Samefag.. also have you heard of the NSA
What went wrong?
>Republicans detest federal government interference in any economic market.
Do you disagree with this statement?
I'm different user, but that's a retarded statement and you should feel bad for typing it.
I thought it was hoo-a-wee
They spy but keep it to themselves for the most part. China uses it to build their industry and infrastructure so other countries can't compete. They operate at losses because they don't care about profit, only global domination. Don't you wonder why they were backwards farmers in the 80s and 90s and then all of the sudden they're building quantum computers?
>with a name like that
Yes, what went wrong? Look gibberish names can be cute and endearing, but they should at least be easy to pronounce.
they got caught
Amazon has operated the same way, I'm not arguing it doesn't happen.. I'm saying it's not just China it's the nature of modern mega-corporate domination.
not hard