Help me Yea Forums
Im fking ugly cant get any tinder chicks
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Help me Yea Forums
At least you're not fat. That should make you happy
Swap that chav tuxedo for a decent cut 3 piece suit, take your profile picture outdoors, and fucking smile - rather than having a face like you’re serving bargain buckets at KFC. Your fortunes will improve no problem.
Hahaha sounds good ima try this
Face is fine (grills fall for that jawline)
Get some abs, that sells
Thought my face was fine to but like bruh on tinder less to none likes
My selfesteem Yea Forumsros to going more down every day
How tall are you?
Grow a beard, get a better haircut, buy better looking clothes, a proper fit makes an outfit way more appealing. Then get someone to take good full body shots of you, not shitty selfies, go somewhere either recognizable or interesting, helps start conversations.
your face is fine
must be the rest of you that's the problem