If Taylor Swift was a warehouse worker, she'd be Taylor Shift

If Taylor Swift was a warehouse worker, she'd be Taylor Shift

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If kanye and McConaughey got married, hed be mathew mckanyehey

Missed opportunity for Tailor Shift.

If Taylor Swift was on a raft in the middle of the ocean, she would be Taylor Adrift

I fingered her asshole for over 5 minutes.

Did it stink?

If Taylor swift drove people around for a living, she'd be Taylor Lyft

I shoved my cock down her throat

A little bit, but it was still hot.

If Taylor Swift became a swinger she'd be Taylor Swap'd

If Taylor Swift posted on /fit/, she'd be Taylor Lift

If Taylor Swift was an extra strength sports deodorant she'd be Taylor Sniff

if Taylor Swift was a gay nigger with aids, she would be Taylor Swift

fuck you bully

if taylor swifts pussy sinks, she'd be taylor swift

Attached: pussyStinks.jpg (500x500, 64K)

If you could move fast, you would be faggot Swift.

If she has some loli decal on her car, her name will be Taylor Drift

and if she was black, she would be a nigger.

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If Taylor swift had talent she'd be Katy perry

If Taylor Swift won a yacht race she 'd be Sailor Swift

If Taylor Swift *were
It's called the subjunctive mood. It exists in English. Fucking use it.

If Taylor Swift were a smelly fart she'd be Taylor Whiff

>t. bottom faggot with aids

if taylor swift smoked pot she would be taylor spliff

If Taylor swift was in a raft, she’d be Taylor drift.

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We're is past tense, were talking about the present