What does B think about this?

This is the private property you asked for, circumcised neoliberal gaymer.

you're the one who hates the right wing cause you love niggers and having gay sex with them

Where did anyone mention "right wing" before your post, little man?

that's literally one these bans are about you nigger cock sucking faggot and you're happy about it cause you're a liberal cuckold faggot

>little man
lmfao you faggot bitch. you have never been in a fight in your life you weak loser. i could literally kill you unarmed faggot

Good. We need less retards and their bullshit on YT

>inb4 muh first amendment
Private company. First doesn't apply

I just love to see these self-opinionated cretins bleat about "muh rights" and "freedom of speech being denied" when they realise they've been using a corporate facility for free and the corporation can do what it likes.

Just re-read what you posted. On an anonymous Mongolian nose-flute image board. And realise how pathetic you've just made yourself look. I fart in your general direction

Tv free, social media avoided, posts on shitty Yea Forums threads...


so you think you're tough and you needed to comment on that on an anonymous image board full of autists and retards, lmao

big censorships are going to happen slowly