Ask an absolute faggot anything

Ask an absolute faggot anything.

Maybe I'll post nudes.

Attached: April 9th 2019 413PM_00000.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

kys, I hope you catch aids bretty zoon

back at it again with the asshole pics

this is obviously fake but i noticed this guy has really nice fingers

>Obviously fake

Attached: 1552433030281.jpg (1944x2592, 400K)

You just had to wait until I was in bed, didn't you? I waited 2 hours for you to post again until I gave up, got into bed and thought "I should probably make sure no one is pretending to be me one last time before falling asleep"

>Pretending to be me
Can this meme please die? I even used a timestamp!

Attached: 1552678095181.jpg (1944x2592, 777K)

It's obviously fake. Anyone can see

seems legit to me user. I don't see you posting a time stamp

I did yesterday, then op saved it and photoshopped it for this thread