Do y'all use PCs or game consoles? I use game consoles.
Do y'all use PCs or game consoles? I use game consoles
You console peasant!
lol PC "gaming" the art of paying 500 dollars every year to get the same performance as a 500 dollar system optimized for what you actually want to do.
You are getting ripped off.
Enjoy your 30 fps
I do both but only because I use my ps3 for games I can't play on my PC, almost all of which are exclusives and newer games. Once my ps3 stops working though I'll likely never buy a console again. I don't see any point at all when everything a console does a PC can do and more.
Believe it or not, FPS and graphics aren't what makes a game fun. I know that may be a HARD concept for you PC peasants to understand, but it's true.
well I did both but now I stick with PC gaming. More powerful and in the end you get more for your money
Console for sure. Just feels right. And I fucking love my Switch.