roast me, Yea Forums
Roast me, Yea Forums
Henry Gomez
Sebastian Martin
Asher Lewis
nah, i dont want to start a grease fire
Logan Nguyen
pretty sure if you step outdoors, the sun will
Nathan Walker
No reason to roast broski, is gingers have no soul, there for we live better life’s
Jayden Phillips
Wow what a fag
Dylan Rogers
ARE YOU THE GUY WHO POSTED THE "RETARD SONG" ON YOUTUBE BEFORE 2007? It was removed around there too.
Daniel Ward
not a ginger though
you put less effort into that joke than i do into doing basically anything. congrats, i'm more disappointed than you in myself
couldn't, i was 8 in 2007
Landon Baker
Pink Floyd sucks
Camden Martin
Fine then, you're just a faggot begging for attention.