Real talk, how can you get a minimum wage job without experience?

Real talk, how can you get a minimum wage job without experience?

I keep putting my application into places, but no one even calls back.

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Literally just make something up, 9/10 they never check. Put something down like you worked for a charity store or something

You can't get a minimum wage job? What a loser. You probably smell like ass

Wow, thanks. Really the encouragement I needed.

Hopefully the encouragement to take a shower

Are you actually going there in person, and talking to a manager, dressed well and smiling and being cheerful? That's basically all you need for a minimum wage job.

If you're just like applying to Home Depot online, that will never get you anywhere.

Anyone can be a cashier. Your definition of a minimum wage job probably doesn't actually mean it.

You gotta find a place willing to take a gamble on an unknown.

Any small bussiness you can visit, become familiar with the staff? (restaurant, grocery store, gas station)

Its not simple advice to give, and hiring is based on lots of petty choices.

If you're interviewing in person, get a haircut that doesn't scream "micromanaged zoomer". Bowl cut and wolverine level sideburns? Yikes

Call the place. Ask to speak to manager. Introduce yourself. Ask if they are hiring. Ask if you can come in to talk about the job and you've got an interview without waiting for a bullshit app to get reviewed. If person asks why you need to speak to manager do not tell them but be nice. If manager isn't there ask when they will be there and tell them you will call back. Watch YouTube videos on interview questions and you're golden.