Stab a dog in the throat: Animal murderer

>Stab a dog in the throat: Animal murderer
>Stab a pig in the throat: Circle of life

>Cut a rhino's horns off: "Poacher scum! Hang him!"
>Cut a bull's horns off: De-horning

>Hack a dog's tail off: Demented animal torturer
>Hack a lamb's tail off: Tail docking

>Shove your fist up a cat's vagina and pump her full of semen: Perverted, twisted, animal molester
>Shove your fist up a cow's vagina and pump her full of semen: Artificial insemination

>Lock a cat in a cage for 5 months: Animal abuser
>Lock a pig in a gestation crate for 5 months: Quality-assured pork

>Kill a lion and pose in a photo with the corpse: Demonised across the world's media
>Kill a pig and pose in a photo with the corpse: "Nice! What time does the BBQ start?"

>Breed dogs for the sole purpose of slitting their throats: "What an abhorrent and sickening idea! Shut this place down!"
>Breed turkeys for the sole purpose of slitting their throats: "They were bred for that purpose!"

>Herd dogs into a gas chamber: Nazi
>Herd pigs into a gas chamber: Food chain

>Boil a dog alive: Savage; uncivilised; grotesque
>Boil a lobster alive: Fine dining

>Shoot a dog in the head with a bolt gun: Monstrous barbarism
>Shoot a cow in the head with a bolt gun: Humane

>Free a dog from a Chinese dog meat farm: Hero
>Free a rat from an experimentation lab: Terrorist

>Condemn someone for harming dogs and cats: Kind-hearted, compassionate soul
>Condemn someone for harming pigs and cows: Militant; religious fanatic; forcing your views on others

>Pack dogs onto a crowded truck for a gruelling 1,000 mile journey to be slaughtered abroad: "Animal torturer! Scum!"
>Pack sheep onto a crowded truck for a gruelling 1,000 mile journey to be slaughtered abroad: Exporting goods

>Pull a parrot's feathers off: Sick individual
>Pull a goose's feathers off: "Wow, these pillows are so comfy."

>Strip a dog's skin off and wear it: Depraved; psychotic
>Strip a cow's skin off and wear it: Fashion statement

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck animals i'd nuke them all

>This is your brain on corporate propaganda spoonfed carnism.

Lmao carnist incels BTFO

thats all you got?

the silence on this post is absolutely deafening.

carnists are so eager to troll vegan posts and this one shut them the fuck up real quick.

some animals are more equal than others
deal with it

Animals are delicious, and I eat them whenever I can.
Our society has decided it likes some animals more than others, and I don't care enough to crusade to change that.
I just eat the animals society lets me eat.

nobody that has thought critically and spent an hour or two looking at the arguments for and against veganism come away thinking that eating meat is okay. The thing is, everyone here is dumb as bricks and will probably have similar views to what they do now for the rest of their life, about everything.

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So in other words, you're a brainless sheep with no moral compass and you use that as a cute little defense mechanism when challenged?


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>some animals are more equal than others
>deal with it

Uh oh the genius has entered the thread!

If dogs where unintelligent and a good source of food what would be wrong

Nice logic. So if some humans were unintelligent and a "good source of food", what ever the fuck that means, what would be wrong?

Not that user but I think no, he just doesn't give a shit. Fuck off, Peta fuck.

There's nothing morally wrong with eating animals. Animals eat animals. It's the way nature works.
And people play along with the society they live in because otherwise it would be chaos. If they'll let me eat pigs but not dogs, I'll just eat some pigs.


lmaoooo carnist incel tards alwasy saying MUH PETA because their literally dumb as fuck and think vegans care about that organization.

>Animals eat animals. It's the way nature works.



Gr8 b8 m8

What the fuck does factory farming have to do with what animals do in nature? And why would humans, with all their intelligence, continue to perpetrate morally indefensible and 100% unnecessary brutal torture and murder on other beings with no defenses or voices?

As a guy who grew up on a small beef farm and a lifelong hunter, I guarantee I have a better understanding of and more respect for animals than you ever will. I guarantee I've put more time, blood, and money into taking care of animals both domestic and wild than you ever will

>when you have nothing to say so you point out a typo

Because it was eating meat that led them to gain that very intelligence.

Some animals are good for food, some aren't. Some animals produce good material for cloths, some dont. Some animals are endangered, some aren't.

What about non-factory farmed animals?

>Because it was eating meat that led them to gain that very intelligence.


What about them???

So you're convinced animals don't eat animals?

Some animals are food.
Some are pets.

If you do any of those things to an animal meant to be a pet, you're fucked in the head.
If it's an animal meant to be food, it's fair.

It's as simple as that, it doesn't matter if it's a dog, cow, cat, pig, lion, bear, kangaroo

Coyotes would farm rabbits if they had the intelligence to be able to do it. Humans just figured it out first. We win at evolution, and get to reap the benefits.

Yeah, thats exactly why i was laughing at you

>Coyotes would farm rabbits

So now we begin the verbal diarrhea of the carnist in the form of hypothetical absurd scenarios that mean nothing.

You're kvetching over factory farmed animals not acting like they do in nature (even though they'd mostly die out almost immediately due to changes in physiology so your solution must be the mass killing of millions of farm animals) and my question is, what about free range farm animals that more or less live like they do in nature?

Yep. Seems like you've got the gist of it. Was there a question?

Very nice, won't stop me from eating meat though.

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what is normal in society isn't necessarily morally correct. Plenty of things that have been normal have been wrong
it doesn't make sense to base moral consideration off of intelligence. Babies and disabled people are unintelligent but they still have value. Current day AI has plenty of intelligence and has no moral value.
what is natural isn't morally correct, raping and murdering each other when we feel the impulse is natural. Not taking medicine and dying young is natural.
your life doing shit with animals doesnt make your argument correct
citation needed
non factory farmed animals just experience less atrocities, they're not treated well. You certainly wouldn't accept that standard for human beings, and there's no difference between animals and humans that makes it acceptable to farm them.

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Because they can become intelligent with education you retard

>(even though they'd mostly die out almost immediately due to changes in physiology so your solution must be the mass killing of millions of farm animals)

I like that you make absurd claims about what I believe while obviously having no idea. Keep going though, its funny.

I fully support your decision to not eat meat or use animal products. You do you.

That's not going to change anything about how I live my life, however.

Mentally disabled people are disabled for life, dummy.

Considering half of the points are combated with "lmao" a further point is not needed when one claims others are stupid and is himself too stupid to understand 2nd grade grammar.

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ITT Hypocrite condemns others for eating a lower life form while exclusively eating an even lesser life form.

>and is himself too stupid to understand 2nd grade grammar.

Bringing up grammar on Yea Forums or any other internet forum not only proves that you have nothing to say and are on the defensive, but also that you are the most childish one here.

ah the ole

>pLaNts fEeL tOo!!!

You've never worked on a small farm and your only knowledge of them comes from propaganda. Want to know why we put their health before our own and treated them fucking amazing? Because they were our livelihood and only idiots would hurt their own livelihood. If you want to look at it from an evil small business capitalist perspective, injured/sick animals cost way too much money. Keeping them healthy via proper care and keeoing them happy is better for us. You know who doesn't treat their animals well? The massive factory farms that came about because they're the only ones who can afford all the bullshit licensing costs and regulations that morons like you supported. You've literally killed the compassionate small farmer in favor of the soulless corporate farm. Ever notice how those horrible abuse videos never come out of small farms or auction houses that tend to service small farms?

Ok, what's your solution?

All of the points are in the OP, dumbass.

He's laughing because you have yet to argue against one with anything that hasn't already been debunked by vegans literally countless times.

Does anyone have a webm of chicken being thrown into a grinder. That shit's funny as fuck, and I want to get some vegans triggered.


I think it's more that nobody gives a shit

So your a vegan? And you undoubtedly swear "global warming" or "climate change" is real right? So you do realize your eating the very things that help regulate the weather and thus the temperature. Just sayin....

Ok, who against who, how to start it, what ending do you want, what methods used, and whats your overall plan?

The solution is people waking up to the facts and realizing they have been indoctrinated by society to arbitrarily assign rights to life to certain animals and torture and death to others.

The civilized world going vegan isn't something that will happen overnight. It's a gradual change that will cease the profitability of animal byproduct and therefore begin to dwindle the numbers. Not "mass killings of farm animals".

Veganism is the fastest growing movement in the world currently and it will not stop.

You must be new here.

Vegan posts regularly get 250+ replies because its very triggering.

dogs are fucking cute tho

You're using sheep as an insult? I thought you cared about animals.

Yea eating meat is pretty raunch. But it tastes so good. Once the fake meat gets good and cheap enough i bet ppl will switch

Not a single bite of food reaches our mouths that has not involved the killing of animals. By some estimates, at least 300 animals per acre—including mice, rats, moles, groundhogs and birds—are killed for the production of vegetable and grain foods, often in gruesome ways. Only one animal per acre is killed for the production of grass-fed beef and no animal is killed for the production of grass-fed milk until the end of the life of the dairy cow.

99% of vegetarians/vegans are fulfilling a selfish desire to feel good about themselves.

By not eating meat they feel a sense of validation about doing right morally.

They disregard evidence about the importance of animal proteins in the history of human evolution.

They pretend to occupy moral high ground and then preach to others from perceived superiority. But when faced with a true starvation situation they will eat meat. The fact of life is that we are animals.

Life consumes life. There is no biological classification of life which is superior to any other. Only the human brain creates such abstractions and only the human brain requires validation through abstraction.

You can’t be vegan/perfect to the fullest as a human. Somehow there will always be animals that suffer for you. Vegans also need food and to get fruits, vegetables, & grains Smaller animals like insects or mice will die in the process of getting them. Vegans also pollute the environment with using cars, planes, plastic products etc., if you consider the environmental aspect of veganism.

It is simply not possible in our modern society to be that “perfect” human being that doesn’t do any harm to this planet and its creatures.

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Still have the mental capacity to count as morally unkillable

>You've never worked on a small farm and your only knowledge of them comes from propaganda

1. I don't have to and people who work on farms are often the most ignorant about how to properly treat animals. Any vegan debate on youtube featuring farmers shows this.

2. What the fuck time do you live in where torturing and killing livestock is your only option for livelihood? Youre so fucking full of shit.

i just rolled my eyes so hard, i saw my brain.

You're fucking sick. Slaughtering thousands of spinach plants just to have a bowl of salad. Not even letting them bolt and spread seed so they taste better.

What brain? You ask what I have to say about this issue and then make a meaningless comment about it. You don't think.

So what's your point, buddy?

>morally unkillable

What the fuck does this even mean?

Rhinos are endangered you mongoloid

Probably because there is no point in trying to argue with someone who will never accept your point of view and vice versa

>Rhinos are endangered you mongoloid


>Animals are delicious

That is the most fucking retarded reasoning ever

The fact that even needs explaining proves what a moron you are.

>your point of view and vice versa

Your point of view being what? That some animals you arbitrarily decide should be tortured and killed just so you can enjoy a sandwich for 5 mins?

You're right, ill never accept that bullshit.

People's opinions don't change what is morally correct. This is weak mode.
might makes right argument. Extra weak mode
google the ostrich effect
The criticism isn't that a lifeform is being eaten, it's that a sentient being with positive states is being raped, tortured, imprisoned, and slaughtered en masse. There is no trait of animals that would make it acceptable to do this to humans, if humans possessed that trait.
The most horrific examples are factory farms, but you're ignoring the atrocities being committed in small farms. There is no difference between animals and humans that would make that treatment acceptable to enact upon a human, there's just no good and consistent justification
youre too young to be here
a plant based diet actually costs less water and less plants, because you're cutting out of the equation an animal that consumes a fuck ton of water and plants.
how cute you think something is doesn't change moral value

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I love this response. It shows just how dumb you really are. You can't even tell me what the "and?" is.


>People's opinions don't change what is morally correct. This is weak mode.
What the fuck are you talking about?
People's opinions DEFINE what is morally correct!
I say that it is not morally incorrect to kill an animal for food, period.

holy shit, it's almost like they're different animals or something

So basically one word with a question mark shuts you down instantly. Nice!

Humans eat meat and have always eaten meat, I believe that animals can be eaten for our survival, but they must only be slaughtered in a painless way, when my grandpa dies and I inherit his farm, I'll make my own meat, but I plan on treating them well until I kill them and eat them.
Humans are omnivores.

Because dogs have been bread for thousands of years to be companion and working animals, cows and pigs have been bread to be food.

Thats like bitching that your miata cant tow a trailer or your truck does not look like a race car.

Animals were bread with purpose. Humans have domain over animals and we have shaped them for how we need them, useing them for something other than what they were intended for is retarded, and barbaric, like the fucking chinks.

Might does make right. You might not like it, but that's reality. The strongest determines what is right, and eliminates anyone who disagrees.


>I say that it is not morally incorrect to kill an animal for food, period.

Assertion doesn't make something true. I could assert that you're just a dipshit that's in over your head in this discussion, but you'd be in luck because of what I just said about assertions =/= truth. (But I'm pretty sure I'm right)

>google the ostrich effect

I grew up on a farm and raised livestock for years. I know how farming works, I know how factory farming works, I understand the ethical dilemmas associated with eating meat.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I don't understand your arguments. I understand the reality probably better than you.

I simply disagree that veganism presents a moral imperative.

>Not a single bite of food reaches our mouths that has not involved the killing of animals
Nobody is arguing that the standard should be 0 suffering, not farming animals just greatly reduces animal suffering.
> By some estimates, at least 300 animals per acre—including mice, rats, moles, groundhogs and birds—are killed for the production of vegetable and grain foods, often in gruesome ways. Only one animal per acre is killed for the production of grass-fed beef and no animal is killed for the production of grass-fed milk until the end of the life of the dairy cow.
The 300 animals per acre figure is retardedly retarded. There was a single study that measured field mouse populations, and didn't count how many fled the field, and that's where the bullshit number comes from. I challenge you to cite a study showing that more animal death is caused by plant agriculture than animal agriculture per acre. Also, number of animals killed is a bad metric to measure this on. Just like how a human is worth more than a cow, a cow is worth more than a bug or mouse.
>They disregard evidence about the importance of animal proteins in the history of human evolution
eating protein rich meat gave humans an advantage. Nobody disagrees with this, but the implication that humans NEED protein from meat is unscientific.
>when faced with a true starvation situation they will eat meat. The fact of life is that we are animals.
Of course eating meat is justified when you're starving. This is a poor strawman.
>Only the human brain creates such abstractions and only the human brain requires validation through abstraction.
this is an argument for amorality, why even post lmao
>It is simply not possible in our modern society to be that “perfect” human being that doesn’t do any harm to this planet and its creatures.
Nobody is trying to do zero harm, we're trying to do as little harm as is practical. Eating a plant based diet, for most people in developed countries, is practical.

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>I grew up on a farm and raised livestock for years.

I stop reading everytime some retard starts their bullshit with this. It. Doesn't. Fucking. Matter.

Awwww how cute. A non-vegan is trying to point out the flaws of veganism with information he thinks they dont already know and as if that were an argument!!

buddy im sorry for being rude to you, but you have to understand how bad this argument looks. Right and wrong is just whatever YOU want it to be? No reasoning involved? Just think about it for a couple minutes, it doesn't take a masters in philo

guess what bitch it's time to mass produce soy and mushroom

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Pointing out the flaws of something doesn't make you look any less bad.

>It is simply not possible in our modern society to be that “perfect” human being that doesn’t do any harm to this planet and its creatures.

It's almost as if your brain is sputtering and trying to turn on since you finally said something that vegans assert themselves.

We can’t be perfect, but we can be better. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good.

Your point about grass fed beef probably stands (I’m assuming you’re right), but I’d guess a pretty sizable portion of farmers feed their livestock with harvested grains, which can be stored all year. At any rate, what does it matter if vegans/vegetarians/what have you are only doing it to feel morally superior? They’re still doing more than the majority of people.
As for animal proteins- well, we don’t need that anymore. What we did in the past doesn’t have to carry on, as the existence of living vegans proves. Even if they’d eat meat in a desperate situation, they’ve consciously chosen to do the right thing beforehand. Reducing us to “animals” takes away our accountability.

Plenty of people have become vegan despite their animal nature. We aren’t fully controlled by basic impulses.

> I stop reading everytime some retard starts their bullshit with this.

I'm sorry to hear that you would choose ignorance over honest discussion.

Oh boy, here we go again. Would you kill your pet?
There's a clear difference between pet and livestock.

This. Are yellowmen even human?
Humans bred dogs to be our friends for hundred if not thousands of years, and chinks are slaughtering them?

Yes, but you are not the person that defines what is globally morally correct or incorrect.
I define what is morally correct for me.
Any living being will eventually be consumed, dead or alive. We, humans, normally have to kill living beings, animals or vegetables, to consume them, therefore killing a living being for consumption is legitimate. We are omnivores. Other less intelligent omnivore animals do not have a choice in their meals, but they can eat anything they want. I do not think that the fact we have a choice on what to eat adds any moral weight to our diet.
Therefore, I do not see why killing animals for food is morally incorrect.

Also, I forgot to mention, but eating is a necessity. Without eating, we die of starvation. That's also one of the reasons I believe it's not morally incorrect to kill an animal for food. I do not differentiate animals from vegetables.

Humans are weird

Here's all you really need to know. If you DON'T eat meat, you're a pussy and a faggot, and should start HRT right this second. Only soiboys cry over a burger

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Hi Joe!

By all means continue to argue with yourself

>Humans eat meat and have always eaten meat
What humans have done historically is not automatically morally correct
>Humans are omnivores.
the natural state of humans doesn't determine what humans ought do
what humans have historically done to animals, and the genetic history of animals, doesnt change their moral value. A human whose family has been bred to be good slaves in a factory for four generations isn't morally worthless just because of their genetic history.
>Animals were bread with purpose. Humans have domain over animals and we have shaped them for how we need them, useing them for something other than what they were intended for is retarded, and barbaric, like the fucking chinks.
might makes right argument
you'll feel really dumb if you ever look up "might makes right argument" on google, and think critically about the implications. Really, really dumb
Another argument of authority. You being a farmer doesn't change the validity of your arguments, and restating your assertion doesn't make it correct.
fuck yeah
Emotional attachment doesn't change moral value
That justification could be used to justify literally anything, it's basically the least thoughtful way to ground moral anti-realism. Your brain is made of oatmeal

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>choose ignorance over honest discussion.

How laughable. You're the ignorant one here and you dont even realize it. Feel free to actually address one of the points in the OP instead of inserting your inflated sense of knowledge just because you "grew up on a farm"

I dont a fuck where you grew up. I only care about whether or not you can make an argument against the point made in the OP.

I asked you a question in that response. Feel free to answer it. Otherwise I'll just assume what I said following it to be true.

And I will assume every judgment against your type to be true

You're an animal, I sure hope you differentiate animals from vegetables. Scientists do, regular people do, pretty much everyone but you.
dahmer was a faggot and an omnivore. Go jerk off to cartoons

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>but eating is a necessity

Eating animal byproduct is not a necessity, thats a fact. Especially not for someone with an internet access.

>That justification could be used to justify literally anything, it's basically the least thoughtful way to ground moral anti-realism. Your brain is made of oatmeal
Read Killing an animal for any other reason (with some out of the ordinary exceptions) is not morally justifiable. Killing animals for food is only morally justifiable because we need food to survive.

So you aren't going to answer it.

k. that was easy.

Eating food is a necessity. It is fair to eat any food that is part of our regular diet (we are omnivores).

>You're an animal, I sure hope you differentiate animals from vegetables. Scientists do, regular people do, pretty much everyone but you.
In terms of food, no. Both animal and vegetable food is valid for our diet.

I don't see anything wrong with people choosing to be vegan. If that's how they want to live, it doesn't harm anyone so there's no point in rebutting anything or trying to change their minds.

Again, I don't think that vegans present a morally compelling argument. I remain unconvinced but I don't really care that you might think I'm wrong or immoral. Your opinion isn't of any value to me.

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Who cares if humans bred dogs to be friends, honestly. (You’re talking about a specific group of humans who decided to domesticate dogs.)
Hindus worshipped cows, Bedouins raised camels, pigeons are bred to participate in bird shows sometimes. Why should the choices of one group apply to others?

>What humans have done historically is not automatically morally correct

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>Eating food is a necessity
Not a response to what I said

>we are omnivores
Humans are not classified that way. We are not on the food chain. And even if we were, that doesn't make killing unnecessarily okay. Especially when its just for eating pleasure, which it is.

What ? Carnivora are naturally occurring?

Vegans and most vegetarians wouldn't even exist if advances in science didn't allow them to

You're right, there laws saying that harming animals like cats and dogs is wrong are bullshit.

I know it's hard to grasp things outside of your intellectual zone but just try little guy.

Not a vegan but rose petal ice cream is fucking amazing.


So fucking this.


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I dunno man, lots of people drink rose tea.
Also I don’t think vegans feel that eating one is morally worse; they just aren’t used to it. On the other hand, hamburger-eating Westerners froth over Asians eating dogs in moral outrages.

>Eating animal byproduct is not a necessity, thats a fact
So what?

>Both animal and vegetable food is valid for our diet.

How many times does it have to be said that assertions are not arguments?

Oh you came back finally!

Did you think of a smart response?

>I know it's hard to grasp things outside of your intellectual zone but just try little guy.


I think we should extend that protection to other animals, actually. We don’t have to take those rights away from our furry friends.

>People's opinions don't change what is morally correct. This is weak mode.

He said if you do those things to pets you're fucked in the head. He did not say it was immoral. Psychologically speaking, he is correct. Not caring what society thinks of you is defined as antisocial. Eat a steak, maybe the protein deficiency is messing with your reading comprehension

>So what?

What the fuck do you mean "so what"? That was a direct response to what you said, using facts.

I ought to try it sometime.

>Not a response to what I said
It is though. Whether you are eating plants, animals, fungus, or whatever, it is necessary to eat to survive.
>Humans are not classified that way.
We are.
>And even if we were, that doesn't make killing unnecessarily okay.
No, but the things we kill not having moral standing does.


So you can cut them out of your diet

>Not a response to what I said
Does animal byproduct kill hunger? Yeah? Then nothing wrong with killing your hunger.

Humans are omnivore, I won't bother fighting vegan pseudo-science
>And even if we were, that doesn't make killing unnecessarily okay. Especially when its just for eating pleasure, which it is.
Gluttony is morally incorrect yes, but that is not the argument. It is fair to kill animals for food. It is not morally incorrect to eat food out of necessity. Therefore, it is not morally incorrect to kill animals for food, when we need to feed our hunger. Simple, no?

>On the other hand, hamburger-eating Westerners froth over Asians eating dogs in moral outrages.

We think of dogs as honorary humans so we respond to asians eating dogs with the same revulsion we do cannibalism.

>it is necessary to eat to survive.

Are we in preschool? are you giving me a rundown of preschool education? I learned all that stuff already dude.

That wasn't me, but your response is irrelevant. The fact remains that eating is a necessity. Pointing out that eating specifically animals is not doesn't matter.

We are omnivores, therefore both animal and vegetable food is valid for our diet. Better? Feel free to present your argument.

I could, but why would I?

To be humane
You could dispense equality by killing animals indiscriminately, or just leave them all alone. I think the second option would be better for the animals, and I myself wouldn’t mind fewer animals being abused.

Then why are we having this conversation?

if this isnt bait its just a very blunt semantic trap. People need to eat to survive, but people don't need to eat animals to survive. If any and all actions that fulfill a need were justified, it would be perfectly okay to eat other people, steal food and water, to piss and shit wherever you want, to live in someone else's house without their permission.
This is really just an assertion with no backing. "Valid" could mean a lot of things, but whether or not it is morally correct is what we're talking about. There isn't any trait of animals that would make it okay to farm humans if humans had that trait.
"I'm unconvinced and will do whatever I want" could be used in response to literally any crime or atrocity. It's a bad defense, it makes you look like your head is in the sand.
memes have become so ironic that i legit cant tell if this is some jerkoff vegan meme or an actual boomer meme trying to equivocate animals and plants
whether or not something is natural doesn't determine if it's morally correct
>Vegans and most vegetarians wouldn't even exist if advances in science didn't allow them to
Completely vacuous statement

I think the first option is better for us, and I think human flourishing should be the priority for humans.

>Pointing out that eating specifically animals is not doesn't matter.

Its amazing that I have to keep repeating myself over and over.

Yes it does!! you are causing unnecessary HARM to other animals.

1) the dog you stabbed is 99.9999% likely someones pet
2) they kill the rhino, not the bull
3) its not hacked off, its a really tight rubber band put around the base right after birth and it painlessly falls off
4) cats are much smaller, cat vaginas aren't big enough for human fists
5) yeah thats fucked up, no doubt
6) its because the lion is rare (no one dreams of dropping 30K on a safari hunt in africa to go after a pig) and people are annoyed at killing a rare animal for no reason. Pigs arent rare.
7) Yeah kind dumb, but also, no one does that with dogs, not really even in China
8) Again, if you have that many dogs, almost all of them are peoples pets. You are gassing people's furkids
9) Again with the dog thing. Lobsters are big bugs, they dont even feel pain like mammals.
10) No one would say that because (in the best case scenario where the dogs makes it to end-days) every dog dies by our command too. A bolt gun is crude though, injection is more calm and fitting for the end for a loved pet. But its still a chemical bolt.
11) According to fringe retards. Probably only one or two of them browsing anywhere on 4chins, if any at all, kind of a waste to try to upset them.
12) No one wants anyone to hurt animals, no matter what
13) Again, dogs are pets. Sheep are not pets.
14) Pets
15) pets

you really dont seem to get the whole 'pets' thing. I'm guessing you have a problem making connections with others and bonding, each of your points seems to have that common missing thread.

OP has mental problems. You should seek help.

So what?

Lots of vegans believe the same thing about cows and pigs (especially pigs, since they’re more intelligent than dogs or so I’ve heard). I don’t really feel that dogs are honorary humans when animals more cognitively advanced aren’t treated that way.

Im having converstaion with other people in this thread, and laughing at you as you make these literally childish responses.

aww babys fwirst twoll!!

That's a pretty childish response user.

Why are you so triggered?

>I know you are but what am I!!!

Actually I'm being totally serious. Why is causing unnecessary harm to non-human animals like cows or dogs morally relevant?


aww babys swecond twoll!!

>"I'm unconvinced and will do whatever I want" could be used in response to literally any crime or atrocity. It's a bad defense, it makes you look like your head is in the sand.

Maybe you need to work harder to convince me. Every animal I eat from this point forward will be, in part, to how poorly you've argued your case.

Not an argument.

Im glad you have nothing else to say at this point. I was getting bored. Time for bed I guess.

Does any of you realize that this discussion is too complex and requires well-written arguments which are impossible to convey in a site like Yea Forums, and meaninglessly arguing back and forth will not produce any results aside from the time wasted?

You didn't say anything to respond to.

neither is trolling with epic edgy comments like "but i dont care about unnecessary harm!!"

Pigs are absolutely more intelligent than dogs. They're also opportunistic cannibals and god help you if you are in any way incapacitated around a group of hungry pigs.

I have no moral qualms about eating anything that would eat me given the opportunity.

Presenting a sound argument is perfectly possible on Yea Forums.


Hypocrisy runs deep. It is amazing what you can get accustomed to.

OP here.

The carnists lost again. Not one substantive argument against anything I originally posted. Just defense mechanism trolling and eDgEyNesS.

Things are permissible by default. The burden is on you to say why I shouldn't be allowed to do something.

I am aware, but a sound argument takes time to write, and this discussion requires a lot of thought. Yea Forums was simply not built for shit like this.

>people disagreeing with me must just be edgy trolls
wew lad

Attached: 1559786234558.png (1200x900, 220K)

Dogs get special treatment due to our symbiotic relationship with them. They are our allies/sidekicks of sorts.

>The carnists lost again.

Did we? I've got a tri tip marinating in the fridge that I'm going to grill tomorrow. I'll likely remember this thread over dinner and my enjoyment will not be lessened one iota.

This since like forever dude we owe it too them

>Any argument against my viewpoint is not substantive
Ok, ok, I'll give you that. You won. In a board on Yea Forums. On Yea Forums.Congratulations. What do you plan on doing now?

Yeah, it’s easier to obtain all the nutrients you need when you eat animals.
We were talking about animal abuse laws, but I think that was in the context of eating animals.
Many people buy their meat products from large farms. These farms not only provide us with meat, but contribute to global warming by raising cows which fart out copious amounts of methane.
We haven’t seen the full ramifications of global warming yet, but it has the potential to disrupt ecosystems among everything else, which means that humans will also take a hit. We won’t be protein deficient, but we’ll probably be adversely affected regardless.

>The burden is on you to say why I shouldn't be allowed to do something.

Society already does, dipshit. You can't go out and abuse a dog or cat or any other domesticated animal without being locked up. But because of hypocrisy and flaws with logic when it comes to the current law, corporations get away with it and do it for you.

And by the way, I don't give a shit about someone like you who says "I don't care about causing unnecessary harm." You are and unreasonable person and you don't deserve my attention to be quite honest.

>What do you plan on doing now?

jerk off to incest porn

Just fuck off already and let this thread die. You won, like user said.

awww more childishness!!

Yeah, what about it?

I do not care.
Animal rights are stupid, they get in the way of snuff.

No, just dinner plans.

If that’s where you stand morally, I won’t hold it against you.

The way most of us consume meat (factories) isn’t going to help us in the future, though. Maybe consider eating less meat just for that, but props for not pretending to care about pigs when you eat them.

I fully support finding ways to raise animals that are more environmentally sustainable, but to say that we shouldn't eat meat because it contributes to global warming is like saying we shouldn't drive cars. We could eat plants and we could ride bikes, but fully optimizing to reduce greenhouse gasses has detrimental effects in other areas.

Cool!! When you're dying of heart disease in the hospital (#1 killer in first world nations) can I come piss on you in your cot? You know, something for me to remember and smile about when im eating my abuse-free dinner!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-06-15-52-35-1.png (530x95, 20K)

more like, more defense mechanisms. Carnists are the ultimate snowflakes lmaoo

>You can't go out and abuse a dog or cat or any other domesticated animal without being locked up
And I say these laws are irrational except when applied to another person's pet, which is their property. I cannot abuse your dog for the same reason I cannot smash your window.
>I don't give a shit about someone like you who says "I don't care about causing unnecessary harm." You are and unreasonable person and you don't deserve my attention to be quite honest.
Not an argument.

Reminder that eating meat is perfectly healthy in moderation as long as you don't have other risk factors.

>He said if you do those things to pets you're fucked in the head. He did not say it was immoral
It's pretty fair to interpret "fucked in the head" as "wrong". You're being pedantic in a really goofy way. You're posting cringe

see whether or not humans are omnivores by nature doesn't change what they ought do. A plant-based vegan diet is suitable for all stages of life as well as for athletes. There is no essential nutrient that cannot be obtained on a vegan diet. Vegans have very widely better health outcomes. I can source any of this if you ask for it
an emotional bond or lack of one doesn't change something's moral value
There's no argument against you not feeling like being convinced. If you want to think critically, try this consistency test to see if you're morally consistent: What trait of humans makes it unacceptable to farm them?
It doesn't take that deep of a dive to defeat 99% of omni arguments. They usually justify absurdity, and then the goalpost is moved somewhere else. They can't name the trait.
clearly this is disingenuous because it only applies to pigs, I'm sure you eat more animals than just them. What's your real reason?
it will never end any differently in a community that has access to the internet. It's just so one sided.
We can agree that there are better places to get your mind changed, for sure
There is no dog representative that has allied them with humans. Some dogs will be friendly, others aggressive. It's also kinda weird that you made these teams in your head?
It's 10000x more practical to go vegan than to walk everywhere lmao what is this argument???

Attached: different spices for places.jpg (763x767, 134K)

Vegetarians have better overall health outcomes than meat eaters. Can source if you want.

Cool story!

because there's no reason at all to kill animals like dogs (unless you're a chink.)

>It's 10000x more practical to go vegan than to walk everywhere lmao what is this argument???
That convenience and personal pleasure are factors that we must take into consideration when determining what is best for human flourishing. If it were merely a matter of survival we could restrain the population and give them intravenous nutrition while stimulating muscles with electric shocks to maximize lifespan.

Correct, overall, because many meat eaters have risk factors such as smoking or obesity.

> snowflakes

I recognize that you're trying to be insulting here and get a rise out of me but the reality is that I don't feel even a hint of guilt or shame for eating meat. I'm not upset by your opinion on the matter and feel no need to convince you to eat the way I do.

I guess you have an interesting perspective on what a snowflake is.

Is it really so difficult to go vegan, though? You need your car because the world’s built around being able to travel long distances, but vegans aren’t quite so crippled in the real world. I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a business that would relocate itself to be near its employees’ homes, but there are plenty of institutions and whatnot that are vegan-compatible.

Being vegan isn’t going to fix all our problems, but it’s something for a relatively small amount of effort in most cases.

>What trait of humans makes it unacceptable to farm them?
The trait of being human. Morality exists to enable social functioning. We are a society of humans, therefore humans are the ones with moral standing.

>I just tried to emotionally abuse someone as a defense mechanism now Im going to pretend to be like a reasonable person


>almond milk over cow tits
>vegan meat & beans for casual cooking
>Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat

>clearly this is disingenuous because it only applies to pigs, I'm sure you eat more animals than just them. What's your real reason?

I suppose you could say it's disingenuous but it's true, I have no moral qualms about eating animals that would eat me. I also have no moral qualms about eating animals in general although I do prefer to limit that to animals strictly raised for food.

>but the reality is that I don't feel even a hint of guilt or shame for eating meat.

Thats called indoctrination, friend.

>The trait of being human. Morality exists to enable social functioning. We are a society of humans, therefore humans are the ones with moral standing.
wow I'm not him or her but this is a stupid comment. I get the feeling you have no philosophy training and are just role playing

>I recognize that you're trying to be insulting here and get a rise out of me

Oh, you mean like you just tried to do to me with your comments about your dinner? How ironic.

It's actually not very difficult to live in an area where your needs are met within walking distance of your home. People do not do this because they have other priorities which result in them driving, just as people have other priorities which result in them eating meat.


Not an argument.

>Thats called indoctrination, friend.

I don't pretend to be the pinnacle of morality and have little doubt that future generations will judge you to be as barbaric as me for things you believe are perfectly reasonable.

Does it really take so much away from personal pleasure not to eat animal-based products? I could think of other things that are pleasurable- but relatively unethical- that are still condemned by society.
As for convenience, I’m fairly sure that a lot of people wouldn’t find it terribly inconvenient to give up meat. At the risk of not being a vegan purist (micromanaging milk in your crepes or something), you can just avoid meat more often. There are plenty of vegan recipes as well, some of which aren’t even intentionally vegan.
(Relating to car use- If you live near your workplace or something like that, I would definitely prefer you using less gas, but that’s just me.)
To be clear, I wouldn’t ask this of someone whose health depends on routine meat consumption.

>and have little doubt that future generations will judge you to be as barbaric as me for things you believe are perfectly reasonable.

Yeah, okay.

Touche but that wasn't really a personal attack, was it? Just letting you know what's in my fridge and what I intend to do with it tomorrow evening.

It will die. Too many people getting sick. Eating meat is enriching, enlightening and rewarding. You're just scared, vegans can't handle life.

>Does it really take so much away from personal pleasure not to eat animal-based products?
> I could think of other things that are pleasurable- but relatively unethical- that are still condemned by society.
Sure, when the action itself is morally wrong it doesn't matter if it gives pleasure.
>you can just avoid meat more often
Meat is already a rare treat for me (though I do consume eggs and dairy regularly).

You see, this is your vanity this belief that you hold a moral high ground. You don't want to acknowledge that just as you view our ancestors are morally lacking, that our descendants will view you as similarly degenerate for reasons you can't now imagine.

I’ll amend what I said to include normal people activities like the ones you mentioned. It’s hard to give those up as well.

Still, I doubt somewhat that veganism is generally quite as drastic a life change (though it’s not quite effortless). Society’s only beginning to address vegans, but I don’t think they’ll go so far as to cater to car-less people.

A small amount of pleasure, like from eating meat, is of a very different scale than crippling and sustaining humans for efficiency. It's much more analagous to how we don't allow rape. Although rape does provide pleasure, it causes a lot more suffering and is morally reprehensible. Also, doesn't there have to be some evidence of vegans being significantly less happy than omnis for this argument to be sound?
Adventist Health Study 2 controlled for obesity and smoking and that's where I'm getting this conclusion
This justifies absurdity. A robot with sufficiently advanced systems to be comparable to humans in terms of sentience, something that seems to be human but does not share human genes, aliens nearly identical to us, all of these things would lose moral consideration before we even delve into the definition of human. I don't know why you don't just look these arguments up before you try to use them, this conversation has been had a million times and only ends in a handful of ways.
Raising something for the purpose of eating it doesn't strip that something of moral value. If you raised your son to eat him that wouldn't justify it.
sometimes people just throw arguments and see what sticks. Not to brag about being a big brain internet virgin, but I could make a flowchart of every argument in this thread without looking if i had photoshop and the time

Attached: map of peoples of the arctic circle.jpg (995x768, 240K)

>You don't want to acknowledge that just as you view our ancestors are morally lacking, that our descendants will view you as similarly degenerate for reasons you can't now imagine

K. Ill take your dumb baseless assumptions about the future over being a willing piece of shit negatively affecting other beings on this planet here and now.

Everything about this is retarded.
>Stab a dog in the throat: Animal murderer
>Stab a pig in the throat: Circle of life
In civilized countries you can't go around stabbing animals, period. If someone just went and stabbed a pig he'd be deemed a murderer and charged with animal cruelty.

>Cut a rhino's horns off: "Poacher scum! Hang him!"
>Cut a bull's horns off: De-horning
The rhino is usually killed or dangerously wounded, the cow is not. It makes lie saver for the animals and the keepers. Still, many people oppose de-horning.

>Hack a dog's tail off: Demented animal torturer
>Hack a lamb's tail off: Tail docking
This is also done to the ears and tails of dogs, lambs tails are cut short but only the wool, never heard of the practice of cutting off their actual tail which is pretty short and is also what is held on to when sheared, so why would they go through the trouble of removing it?

>Shove your fist up a cat's vagina and pump her full of semen: Perverted, twisted, animal molester
>Shove your fist up a cow's vagina and pump her full of semen: Artificial insemination
I am now convinced you're a troll bc nobody can be this stupid.

I'm not trying to claim that going vegan takes a comparable amount of effort to going carless, just that the latter is definitely possible. The point is that people have other priorities which makes optimizing for the environment non-ideal.

Vegans are all talk and no action. You yell and scream your high school level logic and then cry when superior intelligence won't listen.

I can only extrapolate from my own experience and converted vegans, but they didn’t think it was too difficult.
Not going to speak for everyone else, of course. Judging from the extreme pushback against vegans I’ve witnessed here and elsewhere, you’re probably right that it’s way harder for a huge chunk of the population.

Good on you for not consuming truckloads of meat every day, at least. You’re already doing way more for the environment (and by extension, humanity) than a lot of people.

>In civilized countries you can't go around stabbing animals, period

Nice wall of text where you make a false statement in the first sentence. Go watch a slaughter house video and then come back and try to tell me people arent stabbing animals en mass in civilized societies.

>Vegans are all talk and no action.

Not partaking and enabling IS action, dipshit.

To what end?

>Raising something for the purpose of eating it doesn't strip that something of moral value.

Were it not being raised to be eaten, it wouldn't live at all which presents something of a conundrum, no?

The fact is, we're privileged to live in a time that people have the luxury of choosing what they eat. That hasn't been the case for most of human history.

And to a certain extent, that's how I view vegans: people blind to their own privilege who would, without a doubt, kill and eat meat if that was the price of living over dying.

Yup, good arguments for making all kinds of bestiality legal

You really do seem bitter and angry over this issue. That's going to negatively impact your health and well being over the long run.

sure, in a slaughterhouse, but only sandniggers stab their food and they don't eat pigs.
Pigs are usually killed just like cows.
In some countries, dogs are considered food and it isn't illegal to kill them in slaughterhouses.
So what is your point?

>You really do seem bitter and angry over this issue.

Apparently you can't recognize passion which =/= anger. And why shouldn't I be passionate about the end of torture and murder of defenseless and voiceless beings? I'm wondering why you aren't in the same boat.

>A small amount of pleasure, like from eating meat, is of a very different scale than crippling and sustaining humans for efficiency.
Sure, but the point remains the same. Denying others pleasure that is not morally wrong is, well, morally wrong.
>it causes a lot more suffering and is morally reprehensible
Specifically, it causes suffering to other people, which is why it is morally reprehensible as we do not wish to live in a society where such suffering can occur to us.
>doesn't there have to be some evidence of vegans being significantly less happy than omnis for this argument to be sound?
No, on multiple levels, since people are not being compelled to be vegans and it isn't a matter of significance. Different people appreciate different things.
>Adventist Health Study 2
A quick look shows many other factors involved in this study beyond simply eating meat or not.
>This justifies absurdity.
>robots and aliens
Since we have no examples of such things actually existing, I kept things simple. If you want to go more in detail about what specifically it takes to be a member of our society and thus have moral standing then we can, but we can clearly observe that animals like cows are not capable of being members of our society. Even if we were to grant cows full rights as people, they would not be capable of utilizing them and being part of our society, either now or in the future.

Oh shut up vegan faggot, you're never gonna stop me from eating meat

I’ve already passed the barrier from trying to let people have their cake and eat it too, to wishing (baselessly) that people would just eat less meat at the very least. My comparison of eating meat and using a car was intended to minimize transitioning to veganism, but you’re right that people won’t make even that bit of effort if they have different priorities.
I don’t really blame them, either. I’m selfish about other aspects of my life; I know food’s much more of a hot-button topic than the parts of my philosophy I try to justify. Eating meat’s the easy way out, but we all only have one life. I get it if some of us want to spend our single life being happy, not whiling it away fighting over the fundamental part of our lives that food is.

And youre a loss cause and no one cares. Most of us like to use our brains and consider the negative affects of our behaviors and hope to change in order to reduce those effects as much as possible. Those are the people that matter and will change the world for the better.

You won't stop the veganism movement from growing. Get over it.

If that's what you want to tell yourself but I think your word choice gives lie to that claim.

> I'm wondering why you aren't in the same boat.

Is it so hard to believe that I'm not a monster and want animals to be raised comfortably and killed as painlessly as possible? Do I strike you as someone uneducated or unable to consider the ramifications of my choices?

We view the world differently. I'm fine with that. I'm wondering why you're not in the same boat.

>Do I strike you as someone uneducated or unable to consider the ramifications of my choices?

I think you don't care and just like
You are a lost cause.

>Is it so hard to believe that I'm not a monster
Again, indoctrination.

And you're not a monster for eating animal byproduct. You're a monster for trying to use that behavior to emotionally abuse those who you know are passionate about this issue.

just forget the first part of this reply I misread what you said.

I don't have any desire to "stop the veganism movement from growing". I'm perfectly fine with people choosing to limit their diets in line with their principles. I'm happy for you and I hope those decisions bring you joy.

> I think you don't care

I suspect it's easier for you to believe I'm simply callous rather than both compassionate and carnivorous because that doesn't fit your world view.

I will tell you this, if you're honestly interested in winning people over to veganism, this thread isn't the way to go about doing it. People latch onto their core beliefs more strongly when those beliefs are attacked.

stupid. Dotgs are better than you faget

>People latch onto their core beliefs more strongly when those beliefs are attacked.

People responding with defense mechanisms isn't my problem. I only have control over myself and them over themselves.

If this type of thread turns you off from at least reconsidering some of your behaviors, then again, lost cause.

Agreed. Fuck the idiocy of eating meat in the first world today.
I'm a vegan engineer and smarter than most of the idiots on Yea Forums.

The part where you said I'm not a monster?

> You're a monster for trying to use that behavior to emotionally abuse those who you know are passionate about this issue.

I don't think you'll be successful at painting your self the victim in this thread. I've been the soul of politeness and have taken pains to treat you as gently as possible.

>People responding with defense mechanisms isn't my problem.

It is if your goal is to sway people to your way of thinking. That is your goal, isn't it?

So its okay to rape animals and murder them violently no matter the species

First part as in ">Is it so hard to believe that I'm not a monster
Again, indoctrination."

Not hard to understand. especially when you typed out what I was misread.

>I don't think you'll be successful at painting your self the victim in this thread.

Not once have I played the victim in this thread. Calling you out on attempting emotional abuse isn't "playing the victim." Your attempt failed. You aren't the first carnist to try to abuse me with "im gonna eat animal byproduct later tonighat and you cant stop me!" as a pathetic defense mechanism.

>judging others based on what they eat.

wow, arent we the little tyrant.

veganism is one more nail in the coffin of civilization

Shut the fuck up nigger were here to bully kids and jerk off faggot

Funny that you leave out the rest of my response in that greentext so you can ask that question.

Sauce on the pic plox

>Not once have I played the victim in this thread.

>You're a monster for trying to use that behavior to emotionally abuse those who you know are passionate about this issue.

Choose one

>"i dont have to"
the user arguing with this guy should stop, OP is a troll

Boy I sure have to repeat myself a lot in this thread.

>Calling you out on attempting emotional abuse isn't "playing the victim." Your attempt failed. You aren't the first carnist to try to abuse me with "im gonna eat animal byproduct later tonighat and you cant stop me!" as a pathetic defense mechanism.

If you're not pursuing the most effective strategy to achieve your stated goal and are unwilling to adjust that strategy when presented with the possibility that you're not putting in your best effort, maybe your stated goal isn't the goal you're actually pursuing.

Politely disagreeing with you isn't emotional abuse.

I don't care what you call it. Bragging about eating meat for dinner to try to anger a vegan is objectively emotional abuse.

idk man, ive had dog, its pretty good, would eat again

They’re judging based on behavior. Isn’t that reasonable? Calling it “judging based on what we eat” frames it more innocuously but it is what it is.

>wants to insult meat eaters by calling them immoral and other names
>disagrees politely
>oof ouchies im hurt at the emotianal abus yuo gaev me

Knowingly and willingly enabling harm to the defenseless and voiceless is immoral. Get over it.

10/10 for not being hypocritical.
(In many Asian countries, dogs aren’t companions but food just as cows aren’t gods but food in the West.)

Isn’t dog pungent, though?

I think you might actually have a brain disease. Ask your parents to help you seek medical attention. Plus, you need to be over 18 to post here.

so is trying to change people that dont want to :P

mmm i want some fuggin steak rn yum yum PAIN and CARNAGE of the innocent! yummm

gonna drink a tall glass of milk to your butthurt

Wasn't joking about this btw, we're doing so much other cruel shit to animals that's legal so why not that

sure, so is deer and shit if you dont cook it right, its very gamey if not prepared with the right spices and sauces

I'm honestly sorry to hear you feel that way. You have so much unnecessary pain in store for you with that attitude. I cannot imagine what it must be like living in what must seem an endless barrage of microagressions.

Have you considered cognitive behavioral therapy? There's no shame in getting help if you're in pain.

also, this should go without saying, but ive eaten all kinds of meat, this includes bugs, birds, and other oceanic critters

the only meat i will not touch is human, but thats because its illegal to eat it and i do have some sort of image to keep up... otherwise, id be eating some human thighs. HAVE YOU SEEN SOME OF THE MEAT ON THEM!?

Not in China

Never had venison but I’d like to try it sometime
I’ve heard the same for cats and bears since they’re all carnivorous in some way, but I guess different producers have something to do with it in the case of wild game.


Parasites and pathogens that infect humans might also be a reason to avoid human meat, to say nothing of prions.

I wouldn’t do it, but then again I’m opposed to meat in general.

Naturally, its a sweet meat if you shoot them in the heart, but you can only get that when they didnt get the acid buildup in the muscles from running.

there's that too, but id only eat from clean sources, not 3rd world nation populations

whatever happened to judge not, lest ye be judged?

You are all getting so much work done arguing with Faggots halfway across the country to prove your meaningless point when you can’t do shit about it anyways.

Go to sleep

This post is retarded op. so many fallacies.

1) It's ok to eat dogs
2) Pretty sure you can cut a rhinos horns off if you own it
3) Many dogs get their tails cut off for purpose and it's acceptable, ie if they will break it wagging
4) Locking pigs in crates is wrong and I think most people will agree with you on that.I don't think most people would be willing to pay for ethical meat though. I will say that I have been on the farms near me and I think they live pretty good lives here.
5) Lobsters aren't boiled alive
6) Parrots feathers would make an uncomfortable pillow, so yeah someone that does that is def. sick

>claims he's not a religious fanatic forcing his views onto others, yet here he is....

implying plants dont have their share of problems.

That's really a warning against hypocrisy.

> Judge not lest ye be judged
> For with what measure ye mete it shall be meted unto you

I.e. don't expect to be judged with a different standard than what you apply to others.

glad we got that cleared up and we all know where the boundaries lie

Then let us be judged. Wrongs don’t cancel each other out; even if I dumped a body in my backyard two hours before I posted here, I wouldn’t be wrong if I said meat consumption contributes to suffering.

Cry me a river, veggietard. I'll marinate my steak in your tears. Some animals are useful, others are tasty. The former get to work, the latter go on my plate. The rest can go fuck themselves. Man is the dominant species on this planet and we get to do whatever we want with the others. They should be thankful we work so hard to keep their inferior asses around at all instead of making them extinct.

Attached: 10-steak-dinner.jpg (550x413, 31K)

I for one am practicing writing to be clear and concise. People here really, really want to poke holes in your arguments no matter which side you’re on, so you have an incentive to close the holes.

it is also a reflection of treating others how you would like to be treated.

if you wanna be treated like shit, treat others like an asshole.

Yeah, dogs have their tails docked too.

dogs are bred for work or companionship cows are bread for milk or steak.

see the big fucking difference?

You’d probably consume plants regardless unless you somehow eat only meat (in which case, whoa).
I haven’t seen as many problems with plants as I have meat, anyway.

Morally speaking, I’m not seeing it.

>e. coli
>both natural and artificial pesticides

what im saying is to squeal about pathogens and parasites in meat is to deny that plants can have the same problems.

So we cull all our current live stock, burry them in Mass Graves and pretend the whole affair never happened?

Then instead of buying steaks for 50 bucks we pay 7 dollars for asparagus infused water from whole foods?

That is all nice but if you touched my dog I would break your spine place you on the chair and force you to watch me raping your children with a rusty knife.
Seriously dgf for no one except my doggo this world is a sick place so....

yeah its kinda like life is not black and white on all issues. Anyone who is deeply shocked or offended on how we treat animals benefit from factory farms just like everyone else.

No. To say that is exactly what it is- to say that meat has pathogens and parasites. Whether plants have them or not wasn’t part of my point, although I can see why it looks like I was intentionally omitting that information.

I will say that it’s worse with mammalian meat in particular because lots of those can be transferred over to humans (zoonoses), while plant diseases don’t do that as easily (viroids and co.). Salmonella and E. coli aren’t plant exclusive, and are actually rather strongly associated with birds and reptiles in the case of salmonella. Animals have these pathogens and more besides.

Oh- to add on, biological magnification.
Animals concentrate pesticides in their bodies from eating many plants, so you’re actually safer eating plants with pesticide on them than animals which fed on the plants.

yes, i am aware of bioaccumulation. i work as an environmental lab technician, part of my job is methylmercury analysis, i'm very much aware of these things.

i would also like to point out.. being excessively concerned about such things leads to a walking on eggshells lifestyle, contantly worrying about what the next scientific revelation of the next year is, while other scientific studies seem to unsay things of the past.

why not just enjoy life and eat whatya like, you only get to live once... in my opinion, nitpicking food leaves you missing out on a potentially great experience.

Underrated 10/10

I think that's the problem with your crusade.

Nobody really gives a shit. So yeah you're probably right, but I'm still gonna get a cheeseburger in a bit.

All kinds user, you've not seen a lot of it if you haven't seen anything cruel

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subtle animal farm reference


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This one pretty much sums it up for me.

Were you the poster complaining about my omission of plants? If so, you could have gone the “live and let live” route before trying to root out implications in what I said...


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> It's the way nature works
If we are going to follow the way "nature" works, then rape should be fine, killing another persons children should be, killing another man and stealing his wife should be as well. Please use a better argument you absolute brainlets

/r/thebullwins for more like this

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be nice to all animals.

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