What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: huawei.jpg (660x371, 38K)

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Apple, Sony, Samsung & Google started a smear campaign that really fucking worked

Chinks lol

Wow, look at my post, fucking trips

Trump trade war with china. I'm confus tho, I thought Republicans detest federal government interference in any economic market?

I think you're confused because you're 14 and your idea of politics is democrat good republican bad

hurr durr, it's everyone else's fault!!!! HURRR DURRRRR HURRRR DURRRR HURRRRRR DURRRRRRR!!!!

until the maple police arrested that chink lady and their company made the news I thought that brand was pronounced "hoo-way"

When you are funded by a corrupt government that spies on the world, don't expect people to react favorably.


Samefag.. also have you heard of the NSA

>Republicans detest federal government interference in any economic market.
Do you disagree with this statement?

I'm different user, but that's a retarded statement and you should feel bad for typing it.

I thought it was hoo-a-wee

They spy but keep it to themselves for the most part. China uses it to build their industry and infrastructure so other countries can't compete. They operate at losses because they don't care about profit, only global domination. Don't you wonder why they were backwards farmers in the 80s and 90s and then all of the sudden they're building quantum computers?

Attached: Capture.jpg (903x456, 56K)

>with a name like that

Yes, what went wrong? Look gibberish names can be cute and endearing, but they should at least be easy to pronounce.

they got caught

Amazon has operated the same way, I'm not arguing it doesn't happen.. I'm saying it's not just China it's the nature of modern mega-corporate domination.

not hard


I don't like amazon either. The merging of corporations and governments is a huge threat to the american way of life.

I think you got confused at the part where you think Republicans are Conservatives, or maybe the part where you thought Trump was a Conservative.

Yea man corporations will reach a point they're too big to be challenged by government or anyone and we are fucked... All that aside I've got a Huawei p20 pro and it's a damn good phone even if Charlie Chan is watching me type this

>merging of corporations and governments
This is the problem. Giant corps would die quickly if gov't didn't get involved.