How do you know when to settle with a relationship?
im a 28 year old female, i've been with my boyfriend for 6 years and we have a child together.
i find the relationship a bit boring and when i go out i get hit on a few times and etch time it feels like its getting more and more tempting.
i love and respect my boyfriend so i wouldnt cheat on him. but our relationship has just turned into taking care of the kid and the moment the kid goes asleep we're off to do our own thing and hardly socialize.
He talks about having another kid and getting married but im unsure of what i want in life.
You're a whore and should take the child as your own and not make him pay child support. Isn't weird that it's a problem that he isn't making the effort? Ever think maybe you could do something? Instead of considering breaking up a family. But hey bitch, it's all on you. Creat another broken home for a child or brainwash them into hating daddy. Regardless of you're choice you're a useless whore. If I found out my gf ever had thoughts like this I'd drop her instantly. Wasting 6 years of this man's life
Gabriel White
Ur selfish and only think of yourself ... your focus shohld be on ur kid ... grow up
Hunter Murphy
Don't cheat it'll ruin your name forever. What you should do is when the kid goes to sleep go and do stuff with the guy. don't have to be sexual or anything like that, but just have fun together, watch a movie or something but just do something together that might bond the both of you better. if your boyfriend isn't trying to fix the relationship it might be because he doesn't know how to, so start trying yourself. Talk to him about your problems instead of just keeping them.
Matthew Hill
that when you go open relationship or divorce.. that was not hard...
Josiah Robinson
I take great care of my child. my child is everything to me. I dont go out often, maybe once or twice a month.
If me and my boyfriend where to break up I wouldnt accept child support from him, I'd definetly make sure he and our child had quality time together and their relationship is something i've always focused on. For example when she was just a tiny baby everytime she was getting more attached to me i'd make the two of them take a day off together so she wouldnt grow distant from him.
My parents arent together and i have no relationship with my own dad and a bad one with my mother so i have always stayed clear of being like them.
I have definitely made effort with the relationship and im not giving up on it. But i am saying im tempted
Isaiah Russell
Have you ever considered...talking to Him about it? A little communication, eh?
Christopher Rodriguez
Thank you, this is the best advice so far.
I definitely would never cheat on him but i do find it hard to tell him that my eyes are starting to wander off a little bit.
We have had a few date nights and that has definitely helped but they are few and far between
Chase Cook
It happens to every couple.
Blake Martinez
Women these days always talk about how there child means everything to them ... but then turn around and break up tue family because ... he doesnt pay enough attention to me ... or im bored.. selfish .. ever try just talking to him ... he is talking about having a bigger family and getti g married and all u care about is urself