you will go through the process of deciding whether or not you want to keep the child. Most people will decide very quickly that they will commit to the pregnancy, or that it is unwanted. If you commit to raising the child, than that is your decision, and you have the right to do so. If you do not want the child, you are literally hurting nobody by choosing to abort it, regardless of whether or not it is technically a human life.

No one is taking sex advice from some listless autistic. Get a life and some actual fucking morals instead of crying about whores you'll never fuck.

You're a fucking murderer
You love to make assumptions and make out any disagagreers into enemies. I'm a great person and would never murder an infant like your kind.
Kill yourself before you kill another baby slut.

> Using a condom
Lol you're retarded if you think that's advice.
You must be so fucking stupid

Go adopt a crack baby and actually do something useful with your neet ass or stfu faggot
Waste of life

Neck yourself Stacy.
You are poisoning the planet

>The govt doesnt subsidize abortion.

Because I'm pretty sure they do.
I'm ok with this

>You do not get to murder it because you were irresponsible
it's not murder since it's the woman's body and choice, but essentially yes abortion is a good way to fix an irresponsible decision

Different genes. Different being
Murder is murder

So killing human life is ok as long as they weren't aware that you killed them?

Then why not make it legal to kill newborn babies who have, as you put it, "no life experiences, or self awareness"?

Is it ok to kill people who are in a coma because they have no "self awareness, or desire to live"? What if it was 99% guaranteed that person would wake up from that coma in 9 months and live a full life? Is it ok to kill them?

>hurting nobody
That child would have lived a potentially full life full of happiness and sorrow. But it's "not hurting anybody" because you took it away before they started?

the child is inside of the woman.
ergo the woman has the right to take out the unborn child.
its not about murder its about having control over your own anatomy, the potential person does not trump the conscious living person

>"it's the woman's body and choice"
No, it's the child's body. The woman can do whatever she wants with her lungs or her gall bladder or her intestines. The babies body is inside hers.

By that logic, if I put my friend's pet hamster in my mouth, I have the right to kill it just because it's inside my body, and therefore my choice?

It is murder. And it is wrong to the majority of the world now and forever