Wake up

>wake up
>see this
What do?

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what is that? I have one of those under my bed

Load up tales of Symphonia and beat off to that girl in the purple kimono thing cause damn she had some big titties, after that grind a few levels and maybe try a boss a few times before raging and switching over to pokemon XD or melee

Leave, the consoles shit

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Play Soulcalibur


Zelda master quest

put it next to my black gamecube, my platinum gamecube, and my orange gamecube from japan. Another one to the collection.

Put in Melee and start practicing like always


My brother !

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Play Luigi's Mansion over and over and over again.

Are you kidding? Going solo against 3 lvl 9 bots were always so fucking easy that it became boring
The only ever challenge i got out of it was trying to beat story mode at very hard with 1 life and no continue
Member those troll rumours about unlocking dark link? Master hand? Toad? Sonic?
Yeaaah, i did it once and when the credits were over, i remember staring blankly at my TV and just felt like i was the biggest fucking retard ever

Practice wavedashing because you’re a scrub that can’t do it frame perfect every time

Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
Custom Robo

Play RE4 or remake, Melee, Metroid Prime, Luigi mansion, Mario sunshine, Killer 7, Wind waker, Twilight Princess, F-zero, Mario party, super monkey ball, Eternal Darkness, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and who can forget Madden 08'

I forgot about Eternal Darkness, also Wind Waker was really good on WiiU, but man that console was bullshit.

sell it to some faggot for money for drugs and have 100x for fun

I literally streamed Melee 10 minutes ago.

begone boomer

>Be pleasantly surprised
>Check to see if it still works
>Find a bunch of games I used to love/didn't get to try if it does

Suck a fat black herpes infested dick!

Probably ask my dad if he put a fuckin GameCube in my room.

Light up and play Double Dash all day.

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probably see if i got a copy of smash bros with it, then play game :]


Can someone read this to me, I'm blind

It's a Gamecube. One you play Goldeneye on


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Hmmm? You want to know what I'd do? I'll tell you what I'd tdo! I'd



Why, heh, it's simple really: Video games are for fucking idiot MANCHILDREN and NIGGERS. You think that its ok to go p;oopy in you pants in pulic? I bet you do, if your a gamer (nigger). That's probably what you think since you're such a humonogus faggot.

Trufthlly, camers are complete asswipse. Literally: Id wipe my ass with them. You could sttick a gamers tongue right on my asshole while i was taking a shitm and I wouldn't even complain. Their literllay a caste that exists to clean the shit off of this god forsaken planet.

You might think i'm exaggerating here, but I';m being completely serious. I can't stand gamers and wish they would all die. ut yuo know why I hate the GameCube most of all ? Because it's For


gamers. and those are the most braindead, moron, pieceo f scum fuck gamers on the PLANET. Theyre literrally retared babys. All they do all thday is play Mario instead of getting a job. My bbrother is one. He ha lives at hamoe, haha. If he new what we good for himself he'd get a rope, tie one end to a bridge and the other end to his dick. and jump off. Gntendo gamers don't even use their dicks anyway, so what's it matter? He would naver get any pussy anyway. and it you're a female nintendo amer, you should have your tits fudct dtaped to your gface until you nearly suffocate on the,! heh, that would be a befitting end for those twich thots now wmoudln't it?

so, in Conclusion: Video games are for mongolodis, gamers are scum, and nintendo gamers are the worst of them all. I rest my case.

I can't quite hear you, could you say it in caps?

Thank Chuck Norris for this precious gift.